Key Numbers

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Key Numbers

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All the keys from all of your keys systems are displayed and maintained in the Key Numbers Screen. The program keeps track of keys that are assigned to rooms and doors as well as those still waiting assignment. In the Key Numbers Screen, you can look up the complete audit trail information for any key, the key's hierarchy within its system, all the doors where a key operates, and the key issuance records regarding personnel.



This topic includes:


Working with Key Numbers

Working with Serialized Keys

The Combinator

Checking the Status of a Serialized Key

About Record Relationships in the Program

Locate Key Number by Unique Serial Numbers

To Open the Key Numbers Screen

To Manually Add a New Key Number

The Symbol Information Screen

Field Descriptions of the Key Numbers Screen

The Keys Under this Master List

The Key Audit Trail System for Key Numbers

Understanding and Adjusting Key Quantities

The Key Usage Screen

Creating Keys

Show All Access

Total Keys Issued

The Cylinders Keyed Alike List

Recording a Key as Lost

The Key Also Operates List

Recording a Key as Found

    Mass Assign a Key to Cylinders

Recording a Key as Destroyed

Recording a Key as Restored

The Key Issuances Screen

Log Listing Reports

The Key Issuance List

The Key Ring Issuances List

Locate Key Number by Building/Room

Who Has This Key Button



Working with Key Numbers


Important: There are a number of different ways to quickly load keys and cylinder/cores into the program depending on your situation:


1. Load Allegion Registered Key System - You order your key system from Schlage and import it. Key Numbers and Cylinder/Cores are loaded into the program. You may be able to import your archived systems.


2. Import Key Records from SpecWorks - Used with new construction projects. Your Key Schedule can be entered into the Hardware Schedule and imported. Key Numbers and Cylinder/Cores are loaded into the program. You first import your Schlage or Falcon factory key system and then the SpecWorks file. When the Keygroups in SpecWorks match the Key Numbers in SITEMASTER 200, then your doors are automatically keyed. This must be requested and specified.


2. Create System Keys WizardiStock_000015183192Large (The Combinator) - A good working knowledge of master keying is required. Key Numbers and Cylinder/Cores are loaded into the program. This method supports many other Manufacturers' Systems besides Schlage.


3. Add Key Numbers and Cylinders WizardiStock_000015183192Large - Best way to manually add your keys and cylinder/Cores into the program. By typing single or multiple key number records into a list, the program builds and loads your Key Numbers and Cylinder/Cores. First, you add your master keys to the program. Then in the wizard, you select a master (Parent Key) for the new key numbers and cylinders.



The Combinator


One of the most efficient methods for creating and loading key numbers into the Program is by using the Create System Keys Wizard (The Combinator) that is operated by the Locksmith from the Key Systems Screen. When Key Number records are created using this method, the program labels your keys based on a preselected method of key numbering (See The Create Key Number Based on Options ). Additional information such as Keyway, Symbol, Bitting, Serialization, and Key Quantities are also assigned automatically. This method links the keys that are created to the selected Key System. You may also add keys one at a time that link themselves to a selected Key System and you can do this from the Key Numbers List Screen from within a key system. Another option is to manually add keys that are not linked to a key system. The program allows you to create both keys and cylinders that fall outside of any predefined system. To learn how to generate keys and work with systems, see Create System Keys Wizard, Add Keys and Cylinders Wizard, and Key Systems.


The key number represents the number that is physically stamped on the key. If you assign serial numbers to your keys, then the serial numbers may also be stamped on the keys. A combination of the key number and serial number provides the best method to maintain an ongoing audit trail for each and every key. Whether keys are issued to individuals, located on hooks, assigned to key rings, lost, destroyed, or transferred to other personnel, the program keeps track of the current status and the history for all of your keys. When using the Create System Keys Wizard the program allows you to generate key numbers five different ways including; Symbol, Blind Sequence, Blind Code, Bitting, and Reverse Bitting. See Key Systems; Create Key Number Based on


Important: If you order a key system from Schlage or Falcon lock companies, then the system is considered registered at the factory. After you import this type of system into the program the Create System Keys button (The Combinator) is automatically disabled for that specific system. If you require future expansion of your system then order that from the factory and import the new file. This maintains the integrity of your factory key system.



About Record Relationships in the Program


Important: Directly linked to Key Numbers are the Cylinder/Core records that are maintained on the Cylinders Screen. The Cylinder/Core record is comprised of a single key or a group of keys (master keyed) that operates a physical cylinder (cylinder product) on a door. The Door records are comprised of the hardware products that are installed on the doors of which a cylinder product may be included. Every Room record includes at least one Door and additional Doors may be added to a Room. Rooms may also have Assets of value assigned to them as well as the owners (Departments) of the Assets and the owners of the Rooms. To complete this relationship, Key Numbers are assigned (issued) to Personnel. These relationships allow the Program to extract important information about these linked records.



