Buildings, Rooms, and Doors

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Buildings, Rooms, and Doors

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Buildings have Rooms and Rooms have Doors, so we have integrated these three different screens together. If you don't maintain Room information, you may use the Room records as your Door records, so a single Door to a Room with both sharing the Door's name. SiteMaster, does maintain distinct information about rooms, so if you're undecided then we recommend that you read the section about Rooms.



This topic includes:


Working with Buildings

Working with Doors

To Open the Buildings Screen

To Add Doors Using the Add Door Wizard

To Add Buildings

Field Descriptions of the Add Door Wizard


Door Types

Working with Rooms

To Add a Door Type

To Manually Add a Room Record

Doors Assigned List for Door Types

Field Descriptions of the Room Screen

Door Functions

About Room Functions

To Add a Door Function

To Add Functions to the Functions Screen

Doors Assigned List for Functions

Function Rooms Screen

The Door Screen

The Create Rooms Wizard

To Add or Edit a Door Using the Door Screen

To Create Rooms and Assign Room Information

Changing the Room Assignment for a Door

Editing Room Numbers and Adding/Editing Doors

The Door Configuration Screen

Using the Create Rooms Wizard

Field Descriptions of the Door Configuration Screen

Mass-Assigning Records

The Hardware List

The Rekey Rooms Wizard

To Add and Edit Products in the Hardware List

To Rekey Rooms

Field Descriptions of the Door's Hardware List Screen

The Doors list box on the Room Screen

Hardware Cylinder Products Assigned to Doors

Room Assets


To View the Assets for a Room






Working with Buildings


DATA FEATURE > Most building information can be imported into SiteMaster! To find out how, click: Importing Building Information


If your facility has only one building, you will still need to add that building name and assign your room and door records to it.



To Open the Buildings Screen:


1. Click the Buildings icon on the Main Button Bar.




2. From the pull-down Setup Menu, select Building/Rooms. Note: All record screens can be accessed from the Setup Menu.



To Add Buildings:


1. Click on the Add button on the Building Information Screen.


2. Type your information into the data entry fields.


3. Add personnel to the Building Contacts list box. The personnel must already be added to the Personnel Screen, so you can do this later.


Click the Binoculars button on the Building Contacts list box. Look up and select the contact, and then click Accept to add to the Contact. Click Save to store the record.


4. When you're done, click the Save button.



Working with Rooms


Important: You can access your Rooms through the Buildings Screen and through the Rooms Screen, because these screens are integrated. However, to access all related building information and use the various features, open the Buildings Screen. If you cannot import your building information, then the best method to add your Room and Door information is with the Create Rooms Wizard.



To Manually Add a Room Record:


1. On the Building Information Screen, select a building and click on the Building Room List tab to change the display.


2. Click on the Open Folder button on the Rooms list box.


3. On the Room Screen, click on the Add button.


4. The currently selected building is displayed in the Building Name field as the default. You can select another building from the Building Name field or type in a new name to add it. This means that you can add room records to any of your buildings at any time from the same Room Screen. See field descriptions below.


5. Enter the new Room Number.


The following is optional and may be added later:


6. Select, or type in the Department that the room belongs to and the Function of the room.


7. You may also type in any additional information into the Comments field.


8. Click on the Save button to store the record.



Field Descriptions of a Room Screen:


Building: The building name of the currently selected building.


Room Number: The actual room number from the room sign or architectural drawing. This can also be the Door name (number), if you don't maintain Room information.


Department: The primary department that is assigned to this space. Looking up and running reports regarding space, assets, and key issuances are all based on the department assignments to rooms. You can add a new Department on-the-fly, or look one up that's already been added.


Function: The way that the room is used such as Office, Lab, and Mechanical etc. You can add a new Function on-the-fly, or look one up that's already been added.


Asset Value: This field displays the total value of all the assets assigned to the room.


Square Footage: This field displays the square footage that was assigned to the room.


ADA check box: Check this box if the room is fully ADA compliant. Later you can produce reports about rooms that are or are not ADA compliant.


Comments: Type in any additional information that you want to about the room.


Doors (list box): The door or doors to the room. The Create Rooms Wizard discussed below automatically creates a door for you for each room you create. And, you may use this wizard to add multiple doors to rooms. You may also add Doors manually to Rooms.


Who Has Access (button): Creates a report that you can view or print of all personnel that have access by keys to the room. The report includes the key numbers that allow access to the room, the key number information, the personnel who have been issued the keys, plus key issuance information for number of keys held, quantity lost, and the date, if any, that the keys were due to be returned.



About Departments


You can add these one at a time to your rooms, or you may mass-assign them to multiple rooms. These records are stored in the Departments Screen. See Departments for mass-assign feature and additional information.



About Room Functions


When you add rooms you may assign them a Function such as Office, Mechanical, or Research. These records are stored in the Function Screen, which you can find by selecting Control Lists from the pull-down Setup Menu. You may add these new records to rooms on-the-fly or look them up (blue arrow) in the fields provided, if you previously added them to your database. Assigning Room Functions may provide important information when running reports about assets, square footage, and departments.



To Add Functions to the Functions Screen:


1. From the pull-down Setup Menu, click on Control Lists and select Functions.


2. Click on the Add button on the Function Screen.


3. Type in a function name into the Name field.


4. Click on the Save button on the Function Screen.


5. The Total Square Footage field is read-only. The program displays the total square footage that has been assigned to rooms by function name.



