Features & Benefits

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Physical Security and Site Management

A Detailed Overview of SITEMASTER 200® version 4


The following is an overview of features in SITEMASTER 200® v4. It is not necessary for a site to use all of the program's features. For example, a Lockshop may only use the key system and hardware management portions of the program while other users issue keys and track their site's assets. The program has the flexibility for setting up a user to work with all or a specific function(s) of the software. There are examples of different user types mentioned below but these are only some of the possibilities.



Business Styles & User Types


End Users: Administrative Support and In-House Locksmiths


Whether you're a company in an office building or a large university, SITEMASTER 200® will handle your key control and site management needs. The program allows your locksmith, building manager, or service provider to automatically update your key system information when you request rekeying of your spaces. Keys and/or key rings are then issued from your site to your personnel. SITEMASTER 200® provides the most advanced audit trail for the keys that are created, issued, returned, lost, and damaged, as well as those yet to be assigned to your spaces. Your keys may be issued and returned from single or multiple locations, deposits and fees may be collected, key receipts and audit trail reports may be printed. Space management reports regarding assets, square footage, usage, and functionality are available to be viewed or printed. SITEMASTER can run concurrent users across your network, so it is multi-user out-of-the-box.. Password-protected user access control, set up by your software administrator, gives different users different levels of access to screens and data.



Property Managers


As a Property Manager you have the opportunity to use SITEMASTER 200® as a value-added product that helps your customers to effectively manage their keys. You may use the software in order to maintain your customer's key system information as well as building, room, door, door hardware, cylinder, and key information.



Site Management Features:



System Security Management


A separate, but linked Administration Program is included. This program allows you to manage the complexity of the Passwords that are used, add Administrator and Non-Administrator Users, assign access rights of Users to Datasets, notify Users to log out, and force them out if necessary. Security Logs are displayed for a variety of User actions. An interactive framework for controlling access by Users, allows you to assign Full, View Only, or Invisible rights to both Screens and Screen Objects throughout both Programs.



SQL Server Database Backend


SQL Server allows for maximum security. Your data is protected from unauthorized access by integrating network security with server security. Since there is user level security, users can have restricted access to the data records thus protecting them from modification or retrieval by specifying user-level access privilege. In addition, with the data stored on a separate server, the server acts as a gateway that limits unauthorized access. SQL Server processes requests from users and only sends to the user the results of the request. Therefore, minimal information is transmitted over a network. This improves response time and eliminates network bottlenecks.



Key System Management


Registered factory key systems from Allegion (Schlage and Falcon) can be directly imported into SITEMASTER 200®. Later, as your system is expanded by the factory, your updated system file is again imported. The program creates your Key Numbers, Cylinder/Core records, Pinning Charts, Pinning Screens, and loads the information into your Key System.


With the Lockshop Enhancement version, besides importing your key systems, the program allows your locksmith to efficiently and accurately produce and manage your key system(s). Whether your locksmithing services are outsourced or you have a Lockshop in your facility, by using SITEMASTER 200® your locksmith can seamlessly integrate your key system information.


A flexible and powerful interface allows you to generate new key systems and expand existing ones. Most of the standard one- and two-step systems are supported. You may also be able to reproduce the existing systems that you already have. Large or small systems may be created very quickly with only a few steps using the key system wizard or you may produce systems to your own specifications. The program allows you to manipulate the Key Bitting Array; change the order, levels, and sequence of progression; and fully adjust bitting progressions before building the system. Key symbolization can also be customized so that you can produce matching symbols and bittings for your keys that are already in use. One and two step systems are supported and you can progress your systems using the Total Progression method. The program manages the key systems you've created by Client, Manufacturer, and TMK.


Most pin tumbler lock Manufacturers can be set up for master keying from one to seven chambers. Systems using sidebars, angles, and SFIC control keys are handled and incorporated. A parent-child relationship of rooms that have doors that have cylinders is the program's structure for keeping up with keys. This means that a room record may have multiple doors and a door may have multiple cylinders pinned to different change keys. Doors, cylinders, and hardware are easily added, removed, or modified on the room records. Many rooms can be rapidly created with the program's room generating wizard. Existing keys in the database and new ones that were just generated from a key system can be quickly assigned to the rooms and doors. Door information and hardware can be loaded to the doors during the key assignments. The program's Pinning Screen, a virtual representation of the actual cylinder, is a highly intuitive and efficient method for pinning your cylinders. Both keys and cylinders assigned and unassigned to doors are maintained by the program. Incidental keying is identified and displayed on the Pinning Screen and on Reports. A Locksmith Setup screen allows you to choose different methods of key serialization or none. You may also decide whether or not to display the bittings of your keys.