To Open the Key Numbers Screen:


1. Click the Key Numbers icon on the Main Button Bar or click on the pull-down Setup Menu and select Key Numbers.


2. The Key Numbers Screen opens in the expanded view allowing you to Add or Look Up records. You may also access reports, exit from the Key Number Screen, or change the mode of the screen. The buttons that appear with gray text are inactive and not available in this mode. For example, to look up all of the key numbers that were created using the Create System Keys Wizard and/or that have been added manually, press the Find All button on the Key Numbers Screen.


3. The Key Number lookup field is the default, but you may click on any of the Field Column Names such as Bitting to look up records by that name.


4. Click on the Mode button to contract the Primary Record List to the left and display the record fields on the right.


5. For technical specifications about the Key Number fields, see Technical Program Information.



To Manually Add a New Key Number:


Attention: We only recommend this method for adding any key numbers that are not part of a Key System. For example, any miscellaneous keys that you want to issue to personnel, but you don't need to track for building information. This method does not create the Cylinder/Core that gets assigned to the Door(s), so if you want to make these door assignments you will need to add the Cylinder/Core record separately. Even though, you can go through these manual steps to add these records to a Key System, the method is inefficient and time consuming. We recommend using the import feature or one of the wizards that automatically handle both the Key Numbers and the Cylinder/Cores simultaneously.


Help with > Adding Records


Important: When adding keys manually, it's easy to either associate or not associate the new key to an existing key system. When you add a key on the Key Numbers Screen, you will also have to go to the Symbol Information Screen to link that new key to a Key System. If you don't, the key will not be linked to a key system. You can also add a new key from within the Key Systems Screen. When you use this method, you don't have to take the extra step of going to the Symbol Information Screen because the program automatically links the new key for you. Additionally, when you add new keys make sure that you have properly assigned the "Serialized Status" to the keys before you create any key quantities. Once you create key quantities and start issuing keys to personnel, the Serialized Status cannot be changed unless the keys are returned.


1. Click on the Add button on the Key Numbers Screen.


2. Look up and type in your key number information into the data fields. See field descriptions below.


3. Click on the Save button at the top of the Key Numbers Screen to store the record.


4. The Create Keys button is used to create a specified quantity of keys. These quantities are the total number of keys (copies) that have been made.  You don't have to create key quantities to create the key number record but this information is essential in order to maintain a valid key audit trail.


5. When adding a new key, there is additional information that may be important for you to enter on the key number's Symbol Information Screen. Before you can enter this information, you must first Save the record as described in step 3. The Symbol Information Screen is where you may also link the key to an existing key system.


6. Click on the Symbol Information button at the top of the Key Number Screen. This displays the Symbol Information Screen. For field descriptions, see The Symbol Information Screen.


7. Click on the Edit button at the top of the Key Number Screen. This allows you to enter the additional information.


8. To link the key to a key system, click on the Record Selection button (blue down arrow) next to the Key Systems field.


9. Select a key system to link the key to that system.


10. Click on the Save button at the top of the Symbol Information Screen.



Field Descriptions of the Key Numbers Screen:


Keyway: This is the alpha, numeric, or alpha-numeric designation of the grooving of the key blank that has been assigned by the Manufacturer. For example, the keyways C, CE, E, EF, F, and FG are some of the keyways that have been assigned by Schlage for the Obverse Family System. In a Keying System, it is possible to utilize many different keyways. Frequently, the Keyway is prestamped on the key or key blank by the Manufacturer.


Serialized Key (Check Box): When you manually add a new key number, select this option if you want the new keys (key quantities) that will be created to be serialized. You can't change the serialized status of a key number if any of the keys have been issued to personnel. This means that the Total Keys Created must equal the Total Keys Available on the key number record. If keys are issued, you can return the keys on the personnel record(s), change the serialized status, and then re-issue the keys.


Key Number: This is usually the number stamped on the key. The program will automatically create key numbers by selecting any one of four different numbering methods when using the Create System Keys Wizard to generate your key numbers. The Key numbering methods include Symbol, Blind Sequence, Blind Code, Bitting, and Reverse Bitting. When viewing key numbers in reports and in some Key record fields, the Keyway and Key Number will be combined using an Asterisk (*) between the two. This is referred to as the Key Combination and is important when distinguishing keys with identical key numbers such as C*AA102 and CE*AA102. In most cases, the Keyway and Key Number are displayed separately as individual fields throughout the program.