Function Rooms Screen


On the Functions Screen, click the Function Rooms tab to display the Rooms Assigned List. The list displays all of the room assignments for the selected function. You can use the Rooms Assigned List to mass assign functions to rooms. Normally, you would use the Create Rooms Wizard to mass assign functions to rooms. However, if you can't assign functions when using the Create Rooms Wizard, or you want to quickly change the functions of rooms at a later date, use the following feature:


To mass assign Functions to Rooms:


1. On the Function Screen, click on the Function Rooms button.


2. On the Rooms Assigned List, click on the Binoculars button. This opens a Room Find Screen.


3. Look up a building or click on the Find All button to display the room records.


4. Click in the check boxes for the room records that you want to assign the Function.


5. The Select All button will check all room records.


6. Click on the Accept button.



Editing Multiple Room Numbers


You can quickly edit your rooms numbers. For example, room numbers have been changed by your Space Management department or by construction work. Additionally, the program creates room numbers with wizard and import features. You may wish to modify the room number records.


1. On the Building Information Screen, select a building and click on the Building Room List button to change the screen's display.


2. Click on the Open Folder button on the Rooms list.


3. On the Room Information Screen (Rooms for Building...Screen), click on the Mode button. The screen is now displayed in the expanded view.


4. Click on the Edit button.


5. In the Room Number column, change the room number for any record in the list by highlighting the record and typing in the new number. You can also use the Up and Down Arrow Keys on your keyboard to highlight and select the record to be changed.


6. Click on the Save button to store your changes.


The two buttons above the Rooms list box, Create Rooms and Rekey Rooms are task buttons that launch Wizards for creating room numbers and for rekeying rooms.



The Create Rooms Wizard:


DATA FEATURE > Fastest way to add your Building Information


The Create Rooms Wizard allows you to quickly generate room numbers and doors for new or existing buildings. As you create room numbers, you create doors, and have the option to assign keyed cylinder/cores, door hardware and other information to those new rooms. This is the most efficient way to load all of this information into the program.


Important: This Wizard is all about options, so enter what you can and/or want, and do the rest later. Some of the data that gets assigned, must already be added to the program, because this Wizard looks it up for assignment. For example, Departments, Hardware Groups, Cylinder Products, Room and Door Functions, etc.. However, data that's not available to you when using this Wizard may be added later.


You can use this wizard to create rooms with the following data:


1. Fully Populated Rooms - Rooms with doors, hardware, keys, cylinders, departments, room functions, door functions, and door types: This method loads the maximum amount of information into the room records but you will need to have this information on hand.


2. No Key Assignments - Create rooms with doors and any additional information, but no cylinder/core (key) assignments. You can key up your rooms and doors later and/or use this method to produce your non-locking spaces.


3. Rooms with just doors - This method only creates the Rooms and Doors. Later, you can use mass assign features for adding hardware (products), door types, and door functions to doors, and departments and functions to rooms. See Assigning Door Hardware, Departments, Functions, Door Types, and Door Functions Later (Mass Assign).


4. Have it Your Way - However you want to populate your rooms at the time you're using the wizard is up to you. Click on the Mass Assign link above to learn how to fill in any blanks later.



To Create Rooms and Assign Room Information:


1. Click the Building icon button on the Main Menu. Look up and select the Building or add a new one.


2. Click on the Building Room List tab at the top of the Building Information Screen and then click on the Create Rooms button. There are two screens to this wizard.


3. Type in the quantity of rooms that you want to create at this time. The rooms will be generated sequentially, but you can edit them.


4. Enter your Starting Room Number. This is the room number that you want to begin with.


5. You may enter a Room Number Prefix. For example, you may be creating rooms for the north wing of your building so you want to enter the Prefix "N." Another example is if your basement room numbers designate a basement level such as "1B" (first basement). You can start with the room number "1" and assign a Prefix of "1B." The first room that the program would generate would be "1B1."


6. Enter any Room Number Suffix. For example, you have the room number "N200" and there's a room inside this room called "N200A." Enter the Suffix of "A" to create this room. The Suffix may also be used if you have room numbers that end with the same  character.


7. Enter the room increment number. For example, an increment of 2 would produce 101, 103, 105, etc.


8. Click on the Next button to continue. This displays the Create Rooms - Link Key Number to Room Screen.


9. This screen displays two windows of information that are linked with left and right arrows. The left window displays the list of the Rooms with Doors that you just generated. The window on the right is for looking up cylinder/cores that you will assign to the rooms. The arrows between the windows are used to assign or to remove assignment of keys to rooms. The fields at the bottom left portion of the screen are used to load additional information to the rooms and doors.



Editing Room Numbers and Adding/Editing Doors


After generating the Room and Door records in the New Building/Room Records list, you can edit the Rooms, add additional Doors to Rooms, and edit the Door records.


 To add additional Doors to Rooms:


 1. Select the Room number record in the list.


 2. Click the Add Door to Current Room button. A blank Door record is added.


 3. Type in the Door number.


 To edit a Room and/or Door record:


 1. Highlight the existing Room or Door record and type in the new information.



Using the Create Rooms Wizard:


In this example, we will use all of the features to maximize the data being assigned and added. However, you can use this wizard to just add Rooms and Doors without having any additional information, so it's up to you.


