Key Rings

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Key Rings

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You create Key Rings by assigning any of the keys in your system to the rings. These Key Rings are then issued to personnel such as Security, Custodial, Maintenance, and Contractors. The program maintains a complete audit trail on all of the Key Rings as well as all of the individual keys that are assigned to the rings. Key Rings can be copied as a way to easily duplicate additional rings. You may also add or remove specific keys from rings as access requirements change for personnel. When a Key Ring is no longer needed, a Breakdown feature disassembles the ring and returns the keys back to their hooks.


To learn how to issue key rings to personnel, see Issuing Keys.



This topic includes:


Working with Key Rings

To Open the Key Rings Screen

To Add a Key Ring

Key Ring Types

Field Descriptions of the Key Rings Screen


Adding and Removing Keys to Rings


Creating Additional Rings Using the Copy this Ring Feature


The Key Audit Trail System for Key Rings

Breakdown Key Ring Button

Lost Key Ring Button

Found Key Ring Button

Destroy Key Ring Button

Examples of How to Work with Damaged Keys on Rings

Restore Key Ring Button


Key Ring Issuances



Working with Key Rings


Like Key Numbers, you can have multiple copies of the same Key Ring. You use the Copy this Ring button to make a duplicate copy of a Key Ring. The program will automatically assign the next serial number to the duplicate ring as well as assign the next serial numbers to any of the keys on the ring that are serialized keys. For example, if you have custodial personnel who each receive the same set of keys, you create the first custodial ring and then you make as many copies as you need. You use the Issue Key Ring button on the Key Issuances subscreen in Personnel to issue key rings to individuals. Key Rings may also be modified so that keys can be added and removed selectively from any ring. This allows you to update a ring when doors are rekeyed or when access requirements have changed. As with Key Numbers, the program maintains a complete audit trail on your Key Rings including all of the different keys that are assigned to the rings.


To Open the Key Rings Screen:


1. Click the Key Rings icon on the Main Button Bar, or from the pull-down Setup Menu select Key Rings.


2. The Key Rings Screen opens with the Records List in the expanded view. All the fields in the Records List are empty in this mode.


3. The Key Ring field is the default lookup field, but you may click on any of the other Field Column Names such as Key Ring Type to look up records by that name.


Help with > Looking Up Records


4. Click on the Mode button on the top of the Key Rings Screen to display record information about a selected key ring. The record information is on the right side of the screen and the key rings to select from are on the Primary Record List on the left.


5. For technical specifications about the Key Rings fields, see Technical Program Information.



To Add a Key Ring:


Help with > Adding Records


1. Click on the Add button on the Key Rings Screen.


2. Type your information into the data entry fields. See field descriptions below.


3. Click on the Save button on the Key Rings Screen. You must save the Key Ring information before you can add keys to the ring.



Key Ring Types


For any Key Ring you may assign a Key Ring Type. For example, the rings may be named "Custodial" but you have different types such as Day Shift, Night Shift, and Swing Shift. The program maintains a Control List called Key Ring Types that you can access from the Setup Menu.


To add, modify, or delete a Key Ring Type:


1. From the pull-down System Setup Menu, select Control Lists and then Key Ring Types. This opens the Key Ring Types Screen.


2. Use the Add, Edit, or Delete buttons to add, change, or delete Key Ring Type information.


3. Click on the Save button to store the record.


4. The Key Ring Types that are stored on this screen are displayed in the Key Ring Type field on the Key Rings Screen described below.



Field Descriptions of the Key Rings Screen:


Key Ring: The name assigned to the Key Ring. This name is not unique so, for example, you can have a ring named "Security" and create multiple rings with the same name to be assigned to different personnel.


Serial Number: The serial number of the Key Ring. For each ring that shares the same name, a different serial number must be assigned. For example, if you have three rings that have the name "Security," the rings will be assigned the serial numbers 1, 2, and 3.


Issued (check box): This box is automatically checked by the program when a key ring is issued to someone.