Symbol: Symbol or Symbol Code refers to additional identification that is sometimes used to identify the hierarchy of a key in a Master Key System (i.e., A, AB, ABA). Sometimes the symbol codes are stamped on the keys and are also the key numbers. The Program generates keys with Symbols that are based on standard key coding methods when the Create System Keys Wizard is used to load keys and create cylinder/core records.


Manufacturer's System: This is the manufacturer's system from the Key Systems Screen that the keys are based upon. This entry is completed automatically when you use the Create System Keys Wizard to generate your Key Number records. You may type in or select an existing name when entering key number records manually.


Client: This is the name of the client that you entered under the Key System that was used to create the selected key number record. When you manually enter or edit records, you may type in a new or existing name.


TMK: This is the Top Master Key of the Key System that the selected key number record is based upon. This is entered automatically when using the Create System Keys Wizard, or you may add or edit this information manually.


Description: Assign a name or description for master keys or a series of keys. (for example, Great Grand Master Key, Custodial, Office).


Bitting: Represents the actual cuts of the key (334164). The Create System Keys Wizard automatically generates the bittings for all keys that are produced, or you may enter the bitting when manually editing or adding key records. For security purposes, the program allows you to suppress the bitting information. You automatically receive your key number bittings if you import Allegion Registered Key Systems.


Sidebar: Some systems such as Schlage Primus use a sidebar feature that's incorporated into the key blanks and cylinders. Enter the sidebar designation into the Sidebar field as a reference. This field is automatically loaded when using the Create System Keys Wizard in Key Systems.


Angle: Some systems use an angle feature that's incorporated into the keys and cylinders. Enter the bitting angle designations such as LCCRCR. This field is automatically loaded when using the Create System Keys Wizard in Key Systems.


Tag Number: Tag or hook number where the key is stored. For example, when you issue keys to Personnel, the Tag Number is displayed so that you can easily find the key.


Level: This is the level of the key in the Key System and is assigned automatically when the program generates keys from the Create System Keys Wizard. When adding key numbers manually, assign the appropriate level of the key.


Total Keys Created: This is the total number of keys that have been created for the selected key number record. You can create additional keys by clicking on the Create Keys button and/or optionally (on the fly) when keys are issued to Personnel.


Total Keys Issued: This is the total quantity of a key number that is currently issued to Personnel for the selected key number record.


Total Keys Lost: This is the total quantity of a key number that has been marked as lost for the selected key number record.


Total Keys Destroyed: This is the total quantity of a key number that has been marked as destroyed for the selected key number record.


Total Keys On Rings: This is the total quantity of a key number that has been assigned to Key Rings.


Total Keys Available: This is the balance of keys that should exist where you store your keys such as the key hook.


Serialized Keys (list): This list only appears when a "serialized" key is selected. The list displays each serialized key that has been made and its current status. For the selected key number, information is displayed for Serial Number, Issued, Lost, Destroyed, and On Ring. Clicking on the Open Folder button jumps to the Serialized Keys Information Screen for the selected key number.


Important: The following "Keys" buttons are part of the program's key audit trail system that are used to help maintain the quantities for each key in your database. These buttons specifically adjust the quantities of keys that have not been issued to Personnel. These buttons then maintain the "base" quantities for all of the keys that are stored at the site. In conjunction with this, quantities of keys are also adjusted by the program on the Personnel Screen where keys are issued, returned, or lost to personnel. This means that these two locations in the program work hand in hand to adjust the key quantities that are displayed in the "Total" quantity fields described above. The program handles the audit trail of serialized and nonserialized keys somewhat differently. Except for the Create Keys button, the other buttons also appear on the Serialized Keys Information Screen that's designed to handle the quantities of keys for only those that are serialized.


Create Keys button: This is the way you create and record the initial and additional keys (copies) that you make or that are supplied to you by a distributor or manufacturer. For example, you notice that the number of keys on one of your key hooks is getting low so you decide to make three more keys and hang them on the hook. When you do this, you would create a quantity of three more keys by using the Create Keys button. Another example is when you order cylinders and keys from a distributor, manufacturer, or locksmith, you use the Create Keys button to create and record the quantities for each of the keys that were supplied.


Lost Keys button: This button starts a Wizard to record a key as Lost that has not been issued to Personnel. For example, a key is taken off a hook to key up additional cylinders. Let's say this is a serialized key that is number 12. Somewhere, either in the shop or out in the field, the key is lost. You use this button to account for that type of Lost key. The program will mark the serial number 12 key as lost but not issued and will add this to the "Total Lost" field.


Found Keys button: If a key is lost that has not been issued to personnel and then is found, you use this button to record this record. For instance, using the example described above for the Lost Keys Button, you would use the Found Keys Button to recover the number 12 key that was lost this way.