Important: Remember, that except for the new Rooms and Doors to be added, any other data must be looked up for assignment. If you plan on assigning and tracking your actual hardware cylinders (Cylinder Products) that are assigned to doors, you first need to add them to the Products Screen. This is required in order to key-up your Rooms and Doors when using the Create Rooms Wizard. However, we have preloaded a Generic Cylinder (Cylinder Product) that you may use instead to meet the requirement.


If necessary, add any additional Doors to Rooms using the Add Door to Current Room feature, described above, and edit any Room and Door number records.


1. Start by selecting the Keyway for the cylinders that you will look up. The keyways are listed and linked by Manufacturer's System. Type in a Keyway or click on the drop-down arrow button on the Keyway field to display the keyways and select one to enter.


2. The Cylinder Field is a Lookup Field. You may type in a single character, a partial string of characters, or the complete cylinder number to display cylinders by your search criteria. You may also type in a question mark (?) that is a wild-card character which returns all records. In this case, all your Cylinder/Cores would be displayed under the chosen Keyway. For example, if you wanted to list just the keys that started with "AB," you would enter AB into the lookup field.


3. Press the Enter key on your keyboard to display the Cylinder/Cores.


Besides the Cylinders (Cylinder/Cores), the list also displays any cylinders that are currently assigned to rooms. This means that this list will display both assigned and unassigned cylinders. This assists you when you want to key a new room(s) to an existing room.


4. You now have the new rooms/doors in the left list and the cylinders for assignment in the right list. For each room or rooms that you select you may only select a single cylinder to assign. For example, if you wanted to key three rooms alike, you would select those three rooms in the left list and then select the single cylinder record from the right list.


5. Select a room or rooms from the left list. Use your mouse and tick the Select box for the first room record. If you want to assign a cylinder to multiple rooms, then tick the Select box for those records.


6. Click on a Cylinder record in the right list to highlight the record. You are almost ready to assign the highlighted cylinder with operating keys to the highlighted room(s). The left and right Arrow Buttons are now active.


7. The fields at the bottom left of the Create Rooms - Link Key Number to Room Screen loads additional information about the doors and rooms that will be created.


Important: The information in the fields at the bottom will get assigned to the Room and Door records that you have selected. So, make sure that you change this information as needed when making these assignments. To use these fields, you must have already entered the data pertaining to the fields. For example, you cannot assign Departments, if you have not already added Departments to SiteMaster. Don't worry, you can mass-assign all of that data later, so it's not required when using the Wizard.


8. Click on the down arrow of the Hardware Assignment field and scroll down to select either a (HWG) Hardware Group or a (CYL) "Cylinder Product" to assign. The Hardware Group selection also displays the description of the Cylinder Product in that group, or No Cylinder Product if the Hardware Group does not contain a Cylinder Product. See Hardware Groups. You can use the preloaded Generic Cylinder records, if you do not intend to assign hardware cylinder part numbers to your doors.


9. Click on the down arrow of the Department field and select a Department.


10. Click on the down arrow of the Function (Room Function) field and select a Function.


11. Click on the down arrow of the Door Function and select a Door Function.


12. Click on the down arrow of the Door Type field and select a Door Type.


13. Type in a date into the Warranty Date field. This is the date that the warranty begins for the hardware being assigned. You may also delete the date if this does not apply.


14. Click on the Left Arrow button between the two windows to assign the cylinder to the room record(s).


15. If you want to omit any of the setup fields, such as Function or Door Type, use the Clear Record (red X) button next to the setup field.


16. If you change your mind and want to unassign any of the assignments you've made, select those room records and click on the Right Arrow button between the windows. This removes those Door Setup assignments.


17. You can continue to make additional assignments under the current Keyway, or you may change the Keyway and look up other cylinder/cores to assign if necessary.


18. When you're done with the assignments, click on the Finish button to store the records or click on cancel to abort the entire operation.


19. If you click on the Back button, this will take you back to the Create Rooms screen where you may re-enter or adjust your room number quantities and information. This will remove any of the previous assignments that you were setting up before you clicked on the Back button.



Mass-Assigning Hardware Products, Departments, Functions, Door Types, and Door Functions Later


When using the Create Rooms Wizard, you may not have all of the room and door information at that time. That's okay. The program has mass-assign features for departments, functions, door types, and door functions. To see how the mass assign features work, click on the following links:


Mass assign:

Products to Doors

Departments to Rooms

Functions to Rooms

Door Types to Doors

Door Functions to Doors



The Rekey Rooms Wizard


Important: This wizard allows you to re-key doors with existing cylinder/core assignments, and to initially key up doors without cylinder/core assignments.


Once you have created rooms in your database you can use the Rekey Rooms Wizard to re-key the Doors for these Rooms when necessary. The Wizard lets you re-key multiple Rooms in a single building. This wizard replaces the cylinder/core code that is currently on the door(s) with a different cylinder/core code that you select. The program will also list and allow you to "key" doors with cylinder products that have not been assigned a cylinder/core. The wizard allows you to rekey multiple doors to a room and multiple cylinders on a door. A feature is also provided that allows you to replace the cylinder product that's on the door during the re-key. This means, for example, if the door(s) is being re-keyed from one manufacturer's cylinder to another, you have the opportunity to replace the physical cylinder during the re-key process. You may also add and change any Department and Room Function assignments as well.



