About SITEMASTER 200®®

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About SITEMASTER 200®®

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SITEMASTER 200® is developed by Matrix Security, Inc., and distributed by Schlage Lock Company.


Copyrights © 1994 - 2015 by Schlage Lock Company and Matrix Security, Inc..


Unauthorized duplication is a violation of U.S. and foreign copyright laws. Under the law, copying includes translation to another language or format.


Cover and artwork, Copyright © 1994 - 2015 by Schlage Lock Company. All rights reserved.


Schlage logo, Copyright © 2004 - 2015 by Schlage. All rights reserved.


Software program, training videos, and manual documentation © 1994 - 2015, by Matrix Security, Inc. All rights reserved.


Disclaimer: Photo images or image icons that are displayed in SITEMASTER 200® software are the property of Matrix Security, Inc. or its content providers and is protected by copyright and possibly other intellectual property laws. You may not remove or reuse the image files contained within this software for any purpose whatsoever.





SITEMASTER 200 is a trademark of Schlage Lock Company.

SiteSoft is a trademark of Matrix Security, Inc.


View Software License Agreement



Developed, published, and manufactured in the USA.


Schlage Lock Company

3899 Hancock Expressway

Security, CO 80911


Matrix Security, Inc.

2200 Iris Avenue

Boulder, CO 80304