Destroy Keys button: This button is used to record a bad key that has not been issued or one that has been "returned" by a keyholder because it no longer works. For example, you created a number of keys and are testing them to see if they work in a cylinder. You discover that one of the keys was miscut. You use the Destroy Keys Button to mark that key as destroyed. Another example is when someone returns a key that no longer works because of wear. You would first Return the key under the person's name and then record the key as destroyed using this button.


Restore Keys button: Use this button to restore a key that has been marked as destroyed. For example, someone returns a key that is worn and a new key is issued with a different serial number. Later, you discover that the key actually works just fine. You would restore the key and put it back into circulation (i.e., on the hook).


For more information about maintaining a key audit trail, see The Key Audit Trail System for Key Numbers below.



To Edit and Delete Records:


Once you have records added, you can edit or delete the records as well as the linked information associated with those records. Editing and deleting records affect any parent-child relationships of those records. To learn about editing and deleting records, see Editing Records or Deleting Records.



To Look Up Records:


The program's interface provides you with an extremely efficient way to look up and sort records and to find linked record information. To learn how to look up records, see Looking Up Records.



To Access Reports:


Click on the pull-down Reports Menu at the top of the Main Menu. To learn about the reports for this topic, see Reports.



The Key Audit Trail System for Key Numbers


If you use the Load Allegion Registered Key System, Create System KeysiStock_000015183192Large, or the Add Key Numbers & Cylinders WizardiStock_000015183192Large, at that time you may assign a quantity of keys for the program to create automatically. This quantity for each key number is then recorded in the Total Created field on the Key Number Screen for each key. This then becomes the initial number of keys that are available on key hooks or wherever you store your spare keys. If your keys are serialized, then the program will automatically assign serial numbers for each key created from these wizards. The Create Keys, Lost, Found, Destroy, and Restore buttons on the Key Numbers Screen are used to adjust the stored quantities for each key number. As keys are issued and returned on the Personnel Screen, these stored quantities are then updated by the program. This process allows the program to maintain an ongoing audit trail for each and every key. See Issuing Keys.


Important: In order to maintain an accurate key audit trail, you need to understand the differences between adjusting key quantities on the Key Numbers Screen (created quantities) and on the Personnel screen (issuance quantities), as well as the differences when working with serialized and nonserialized keys. The program also maintains an audit trail for every Key Ring that is created, issued, lost, or destroyed. The status that a key ring is assigned affects the individual keys on that ring. This means that the "Total" key quantities on the Key Numbers Screen are updated when changes occur that affect Key Rings. To learn how the audit system for Key Rings affects individual key numbers, see The Key Audit Trail System for Key Rings.



Understanding and Adjusting Key Quantities


Creating Keys


You create both serialized and nonserialized keys using the Create Keys Button on the Key Numbers Screen. This button starts the Create Keys Wizard for adding key quantities. Whenever you make new keys or pre-cut keys are supplied to you by someone else, you record that quantity using the Create Keys Wizard.


1. On the Key Numbers Screen, click on the Create Keys button. This starts the Create Keys Wizard and displays the Create Keys Screen.


2. Information about the selected key is displayed and you are ready to enter the key quantity to be created.


3. The Created By field displays the name of the User who will be creating the new keys. This is the user name of the person who is currently logged into the system and who also has access rights to this screen. You may also highlight the name in this field and type in another name if you wish to record that someone other than the logged in user is making the key(s). In this situation, both the User who is logged in and the entered user's name are recorded for the transaction. You also have the option to log out of the system and log back in under a different user's name.


4. In the Quantity to Create field, type in the quantity of keys to be made.


5. Click on the Finish button to store the record(s). For serialized keys, the program assigns the next serial numbers.


6. Click on the Save button on the Key Number Screen.


7. If your key is a serialized key, a Serialized Keys list will appear on the Key Numbers Screen that displays the serialized key numbers that were just created. The Serialized Keys list includes Serial Number and the Issued, Lost, Destroyed, and On Ring information about each serial numbered key.



Total Keys Created


When you use the Create button to record the keys that you make, that quantity is totaled in the Total Keys Created field. The button to the side of this field opens a log listing for all of the key numbers created. The log displays the Key Number, Serial Number, Date/Time created, transaction Type, User (By), Quantity, Issued To, and Key Ring (if applicable) information for each key that is created. This Log Listing, as well as the other key number logs, allows you to verify the audit trail information for every key in your database. The Log Listing is a report that you can print out. To learn how to work with reports, see Reports.



Total Keys Issued


When a key is issued to personnel, the quantity is added to the Total Keys Issued field. When a key is returned by a person, the quantity is deducted from this field. Issuing and returning keys also changes the quantity of keys displayed in the Total Key Available field. Issuing keys reduces this quantity and returning keys adds to this quantity. If the issued key is a serialized key then in the Keys List on the Key Numbers Screen, the program places a  "1" in the Issued field for that specific serial number. When this key is returned, the program changes the designation from "1" to "0."