To Rekey Rooms:


1. Click on the Rekey Rooms button above the Rooms list box on the Building Information Screen. This displays the Rekey Rooms Wizard.


2. The window on the left displays all of the rooms that are currently added for the building that was selected. The information includes the Building, Room, Door, Cylinder/Core assignment, Department, Function, and current Cylinder part number on the door.


3. The window on the right is for looking up the replacement cylinders that will be assigned to rooms. Both your unassigned and assigned cylinders are displayed.


4. Click on the down arrow of the Keyway field and select the keyway for the cylinders.


5. The Cylinder Field is a Lookup Field. You may type in a single character, a partial string of characters, or the complete cylinder number to display cylinders by your search criteria. You may also type in a question mark (?) that is a wild-card character which returns all records. In this case, all your cylinders would be displayed under the chosen keyway. For example, if you wanted to list just the cylinders that started with "AB," you would enter AB into the lookup field.


6. Press the Enter key on your keyboard to display the cylinder/core records.


7. You now have the list of rooms in the left window and the cylinders for assignment in the right window. For each room or rooms that you select you may only select a single cylinder to assign. For example, if you wanted to rekey three rooms alike, you would select those three rooms in the left window and then select the single cylinder record from the right window.


8. Select a room in the left window by ticking the Select box. If you want to assign a cylinder to multiple rooms, then select any other room records.


9. Click on a Cylinder record in the right window to highlight the record. The left and right Arrow Buttons are now active.


10. If you need to replace the cylinder part number on the doors that you've selected, then click in the check box field called Change Cylinder Hardware.


11. Click on the down arrow on the Product to Use field and select the cylinder part number for the replacement.


12. For new cylinder replacement, leave as is or change the date in the Warranty Start Date field.


13. If you're replacing the cylinder(s) with used cylinder hardware, you may delete the date in the Warranty Start Date field.


14. Tick the Set Department box and click the down arrow on the Department field if you need to change or add the department that is assigned to the room(s).


15. Tick the Set Function box and click the down arrow on the Function field if you need to change or add the function (usage) of the room.


16. Click on the Left Arrow button between the two windows to assign the cylinder to the room record(s), as well as the other data you're assigning.


17. If you change your mind and want to unassign any of the assignments you've made, select those room records and click on the Right Arrow button between the windows. This removes those assignments. You may also you this feature to remove unwanted assignments from existing records.


18. You can continue to make additional assignments under the current Keyway, or you may change the Keyway and look up other cylinders to assign if necessary.


19. When you're done with the assignments, click on the Finish button to store the records or click on cancel to abort the entire operation.



The Doors list box on the Room Screen:


Besides the list of Doors assigned to the Room, there are a number of features that enable you to rekey a door manually, add additional cylinders to a Door, delete a cylinder from the Door, and jump to other related screens in SiteMaster.


The Button Options on the Doors list box:


Add Door: See, To Add Doors Using the Add Door Wizard


Add Cylinder: For adding one cylinder/core or multiple cylinder/cores to a Door. In SiteMaster, multiple cylinders can be assigned to a Door and keyed differently. Any different Cylinder Products may also added and linked to the Cylinder/Cores.


1. Select the Door record in the Doors list box.                  


2. Use the Binoculars button to go to the Cylinder Find Screen and look up and select the Cylinder/Core to be assigned.


3. Use the Binoculars button to look up and select the Cylinder Product to be assigned.


Rekey Cylinder: Used to rekey a Cylinder on a Door.


1. Select the Cylinder/Core record for the Door on the Doors list box.


2. Click Edit, and then click the Rekey Cylinder button.


3. On the Cylinder Find Screen, look up and select the Cylinder/Core to be assigned.


Delete Cylinder: Used to delete a Cylinder from the Door.


1. Select the Cylinder/Core record for the Door on the Doors list box.


2. Click Edit, and then click the Delete Cylinder button.


3. Both the Cylinder/Core and the Cylinder Product are removed.


Pinning Screen: Click this button to jump to the Pinning Screen for the selected Door in the Doors list box.


Cylinder Screen: Click this button to jump to the Cylinder/Core record for the selected Door in the Doors list box..


Change Key Screen: Click this button to jump to the Change Key record for the selected Door's Cylinder in the Doors list box..



Note: Working with Doors is continued below Room Assets



Room Assets


You create Asset records on the Assets Screen but you maintain the assets assigned to rooms on the Room Information Screen. Assets are the things of value in your rooms such as equipment, computers, and furniture. You create the Asset Types you want to manage and assign your assets to those types. Ownership of assets does not have to be the departments that are assigned to the rooms. For example, there may be telephones in almost every room but those assets belong to the Telecom department. The program allows you to maintain detailed information about each asset including locations, ownership, values, and  those who have access to them (key issuances). You may also maintain photo images of your assets for immediate viewing. Knowing the assets and asset values for your rooms can allow you to determine if the level of security for a room is adequate or requires upgrading.


To View the Assets for a Room:


1. On the Buildings Screen, click on the Building Room List tab to change the screen mode.


2. Click on the Open Folder button on the Rooms list.


3. Click on the Room Assets button on the Room Information Screen


4. Click on any room record to display the Assets in that room.


5. On the Assets list, the Description and Current Value is displayed for each asset.


6. The Asset Value field displays the total asset value for all the listed assets. The Asset Value is the sum of all of the Current Values. The Current Value for each asset is entered on the Asset Information Screen.