Hardware schedules for construction projects that are exported from Allegion's SpecworksTM program can be imported into SITEMASTER 200®, virtually eliminating all data entry relating to rooms, doors, cylinders, door hardware, and keys. Detailed information about your hardware products including warranty, life cycle, purchase, cost, ADA , Distributor, and Contact information are also maintained by the program.



Key Control Management


Whether keys are issued and returned to an administrative area, the lock shop, or a departmental office, the program can be set up for any of these applications. The most important aspect of location is to make sure that your keys are well secured. If all of your keys will be issued from a central location then that area should be under maximum security. If keys are distributed to departments for issuance, then the individual office areas should be well secured and the keys should be locked up in a quality key cabinet. In either case, the program has the ability to track keys by Tag Number so that sorting and resorting of keys by Building and by Room on your key boards or in your key cabinets is not necessary. This method allows keys and key hooks to be located very quickly for purposes such as issuing and returning keys.


Another feature for consideration is Key Serialization. A serial number in this program is a unique identifier for any key that allows the program to store audit trail information. The program can control the users who can make these keys, track the personnel who were issued those serial numbers, and maintain the exact quantity of keys and the serial numbers that should be on each key hook at any time. When these keys are lost or stolen and then recovered, the keyholder may be identified and contacted.


The program allows you to set up deposit fees or charges for keys that are issued. Any deposit amount or charge may be applied to any key. The program also lets you assign a default deposit or charge amount that appears for each key issuance but this amount can still be edited. When keys are returned you have the option to return the person's money. When Due Dates are assigned to key issuances, individuals may be contacted when their keys are overdue. Overdue key reports may be viewed or printed. Keys and Key Rings can be easily transferred from one individual to another for either all the issued keys/rings or for just a single key/ring. The program handles all the data transactions so you don't have to.


When issuing keys you have the choice to issue them by room number or by key number. If keys are serialized, the program allows you to choose which serial numbers are to be issued. When keys are returned, the program handles the quantities and serial numbers for the returned keys, allowing the program to show the exact keys and quantities that are left on the hooks.





SITEMASTER 200® does not only keep track of people who have been issued keys but of all personnel in the database. Employee ID numbers, address, phone, email, position, and department information is maintained. Photo ID and electronic signatures may also be viewed on personnel records for identification purposes. If you've got an existing personnel database at your site, you can import the records into SiteMaster.



Building and Room Information


Any number of buildings may be created. Buildings may be assigned an address and a list of contact personnel. Rooms for these buildings may be quickly loaded by using the Create Rooms Wizard. The program keeps track of the department, square footage, function, doors, door hardware, keys that operate, and all assets that are assigned to rooms. Hardware products that are installed on doors may be assigned purchase date, warranty, life cycle, ADA, quantity, and cost. When a service call comes in, the locksmith can identify the hardware on the door before going out on the call. Facilities audit information can be obtained from this information in order to forecast costs or to schedule projects to replace old hardware that is past its life-cycle or that is not ADA compliant. Doors can be identified for Fire Inspection and for Repair. Comments can be added to identify the problems and solutions.


Hardware products are managed and are tied to Manufacturers in the program. Distributors for hardware and their contact information are listed and include discount pricing. Inventory or stock numbers may be assigned to all products and an image file for any product can be displayed. Signs and other types of room-related products can be assigned to rooms. For signs this allows you to maintain an inventory of  the facility's signage. When signs need to be replaced, the size, style, and color can be immediately identified. Door labels may be printed and applied to hinges, for example, when room signage is not available.


The program allows you to easily add or remove doors to any room record. On each door is the door information that includes door type and function as well as the cylinder(s) and the door hardware. Cylinders may be added or rekeyed directly at this location or by using the program's re-key wizard that is a powerful tool for rekeying multiple doors. On the room record an image file of the room may be displayed. Photographs may be used to document problems for rooms and doors.


Many types of reports not related to security may be printed or viewed. For example, a department could print out a report to determine the amount of square footage that their department uses for a particular function such as Research. Another report could identify all of the room locations where non-compliant hardware exists that affects access by the handicapped.



Asset Management


Departments can assign their assets to rooms that may include computers, equipment, or furniture. You may assign an identification number, serial number, description, department, asset type, current value, initial value, purchase date, warranty, and of course the location for each asset. When your assets get moved around, the program easily lets you transfer assets from one location to another. The program includes an image file so that any asset may be viewed or printed.


If a theft occurs, law enforcement can receive detailed information about the asset as well as anyone who had access to it with their keys. On every room record there is an Asset Value field that totals the value for all the assets in the room. This allows you to make good decisions when comparing a room's security against its asset value. This feature may provide you with a measurement to enhance the security of your rooms when assets in any room reach a certain value. Asset Reports are available that may be viewed or printed.


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