The button to the side of this field opens a log listing for all of the key numbers that have been issued. The log displays the Key Number, Serial Number, Date/Time created, transaction Type, User (By), Quantity, Issued To, and Key Ring (if applicable) information for each key that is issued. This Log Listing, as well as the other key number logs, allows you to verify the audit trail information for every key in your database.



Recording a Key as Lost


The Total Keys Lost field records the total quantity of keys that have been lost in two different ways. First, when someone loses a key that has been issued, this transaction is recorded and takes place on the Key Issuances Screen of Personnel. The lost key quantity is added by the program to the Total Keys Lost field on the Key Numbers Screen. Second, when a key is lost that has not been issued to anyone, you use the Lost Keys button on the Key Numbers Screen to record this type of event. For serialized keys, the button is located on a linked subscreen.


The button to the side of the Total Keys Lost field opens a log listing for all of the key numbers that have been lost. The log displays the Key Number, Serial Number, Date/Time created, transaction Type, User (By), Quantity, Issued To, and Key Ring (if applicable) information for each key that is lost. This Log Listing helps you to verify the audit trail information for every key in your database. To record a nonissued key as lost:


1. Click on the Lost Keys button on the Key Numbers Screen for the Key Number. This button is used on the Key Numbers Screen for nonserialized keys.


2. For serialized keys, this button is inactive on this screen. To access this button for a serialized key, double-click on the serial number for the key on the Serialized Keys list that appears on the Key Numbers Screen. This jumps you to the Keys for Key Number Information Screen for that specific serial number.


3. When you click on the Lost Keys button, it opens the Lost Key Wizard Screen.


4. Click on the Finish button to record the key as lost. You may also type in a different Quantity (nonserialized keys only), Date/Time Lost, and Entered By information. For example, if a quantity of three keys was removed from a hook and then lost in the field, you would enter that quantity into the Quantity field. The actual Date/Time Lost may be different than when you're entering the record. You can change the date and time to correct for that situation. The program displays the user who is logged in as the default name in the Entered By field. You can type in a different user name to be recorded to the audit log. Both names will be recorded to the log.


5. The Total Keys Lost field is now updated for the lost key (+1) as well as the Total Keys Available field (-1). The transaction is recorded to the Log Listing. If the lost key is a serialized key then in the Keys List on the Key Numbers Screen, the program enters the designation of "1" into the Lost field for that specific serial number.



Recording a Key as Found


When a key is recorded as lost the Found Key button becomes active on the Key Numbers Screen. Use the Found Key button on the Key Numbers Screen to undo the lost key record for a nonissued key. To record a nonissued key as found:


1. Click on the Found Key button on the Key Numbers Screen.


2. For serialized keys, this button is inactive on this screen. To access this button for a serialized key, double-click on the serial number for the key on the Keys list that appears on the Key Numbers Screen. This jumps you to the Keys for Key Number Information Screen for that specific serial number.


3. When you click on the Found Keys button, it opens the Found Key Wizard Screen.


4. Click on the Finish button to record the key as found. You may also type in a different Quantity (nonserialized keys only), Date/Time Lost, and Entered By information. The actual Date/Time Destroyed may be different than when you're entering the record. You can change the date and time to correct for that situation. The program displays the user who is logged in as the default name in the Entered By field. You can type in a different user name that the program additionally records to the audit log.


5. When a nonissued key is found, both the Total Keys Available and the Total Keys Lost quantities are increased by one. When an issued key is found and recorded on the Key Issuances Screen of Personnel, only the Total Keys Lost field is adjusted because the key is still issued and not available. If the found key is a serialized key then in the Keys List on the Key Numbers Screen, the program removes the lost designation of "1" and replaces it with a "0"  for that specific serial number.



Recording a Key as Destroyed


Important: When you use the Destroy Key button in the program, it is only used for damaged keys that you have in your possession. This means that if the key was issued to someone, it must first be returned from their record and then marked as destroyed. If someone claims their key was destroyed but can't return the key to you, then you record that key as Lost. Lost keys are those that can't be accounted for or are missing. When a key no longer works, for example, it's become worn out or broken, you use the Destroy Keys button to record the damaged key. If the damaged key is a serialized key, you will not be able to issue a replacement key using the same serial number as the destroyed key. As keys are destroyed, the quantity is updated in the Total Keys Destroyed field


The button to the side of the Total Keys Destroyed field opens a log listing for all of the key numbers that have been destroyed. The log displays the Key Number, Serial Number, Date/Time created, transaction Type, User (By), Quantity, Issued To, and Key Ring (if applicable) information for each key that was destroyed. This Log Listing, as well as the other Key Number logs, allows you to verify the audit trail information for every key in your database. To record a key as destroyed:


1. Click on the Destroy Keys button on the Key Numbers Screen. If the key is issued to someone, it will have to be returned first.