7. The Initial Asset Value field displays the total initial asset value of all the listed assets. The Initial Asset Value is the sum of all of the Initial Values. The Initial Value (Purchase Price) for each asset is entered on the Asset Information Screen.


8. Click on the Open Folder button on the Assets list to go to the Asset Information Screen for the selected room. Here you can see detailed information about each asset assigned to the room.


9. Click on any asset in the left list to see the asset information on the right. You may also click on the Mode button to display the asset information as a list.


10. By clicking on any of the Open Folder buttons on the Asset Information Screen for the selected room, the program takes you to the information screens for those linked records. For example, if you click on the Open Folder button on the Location field, you go to the room information screen for that asset where you could drill-down even further to look up the hardware on the door to determine if it was adequate for protecting the asset.


11. On the Asset Information Screen for the room, click on the Asset Photo button to change the screen's mode.


12. Select any asset in the left list to view its photo image.


To learn more about adding, editing, and transferring assets to rooms: see Assets.



Working with Doors


Important: If you want to add and maintain door hardware, in order to save yourself time with data entry, you may wish to consider adding hardware products to the Products Screen and then create Hardware Groups from those products before you start adding new doors to rooms. You can use Hardware Groups as hardware templates to instantly load your doors with hardware products. Products in Hardware Groups may contain both new and old (used) hardware. If you're not concerned with adding Hardware Groups, you can also mass-assign individual products to Doors. See Products and Hardware Groups.


There are three ways to add doors to rooms:


1. The Create Rooms Wizard - Use this method to load the bulk of all your room, door, cylinder (keys), and hardware information into the program. When generating rooms for buildings, the program automatically creates one door for each room, but you can add multiple doors to rooms using this wizard. The doors are assigned the same numbers as the rooms but you may easily edit the numbers. This wizard also handles the assignment of hardware to the doors by Hardware Groups or by Cylinder Products. To learn how doors are added this way, see The Create Rooms Wizard. To add additional doors to existing rooms that have more than one door, use the Add Door Wizard. To manually add doors you may either use the Add Door Wizard or the Door Screen.


2. The Add Door Wizard - On the Room Information Screen, this wizard allows you to add doors to a room one at a time. This is the preferred method for adding additional doors to rooms. After you add a door using this wizard, you use the task buttons on the Doors list box to look up and update the door information. One advantage of using this wizard to add doors to your rooms, over using the Door Screen, is that this Wizard handles more data to be assigned, and a lot faster to use.


3. The Door Screen - You can also add doors from the program's Door Screen. This method has certain limitations because Hardware Groups and Cylinder/Cores cannot be assigned to doors when you're creating the door this way. The Door Screen is the record information screen where all of the program's door records are stored, so best to use when looking up Doors.



To Add Doors Using the Add Door Wizard:


1. Click the Buildings icon on the Main Button Bar.


2. On the Building Information Screen, click on the Building Room List tab to change the display of the screen.


3. On the Rooms List, click on the Open Folder button to go to the Rooms Screen and select any room record in the list on the left to which you want to add a door.


4. Click the Edit button on the Rooms Screen. This turns on the Add Door button on the Doors list box.


5. Click on the Add Door button. This starts the Add Door Wizard.


6. When you add a door to a room, the door record is automatically stored in the Door Screen.


7. Complete the door information. See the field descriptions below.


8. Click on Finish when you're done or Cancel to abort the add.


The new Door record is added to the Doors list box.



Field Descriptions of the Add Door Wizard:


Door Number: The name or number of the Door. There are many instances where there is more than one door to a room. When this is the situation, you could tag a reference number to the end of the door number such as N115.1 and N115.2. Hardware schedules and architectural floor plans from construction projects usually have doors numbered with reference tags. Another idea is to add a directional tag to your door numbers such as N115.N (North) and N115.S (South). This allows the doors to be identified in advance when performing maintenance or service. It's important when you're looking up information that multiple doors to a room are numbered differently. Note: If you're only maintaining Door records, so not concerned with Rooms, you will only have one Door assigned to a Room, and both sharing the same Door name or number.


Door Function: The function of the Door. For those of you involved with Fire Door Inspections, we recommend that you use door ratings as your Door Functions. For example, 20 Minute, 45 Minute, Non-Rated, etc.. This way, you can assign your Doors with this data and take advantage of some additional features that we've added in support of fire inspections. Door Functions are stored in the Door Functions Screen. Door Functions can be mass-assigned to Doors.


Door Type: This refers to the construction of the door such as Wood, Aluminum, and Hollow Metal. The records are stored in the Door Type Screen. Door Types can be mass-assigned to Doors.


Frame Type: This refers to the construction type of the Frame such as Steel or Wood. The records are stored in the Frame Type Screen. Frame Types can be mass-assigned to Doors.


Cylinder/Core: This field allows you to look up a Cylinder/Core and assign it to the door. Doing so assigns the Cylinder/Core to the new door that also assigns all of the different keys that operate the cylinder to the door as well.  To learn more about Cylinder/Cores, see Cylinders.


Hardware Assignment: For assigning a Hardware Group or a Cylinder Product to the new Door. This is required to key-up the Door with a Cylinder/Core. From the drop-down field, select your Hardware Assignment. This loads the door with all of the hardware products that have been assigned to the hardware group, or assigns just the single Cylinder Product if you select one of those. If you are adding a Cylinder/Core to the door, you should select a Hardware Group that contains a Cylinder Product. If you don't, the program will create a "blank" cylinder product record that you may assign a part number to later. See Hardware Groups.


