Quick: Building Information

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Quick: Building Information

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Manually Add Building Information (Slowest Method)


Add a Building


1. On the Main Button Bar, click on the Building/Rooms button.

2. Click the Add button.

3. Type in the building information.

4. Click the Save button.



Add a Room


1. On the Main Button Bar, click on the Building/Rooms button.

2. Click the Building Rooms List tab button.

3. On the Rooms list, click the Open Folder button.

4. Click the Add button.

5. Type in the building information.

6. Click the Save button.



Add a Door


1. See Add a Room above.

2. On the room record, click the Edit button to turn on the Add Door button.

3. Click the Add Door button.

4. Type in, look up, and select the necessary information and click the Finish button.

5. For more help see The Add Door Wizard.



Automatically Load Building Information


1. On the Main Button Bar, click on the Building/Rooms button.

2. Look up and select a building that you've already added. See Add a Building

3. Click the Building Rooms List button.

4. Click the Create Rooms button.

5. Type in the information and click Next.

6. Make your selections and assignments.

7. Click the Finish button.

8. For more help see The Create Rooms Wizard.

9. Watch the training video Essential Data Entry & Operations > Review Topics > Create Rooms Wizard.



Importing Building Information


1. Importing From SpecWorks.

2. Watch the training video Importing Room & Key Information.



Keying & Re-Keying Doors


Mass-Assign Cylinder/Cores to Doors


1. Click on the Building/Rooms button and select a building.

2. Click on the Building Rooms List button.

3. Click on the Rekey Rooms button.

4. The rooms and doors are displayed on the left.

5. Look up the cylinder/core records on the right.

6. Assign the cylinder/cores to your doors.

7. For more help see Rekey Rooms Wizard.


Manually Key & Re-key Doors


1. Click on the Building/Rooms button and select a building.

2. Click on the Building Rooms List button.

3. On the Rooms list, click on the Open Folder button.

4. On the simulated door box, click on the cylinder/core box.

5. A fly-out box opens with options.

6. To key up the door, select Add New Cylinder.

7. To re-key the door, select Rekey This Cylinder.

8. Follow the directions to look up and select the cylinder/core and/or the cylinder product.


For more help see Buildings and Rooms, and Doors.