2. For serialized keys, this button is inactive on this screen. To access this button for a serialized key, double-click on the serial number for the key on the Keys list that appears on the Key Numbers Screen. This jumps you to the Keys for Key Number Information Screen for that specific serial number.


3. When you click on the Destroy Keys button, it opens the Destroy Key Wizard Screen.


4. Click on the Finish button to record the key as destroyed. You may also type in a different Quantity (nonserialized keys only), Date/Time Lost, and Entered By information. The actual Date/Time Destroyed may be different than when you're entering the record. You can change the date and time to correct for that situation. The program displays the user who is logged in as the default name in the Entered By field. You can type in a different user name that the program records to the audit log.


5. The Total Keys Destroyed (+1) and the Total Keys Available (-1) fields are updated by the program. The transaction is also recorded to the Log Listing. If the destroyed key is a serialized key then in the Keys List on the Key Numbers Screen, the program enters the designation of "1" into the Destroyed field for that specific serial number.



Recording Keys as Restored


The Restore Keys button on the Key Numbers Screen is a toggle button for Destroy Keys. In the event that you discover that a previously destroyed key actually works, you can recover the key using this feature. For example, the key actually works but the cylinder was mis-pinned or the key was reported as mis-cut but the person was really trying the key in the wrong door. To record a key as Restored:


1. Click on the Restore Keys button on the Key Numbers Screen.


2. For serialized keys, this button is inactive on this screen. To access this button for a serialized key, double-click on the serial number for the key on the Serialized Keys list that appears on the Key Numbers Screen. This jumps you to the Serialized Keys Information subscreen for that specific serial number.


3. When you click on the Restore Keys button, it opens the Restore Key Wizard Screen.


4. Click on the Finish button to record the key as restored. You may also type in a different Quantity (nonserialized keys only), Date/Time Lost, and Entered By information. The actual Date/Time Destroyed may be different than when you're entering the record. You can change the date and time to correct for that situation. The program displays the user who is logged in as the default name in the Entered By field. You can type in a different user name that the program records to the audit log.


5. The Total Keys Destroyed field is updated by the program and the transaction is recorded to the Log Listing. Another key is also added to the Total Keys Available field. If the restored key is a serialized key then in the Keys List on the Key Numbers Screen, the program removes the destroyed designation of "1" and replaces it with a "0"  for that specific serial number.



Log Listing Reports


The Log Listing Reports may be viewed or printed, and each log for a selected key number displays the audit trail for either total keys created, issued, lost, destroyed, on rings, or available. For example, the Log Listing for Total Keys Created lists the date and time the key was made, who made the key, how many were made, and the user who was logged in at the time. The purpose of these reports is to validate the Total Quantities that are displayed for each key number in case you find an actual discrepancy with the number of keys that you have on hand.



Locate Key Number by Building/Room


This is a quick and convenient way to find the key number information for any room record. For example, someone walks in and wants to know what the key number is for room 101 in Wellsworth Hospital. You want to know what the Tag Number is for the key so that you can locate it quickly.


To Locate a Key Number by Building/Room:


1. From the pull-down Reports Menu, select Quick Reports - Key Number by Building/Room.


2. On the Locate Key by Room Screen, select the Building and type in the Room Number.


3. Click on the Preview button to display the Key Number information. The quick report includes the Department, Function, Door(s), Key Number, Tag Number, Bitting, Symbol, and Serialized status of the key.



Working with Serialized Keys


When you select a serialized key record from the Key Numbers Screen, the program handles the key somewhat differently than a nonserialized key. A Serialized Keys List is displayed that shows the different serialized keys that have been created. This list is not displayed for nonserialized key records. Another difference is that the Lost Key, Found Key, Destroy Key, and Restore Key buttons are all disabled on the Key Numbers Screen. This is because you adjust these key quantities on another screen that is specific to the selected serial number. When you click on the Open Folder button on the Serialized Keys List, you jump to the Serialized Keys Information subscreen where you make these quantity adjustments. To learn how to adjust these key quantities, see Understanding and Adjusting Key Quantities above.



The Serialized Keys List: Checking the Status of a Serialized Key


When you create keys using the Create Keys Wizard (Create Key Button), the program automatically assigns serial numbers to the new keys. These serial numbers appear in the Serialized Keys List. The current status for each key is also displayed for Issued, Lost, Destroyed, and On Ring. For example, when all four status conditions are equal to "0," this means that this serial number should be on the key hook or wherever it is stored. Otherwise, the key status is assigned a "1" and the key is either issued, lost, destroyed, or On Ring.