Warranty Date: If this is new hardware (Hardware Group) that is being assigned to the door, you may enter the Warranty Date. For example, if you're adding this information during a construction project or from a hardware schedule you may wish to assign the date that is the starting date of the warranty. The current date is the default. If you do not want to assign a Warranty Date to the hardware, then highlight the existing default date and press the Delete or Backspace key on your keyboard.


Configuration: This allows you to enter the door configuration such as Single or Pair.


Description: You may enter a description for the door such as "East Door," "To 117," or "Connecting."


Width: Type in the width of the door.


Height: Type in the height of the door.


Thickness: Type in the door's thickness.


To learn how to add, modify, and pin up cylinders, see Cylinders.


To learn how to add and work with keys, see Key Numbers.



Door Types


The Door Types Screen is a Control List and a Record Information Screen that maintains information about the types of doors that you assign to door records. For the purposes of this program the Door Types Screen was designed to track door types as door construction types such as wood, aluminum, and hollow metal. The door type name that you assign to a door is kept and displayed on the Door Information Screen.


To Add a Door Type:


1. From the pull-down Setup Menu, click on Control Lists and select Door Types.


2. Click on the Add button on the Door Type Screen.


3. There are only two fields for door type information. One is the Door Type name and the second is UL Rating.


4. Type in a name into the Door Type field.


5. Type in the door fire label rating into the UL Rating (minutes) field. Note: This is an old field that we decided to keep in this version for those of you who may have already used it for data. However, this field does not relate to any fire inspection features that have been added. So, if you want to mark Doors for fire door rating, use the Door Function field for this instead.


6. Click on the Save button on the Door Type Screen.



Doors Assigned List for Door Types (mass-assign)


The Doors Assigned List displays all doors that have been assigned the selected Door Type. You can use this list to mass-assign a door type to multiple door records.


To mass assign a door type to doors:


1. On the Door Type Screen, select a door type record.


2. On the Doors Assigned List, click on the Binoculars button. This opens a Door Find Screen.


3. Look up a building or click on the Find All button to display the door records.


4. Click in the check boxes for any doors records that you want to assign the door type.


5. The Select All button will select all doors.


6. Click the Accept button.



Door Functions


The Door Functions Screen is a Control List and a Record Information Screen that allows you to assign doors different functions. For those of you involved with Fire Door Inspections, we recommend that you use door ratings as your Door Functions. For example, 20 Minute, 45 Minute, Non-Rated, etc.. This way, you can assign your Doors with this data and take advantage of some additional features that we've added in support of fire inspections.Door Functions can be mass-assigned to Doors.


To Add a Door Function:


1. From the pull-down Setup Menu, click on Control Lists and select Door Functions.


2. Click on the Add button on the Door Functions Screen.


3. Type in a door function name into the Door Label field.


4. Click on the Save button on the Door Functions Screen.



Doors Assigned List for Door Functions (mass-assign):


The Doors Assigned List displays all doors that have been assigned the selected Door Function. You can use this list to mass assign a door function to multiple door records.


To mass assign a door function to doors:


1. On the Door Functions Screen, select a door function record.


2. On the Doors Assigned List, click on the Binoculars button. This opens a Door Find Screen.


3. Look up a building or click on the Find All button to display the door records.


4. Click in the check boxes for any doors records that you want to assign the door function.


5. The Select All button will select all doors.


6. Click the Accept button.



Frame Types


To Add a Frame Type:


1. From the pull-down Setup Menu, click on Control Lists and select Frame Types.


2. Click on the Add button on the Frame Types Screen.


3. Type in a Frame Type name into the Description field.


4. Click on the Save button on the Frame Type Screen.



Doors Assigned List for Frame Types (mass-assign):


The Doors Assigned List displays all doors that have been assigned the selected Frame Type. You can use this list to mass assign a frame type to multiple door records.


To mass assign a frame type to doors:


1. On the Frame Types Screen, select a frame type record.


2. On the Doors Assigned List, click on the Binoculars button. This opens a Door Find Screen.


3. Look up a building or click on the Find All button to display the door records.


4. Click in the check boxes for any doors records that you want to assign the frame type.


5. The Select All button will select all doors.


6. Click the Accept button.



The Door Screen


All the doors that have been created using Wizards or added manually are stored in the Door Screen. The Door Screen allows you to add and edit door information and is used to display the hardware that you've assigned to your doors. You may also add and edit hardware information from this screen. Some of the other related information about your doors such as Door Type and Door Function is also displayed on the Door Information Screen.



To Add or Edit a Door Using the Door Screen:


1. Click the Doors icon on the Main Button Bar.


2. Click the Add or Edit button.


3. Look up and type in the necessary field information. See field descriptions below.


4. Click Save to store the information.


Important: When you add a door using the Door Screen, adding additional information is more difficult than using the Add Door Wizard on the Rooms Screen, because more steps are required. See Add Door Wizard.



Changing the Room Assignment of a Door:


You can change the room assignment for any door record. For example, a door gets moved from one location to another during construction or you want to edit the room location that the program may have assigned using a wizard or import feature.


