First, add your named users after
logging into the Administration
Program. You must be the ADMIN
user to add additional users.
I have already added John as a user.
Next, I will log into the Users Program,
and show you how to control John's
access to screens and objects.
Note: You can allow any user to be an
Administrator for a Dataset, even though
they are not an Administrator of the
Administration Program. You do this by
looking up and selecting the Dataset(s).
Doing so, will allow the user to control
the access rights of other users in that
I have logged into the User Program.
For this exercise, we will:
1. Prevent John from accessing the
Users Screen.
2. Limit John's access to only one
Building with view only privileges.
3. Limit John's access to only one
Department with view only
4. Turn off the ability to allow John to
see the Bittings of Key Numbers.
Before we start to limit John's
access, let's take a look at some
of the pre-existing data that will
be affected by John's login.
There are three Buildings listed in
this data.
For the Talbot Research Center,
there are also different Departments
assigned to Rooms.
In Personnel, we can see that there
are different Departments listed for
different individuals.
In Key Numbers, the Bittings are
listed for the keys.
Go to the Users screen for
modifying user access to
the Users Program.
I've selected John as the user to
modify. When you add your users
over in the Administration
Program, all users start off with
full rights to the Users Program.
You click on the Begin
Setting User Rights button
to modify the user's
permissions to SiteMaster.
The background color of
the screen changes to
green (full access).
I will right-click on the
green background in order
to modify John's rights to
the Users screen.
...And, I will then select
Invisible, so John cannot
access the Users screen.
The background color of the
screen changes to indicate
Invisible or no access.
Limiting Users to Buildings
and/or Departments.
Click the Binoculars button
to add a Department(s).
John, can only access
records belonging to the
Administration department.
Next, we'll limit John's
building access.
John, can only access
records belonging to the
Talbot Research Center.
Next, we will limit John to have
View Only permissions to
Building information.
Again, you right-click on
the screen's background
The background changes
to yellow for View Only.
Now, over to Personnel.
View only permissions are
set for Personnel.
Now to Key Numbers.
We're now going to make
Bittings invisible when John
logs in.
Note: When changing user
rights to screen objects, you
should display data when
applying those changes.
I'm opening the record for
the AA1 key number, but I
could have picked any key
for applying this setting.
I will right-click my mouse
inside of the Bitting field.
We're making the Bitting
field invisible to John.
Now, I'll exit all the way
back to the Users screen.
When you're done setting
the rights for a user, make
sure you click the End
Setting User Rights button
on the Users screen.
The Security Settings list
box displays the changes
that you made for the user.
Other features include:
Copying the rights of the
selected user to another
Or, copying the rights from
another user to this user...
Or, loading the user rights
from another SiteMaster v4
dataset to this dataset.
We'll now log out as the
Admin user, and then log in
as John.
John, has no access to the
Users screen.
John, can only access the
records for the Talbot Research
Center. And, he only has View
Only permissions, so cannot
edit, add, or delete records.
John, can only access the Talbot
Research Center rooms that belong
to the Administration department.
John, can only access the
Personnel records for
individuals assigned to the
Administration department. And,
he only has View Only
permissions, so cannot edit,
add, or delete records.
In Key Numbers, John has
View Only permissions,
and the Bittings data is
invisible in the list...
...And, Bittings are invisible on
the Key's record.