The Serialized Keys Information subscreen


This screen displays the key status information, including key issuances, for each serial number of a selected Key Number. Because each serial number for a key in itself is a unique record, it is on this screen that you handle and look up the audit trail information for serialized keys. To learn how to record the status of a serialized key and work with the Log Listing buttons, see Understanding and Adjusting Key Quantities above.


To Open the Serialized Keys Information subscreen:


1. On the Serialized Keys List, double-click on one of the serial numbers. This opens the Serialized Keys Information subscreen displaying that specific serial number record.


2. If you click on the Open Folder button on the Serialized Keys List, the Serialized Keys Information subscreen will open, allowing you to look up the information for any one of the serial numbers belonging to the key number record.


On the Serialized Keys Information subscreen the key status fields of Created, Issued, Lost, Destroyed, and On Ring are similar to the ones on the Key Numbers Screen, but these pertain to the unique serial number. This means that these status or assignment fields only include the information on one single key so that these fields will either display a quantity of "0" or "1." The buttons to the sides of these key status fields display the log listing or audit trail information for every transaction that has been entered for the specific serial number. The transaction history in the log listings will always verify the counts (zero or one) in the key status fields.


You can use the Edit button on the Serialized Keys list to edit specific information about the selected serial number. For example, you can change the assigned serial number or issuance dates. The program won't let you duplicate a serial number, so be careful and use caution if using this feature.


Important: The program creates serial numbers as numbers. It is also designed to look up and handle serial numbers as just numbers. For example, when the program creates a new serial number it looks for the highest existing number and then adds the next one. If you edit your serial numbers to your own proprietary method you may get unexpected results when the program tries to lookup, assign, and report on such a method. Therefore, we recommend that you only change an existing serial number to another number. For example, your serial numbers don't start with number one so you need to edit the one to your starting number.



The Key Issuances List


This list displays the historical keyholder issuance information for the specific serial number. This is a Secondary Record List that includes First Name, Last Name, Date/Time Issued, Issued, and Date/Time Returned. You can click on any of the Field Column Names to sort the list by that name. You can either double-click on a record in the list to see the key issuance information about that specific record, or you can click on the Open folder button on the list to choose between any of the issuance records to be displayed. To learn about key Issuances, see Issuing Keys.



Locate Key Number by Unique Serial Numbers


On the Locksmith Setup Screen, you have the option to create your keys using unique serial numbers. This means that each key, regardless of its key number, is assigned a unique serial number by the program. If you wanted, you would only have to stamp this serial number on your keys in order to identify them. This feature allows you to instantly look up the key number that's linked to this unique serial number. See the Locksmith Setup Screen.


Important: For this feature to work, you must have "Use unique serial numbers throughout system" turned on (Locksmith Setup Screen). You must also have some keys with unique serial numbers created.


1. From the Reports Menu, select Quick Reports - Locate Key Number by Unique Serial Number option. This displays the Locate by Unique Serial Number Wizard Screen.


2. Type in the unique serial number and click on the Finish button. The program displays the key number record that's assigned to the serial number.



The Symbol Information Screen


Click on the Symbol Information button at the top of the Key Number screen. The screen displays information based on the Symbol of the key which is used to determine a key's hierarchy within a master key system. This screen allows you to look up any key number record to see the Key System that it has been assigned to and its position within that system.


The Keyway, Key Number, Symbol, and Level fields are displayed for the selected key number and come from the Key Number record.


Parent Key: The Parent Key is a master key and the next highest level of key above the selected key number. For example, if working with a change key "CE*AAA12" that is part of a multi-level key system that contains the master keys "CE*AAA, H*AA, and L*A,"  the Parent Key that would be displayed for "CE*AAA12" would be "CE*AAA." In the same example, the Parent Key for the master key "CE*AAA" would be "H*AA." Note: The Parent Key Field is used to indicate a relationship between two keys and cannot be used to perform combinating of cylinder/cores.


Manufacturer: The name of the manufacturer that the Manufacturer's System and Key System are based on. Usually, it is the brand name of the keys that are being distributed.


Manufacturer's System: This is the Manufacturer's System that was assigned to the key when the key was created in the Key Systems Screen using the Create System Keys Wizard or when the key was manually assigned to a key system on the Symbol Information Screen.


Key System: The name of the Key System that has been assigned to this key number.


TMK: This is the Top Master Key that was assigned to this key record in the Key Systems Screen when the Create System Keys Wizard was used to create the key. The TMK of a system is also assigned to a key when you assign a key to a key system on the Symbol Information Screen


Key Registry Number (For Master Keys Only): This is your site's registration number for a master key that was created for your key system directly from the factory. This is an important number to provide to the Key Records department when you want to obtain information about your system.