1. Click the Doors icon on the Main Button Bar..


2. Click the Find All button or look up the door record using the Look Up Field.


3. Once you have located the door record, double-click on the record in the list to display the door information on the right side of the screen.


2. On the Door Screen for the selected door record, click on the Edit button.


4. Click on the Binoculars button to the right of the Building/Room field. This opens the Room Find Screen.


5. Look up and select the room record for re-assignment.


6. Click on the Accept button. The door has been re-assigned to that room.


7. Click Save to store the record.


Important: After you move a door from one room to another, you may wind up with a room(s) without a door. This usually indicates that this room does not exist and should be deleted. If that is the case, go to the Rooms Screen and delete the room(s).



Field Descriptions of the Door Screen:


Building/Room: This is a Record Lookup Field that displays the building and room assignment of the door.


Door Number: The number for the door may be the same as the room number. For example, only one Door assigned to the Room.  There are many instances where there is more than one door to a room. When this is the situation you could tag a reference number to the end of the door number such as N115.1 and N115.2. Hardware schedules and architectural floor plans from construction projects usually have doors numbered with reference tags. Another idea is to add a directional tag to your door numbers such as N115.N (North) and N115.S (South). This allows the doors to be identified in advance when performing maintenance or service. It's important when you're looking up information that multiple doors to a room are numbered differently.


Description: You may enter a description for the door. The description you enter is displayed for the record in the Doors list box on the Rooms Screen.


Door Function: The function of the Door. For those of you involved with Fire Door Inspections, we recommend that you use door ratings as your Door Functions. For example, 20 Minute, 45 Minute, Non-Rated, etc.. This way, you can assign your Doors with this data and take advantage of some additional features that we've added in support of fire inspections. Door Functions are stored in the Door Functions Screen. Door Functions can be mass-assigned to Doors.


Door Type: This refers to the construction of the door such as Wood, Aluminum, and Hollow Metal. The records are stored in the Door Type Screen. See Door Types above.


Frame Type: The construction of the frame such as Steel.


Opening Type: This allows you to enter the door configuration such as Single, Double, or Pair.


Thickness: The thickness of the Door.


Height: The height of the Door.


Width: The width of the Door.


Door Cylinders list box: This displays a list of the Cylinder/Cores that are assigned (keyed) to the door. The list includes Keyway, Cylinder/Core, and Date Rekeyed. You key and rekey Doors using the Rekey Rooms Wizard, Add Door Wizard, and the Doors list box. All three of these features are located on the Rooms Screen, so this list box is read only.


Previous Assignments list box: Displays the history of any previous keying assignments.



The Door Configuration Screen


On the Door Screen, click the Door Configuration tab to display the Door Configuration Screen. This screen displays the hardware that's installed on the Door, and it's where you can mark the Door for fire inspection status and/or repair status.


To Add or Edit Data on the Door Configuration Screen:


1. Click the Edit button.


2. Type in the information and click Save.



Field Descriptions of the Door Configuration Screen:


Building/Room: Displays the current Building and Room assignment of the Door.


Door Number: The Door's name or number.


Door Function: The function of the Door. (e.g., 45 Minute, Non-Rated)


Door Type: The Door's construction type (e.g., Wood, Hollow Metal)


Frame Type: The Door's Frame Type (e.g., Steel).


AHJ Failed (check box): Marks the Door that it has failed fire inspection. This information is displayed on the Door Detail report.


AHJ Failed Date/Time: The date and time that the Door failed inspection. This information is displayed on the Door Detail report.


Repair Required: Marks the Door that it requires repair work. This information is displayed on the Door Detail report.


Repair Date/Time: The date and time that the Door was marked for repair. This information is displayed on the Door Detail report.


Comments: Intended for adding a comment about the fire inspection failure and/or for the required door repair. For example, "Door closer broken, so door won't latch." This information is displayed on the Door Detail report.


Hardware Group: The purpose of this field is to display the original name of the Hardware Group (i.e., Hardware Set) that was assigned to the door using the Create Rooms Wizard, Add Door Wizard or by an import from a Specworks' file. When empty, this field is intended to be used when there is no Hardware Group assigned to the Door. It allows you to look up an existing Hardware Group in order to add that hardware to the Door. Note: This feature cannot be used to change an existing Hardware Group assignment, so if you change the Hardware Group name in the field, the hardware in the Hardware List will not change.


1. Select the Door record and click the Edit button.


2. Click the Binoculars button on the Hardware Group field.


3. Look up and select the Hardware Group and click Accept.


4. Click Save.


Create Hardware Group (button): This launches the Wizard. If you have manually added hardware products to your Door, and you would like to create a new Hardware Group from those products, use this feature to add those products to the new Hardware Group that gets created. This adds the new Hardware Group to the Hardware Groups Screen, so that it is available later be assigned to new Doors.


1. On the Door record, click the Create Hardware Group button. This displays the Create Hardware Groups Screen.


2. Type the name of the new group into the New Hardware Group Name field.


3. If the hardware for this new group is ADA (Americans with Disabilities Act) compliant, click on the ADA box to check it.


4. If there is a construction project associated with this hardware group, you may type the name into the Project Name field.


5. When you're done, click on the Finish button to store the new Hardware Group or press Cancel.


6.  If you want to assign this new Hardware Group name to the door that you used to create the group from, begin by clicking on the Edit button on the Door Screen. Then click on the Binoculars button to find and select the name of the hardware group that you just created. This displays the name in the Hardware Group field.