The fields above also appear on the screen's Primary Record List. For example, this allows you to sort and identify your keys by Client, TMK, and Key System. You can also see the key numbers that are not part of any key system.



The Keys Under this Master list: This Secondary Record List only displays the keys that are under a selected Master Key record. For example, if you select a master key record, any lower level keys under this master will be displayed in the list. If you click on the Open Folder button on this list, you will jump to a key number information screen where you can look up the information regarding any key that is listed under the master key. This screen is the same as the Key Numbers Screen but lists only the keys under the selected master key.


To learn how to create Master Key Systems, see Key Systems



The Key Usage Screen


Click on the Key Usage button at the top of the Key Numbers Screen. You can select any key on the Key Number Screen to see a list of the Cylinder/Cores, Buildings, and Rooms that the key operates. This information is displayed in two different lists on the Key Usage Screen. The Keyway and Key Number fields display the currently selected record. This screen also has the two lists, Cylinders Keyed Alike, and Key Also Operates. These are both Secondary Record List, so you can click on any of the Field Column Names to sort the lists by that name.


Show All Access button: The Show All Access button on the Key Usage Screen displays a report of all of the doors that the selected key number operates. This feature produces the report mathematically, so the keyway plus the bitting of the key is calculated for operating cylinder/core records. When adding new cylinder/core records, it may be necessary to Perform File Maintenance under the Utilities menu (Maintenance Utilities), so that the Program can recalculate the assignments.


The Cylinders Keyed Alike list: This list displays any Cylinder/Cores, Buildings, and Rooms where the selected key operates as the change key. The screen includes the fields Cylinder/Core, Keyway, Building, and Room fields. You can double-click on any record on the list to go to a Cylinder Information subscreen about that specific cylinder/core record. Click on the Open Folder button on the Cylinders Keyed Alike list to choose between any of the cylinder/core records to be displayed on the Cylinder Information Screen. To learn how to work with Cylinders, see Cylinders.


The Key Also Operates list: This list displays any Cylinder/Cores, Buildings, and Rooms where the selected key operates as an operated by key. The screen includes the Cylinder/Core, Keyway, Building, and Room. Clicking on the Open Folder button on the list or double-clicking on any of the records in the list jumps to a Cylinder Information subscreen for the group of records or the specific cylinder record.


Mass Assign a Key to Cylinders


You can mass assign a key to multiple cylinders from the Key Also Operates list. When using this feature, if the cylinder/core record is assigned to multiple doors, you will add the selected key to all of the door cylinders. You can't use this feature to assign an operating key selectively to specific door cylinders. For example, three doors are keyed to AA01. When you add a new operating key to the AA01 cylinder, it will automatically be assigned to all three door cylinders. The feature also works for cylinders that do not have door assignments.


Let's say as an example, after you generated keys and cylinder/core records using the Create System Keys Wizard, you wanted to re-name and add a selective master to a number of existing cylinder/core records. After re-naming the cylinder/cores (i.e., AA01 to AA01(ENG), AC27 to AC27(ENG), etc.), you then can use this mass assign feature to add the ENG selective master to those records.



The Key Issuances Screen


Selecting any key on the Key Number Screen allows you to see the entire list of Personnel who have been issued that key either as an individual issuance record or through assignment to a key ring. To view the Key Issuances list, click on the Key Issuances button on the Key Numbers Screen. The Keyway and Key Number fields are displayed for the selected record.


The Key Issuances list: There are three radio buttons, Show Returned Keys, Show Key Held, and Show All, at the top of the list that display the key issuance records in different ways. The Show Returned Keys button displays only the keys that have been returned by personnel. Selecting the Show Keys Held button displays a list of only the personnel who are currently issued the key. Selecting the Show All button displays the historical record of all personnel who have been issued the key and who have returned the key.  The information on the list includes Serial Number, Issued, First Name, Last Name, Date Issued, Date Returned, Lost, and Due Date.


The Key Ring Issuances list: This list displays the personnel who have been issued key rings that have the selected Key Number assigned to the rings. The three radio buttons, Show Returned Keys, Show Key Held, and Show All, at the top of the list display the key ring issuance records in different ways. The Show Returned Keys button displays only the key rings that have been returned by personnel. Selecting the Show Keys Held button displays a list of only the personnel who are currently issued the key ring. Selecting the Show All button displays the historical record of all personnel who have been issued the key ring and who have returned the key ring.  The information on the list includes Serial Number, Issued, First Name, Last Name, Date Issued, Date Due, Date Returned, and Lost.


Who Has This Key Button: This allows you to view or print a report of all personnel who have been issued the selected Key Number. The report includes both the individual key issuance records as well as the key ring issuances that have the selected Key Number assigned to the rings.



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