Hardware list box: Displays a list of hardware Products that are installed on the Door.


Rekey Cylinder (button): If there is an existing Cylinder/Core assigned to the Door, you can use this feature to rekey the Door for your convenience. You cannot access this feature if there is no cylinder/core currently assigned to the Door.



Hardware List: The Hardware List displays any hardware products that have been assigned to the door. Hardware is displayed by Quantity, Part Number, and Product. When you Edit a door's record you may change the hardware information. When you add a new door, you can assign hardware to it using this list. The Open Folder button on this list jumps to the Hardware Information Screen for the selected door record.



To Add and Edit Products in the Hardware List:


Important: Hardware Products can be mass-assigned to Doors that will be displayed in the Hardware List. Other Wizards in SiteMaster such as Create Rooms, and Add Door, handle these assignments more quickly than adding hardware products manually to the Hardware List. This method is simply an alternative to the other methods that streamline this process. The following method is good for making adjustments (Step 3) to the hardware records.


There are two ways to add products to the Hardware List:


1. Add Products by looking them up:


The Hardware List displays linked information that originates from the Products Screen. Add your hardware products to the Product Screen before adding your doors. Afterwards, when you start to add your doors you will be able to look up the products to add them to the Hardware List.


2. Add Products by modifying a new or existing Door record:


Finish adding a Door without adding any Products and Save the record. Click on the Open Folder button on the Hardware List that takes you to the Hardware Information Screen for that Door. Click the Add button and enter the new product information. Finish by clicking on the Save button that adds the new product(s) to the Hardware List.


3. Edit Products by modifying the records in the Hardware List Screen.


Finish adding a Door without adding any Products and Save the record. Or, select an existing Door with hardware already entered. Click the Open Folder button on the Hardware List box that takes you to the Hardware Information Screen for that Door. Click Edit to change the records or to add additional information to the records.


4. When you're done, click on the Save button.



Field Descriptions of the Door's Hardware List Screen:


The Hardware List Screen for a door record has fields that you won't find on the Products Screen. These fields are specific to the various hardware products that are installed on the door and not to a product's general information.


To access the hardware (Product) records on the Hardware List Screen, click the Open Folder button on the Hardware List box.


Door: The Door's name or number.


Quantity: The quantity of that specific Product on the Door.


Product: The Manufacturer, Part Number, and Description that's linked and displayed from the Products Screen.


Distributor: This field is for assigning the Distributor who sold you the specific hardware product. For example, you replace the door closer on the door and assign the distributor who sold it to you.


Cost: The cost of the hardware product. For example, you replace the door closer, assign the distributor, and assign the cost.


ADA (check box): When you inspect and add existing hardware products, check this box if the product is ADA (Americans with Disabilities Act) compliant.


Warranty Start Date: The date that the warranty begins for the hardware product such as the purchase or installation date.


Warranty Expiration: The date that the warranty ends.The program can produce a report displaying the hardware who's warranty will expire before or on a specific date. If you also add the Distributor who sold you the product, then you will know who to call in case the hardware fails before the warranty expiration. Note: There's an auto-populate feature for Warranty Expiration that's on the Products Screen. This feature can auto-assign the Warranty Expiration to all Doors where the Product is installed. See Products.


Expected Life Cycle: How long the hardware product is expected to last.


Replace by Code: Enter an estimated or actual replace by date for hardware products that are not code compliant. For example, this could be for ADA or life-safety purposes.


Replace by Inspection: Enter an estimated or actual replacement date for hardware products that exhibit wear or may fail.


Comment: Enter a comment that may apply to the reason for the replacement or you may use this field to enter a general comment.


Cylinder: If the selected hardware product is a Cylinder Product, this field will display the Cylinder/Core record assigned if the Door is currently keyed.


Date Rekeyed: The date that the Door was rekeyed.



Hardware Cylinder Products Assigned to Doors


You can only assign a Cylinder/Core record to doors that have a hardware cylinder product added to the door's Hardware List. This can be the Generic Cylinder that is pre-loaded in the program, or any hardware cylinder product that you have added.


Replacing the Generic Cylinder, or one of Your Cylinder Products with a Different Hardware Cylinder Product:


Let's say you populated your door records with the Generic Cylinder that's pre-loaded. Now, you want to replace the Generic Cylinder with your real cylinders that you've added to the Products Screen. There are three ways to do this:


1. Rekey Rooms Wizard - This is the fastest and easiest method to change hardware cylinder products when re-keying doors.

2. Edit the Generic Cylinder record in the Products Screen - This method changes the name of Generic Cylinder on all door records to the new name.

3. Replace the Generic Cylinder product with another one - Select the Generic Cylinder on the Hardware List Screen for the door record. Click on the Edit button, and then use the Binoculars button on the Product field to look up and select the replacement cylinder product. Change any additional field information as needed.



To Edit Records:


Once you have records added, you can edit or delete the records as well as the linked information associated with those records. Editing and deleting records affect any parent-child relationships of those records. To learn about editing and deleting records: See Editing Records or Deleting Records.



To Look Up Records:


The program's interface provides you with an extremely efficient way to look up and sort records and to find linked record information. To learn how to look up records, see Looking Up Records.



To Access Reports:


Click on the pull-down Reports Menu at the top of the Main Menu. To learn about the reports for this topic, see Reports.


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