Key Ring Type: The program stores Key Ring Type records in a list on the Key Ring Types Screen. You can either type in a new Key Ring Type that will be added to the list of key ring types or you can select one of the existing types from this record selection field using the blue down-arrow button. For example, for a Key Ring named "Security," you could have different types such as Standard, Restricted, and Full Set. This means that the Security key rings can have different keys assigned to them depending upon their type.


Ring Description: You may assign a description to the Key Ring, such as "Used for the night shift."


Tag Number: The location or hook where the Key Ring is stored.


Total Keys on Ring: Displays the current quantity of the keys assigned to the Key Ring.


Date/Time Created: The date and time the Key Ring was created.


Created By: The user who created the key ring. The program displays the user's name who is currently logged in as the default name. You may also type in another name in case the person who's creating the ring is sharing the user's login. In this case, both names would be recorded by the program.


Date Broken Down: The date that the Key Ring is disassembled.


Date Lost: The date the Key Ring was reported lost.


Date Destroyed: The date the Key Ring was destroyed.


Keys on Ring list: This list displays the history of all of the keys that have been assigned to the Key Ring, including the current key assignments. The information on the list includes whether the key is still on the ring, the Keyway, Key Number, Serial Number, Date on Ring, Date off Ring, and Description.



To Edit and Delete Records:


Once you have records added, you can edit or delete the records as well as the linked information associated with those records. Editing and deleting records affect any parent-child relationships of those records. To learn about editing and deleting records, see Editing Records or Deleting Records.



To Look Up Records:


The program's interface provides you with an extremely efficient way to look up and sort records and to find linked record information. To learn how to look up records, see Looking Up Records.



To Access Reports:


Click on the pull-down Reports Menu at the top of the Main Menu. To learn about the reports for this topic, see Reports.



Adding and Removing Keys to Key Rings


Use the Add/Remove Keys button below the Keys on Ring list to assign or remove keys to a ring. The program starts the Build Key Ring Wizard that allows you to quickly assign keys to the ring. When you're done, the Keys on Ring list displays the keys that were assigned. The Keys on Ring list also displays the history of keys that have been added and removed from the ring.


Important: When a key is assigned or added to a key ring, that key (quantity) is then deducted from the Total Keys Available field on the Key Numbers screen. You may not add or remove keys to key rings that are currently issued to personnel. The key ring must first be returned on the person's issuance record. Then keys are added or removed from the ring. After the ring has been updated, it may be issued back to that person.


1. Click on the Add/Remove Keys button on the Key Rings Screen. This starts the Build Key Ring Wizard.


2. The name displayed in the Entered By field is the name of the user who is logged in. You can type in another name.


3. Select the Keyway for the Key Number(s) that will be assigned to the Key Ring. You can change the keyway if you need to assign other keys with different keyways.


4. Type in the Key Number and press Enter to list that specific key or you can type in a question mark (?) to list all keys under that keyway. You may also type in a portion of a Key Number to list records that begin with that entry. For example, by typing in AA and pressing Enter, the program would list all Key Numbers that begin with AA.


5. The list on the right displays the key or keys that the program looks up based on your search criteria. The list on the left displays all the keys, if any, that are assigned to the Key Ring.


Important: For serialized keys, the key list on the right only displays available serial numbers. If the key does not show up in the list, you'll need to go to the Key Numbers Screen and create an additional key(s).


6. By double-clicking on a key in the right list, the program adds the key to the list on the left. You may also highlight a key in the right list and press the left arrow button, between the lists, to assign the key to the list on the left.


7. Continue to look up keys by Keyway and Key Number and assign them to the Key Ring until you are done. Press the Finish button to store the keys and return back to the Key Rings Screen. The new keys that you have assigned are displayed on the Keys on Ring list.


8. To remove a key that has been assigned to the Key Ring, click on the Add/Remove button.


9. The keys that are assigned to the ring are displayed in the left list of the Build Key Ring Screen.


10. Highlight the key that you wish to remove and press the Remove Highlighted Key button at the bottom of the screen.


11. This removes the key from the ring.


12. If you are in the process of adding a key to a ring and then you change your mind, by highlighting the key and clicking on the Add/Remove button, the key will be removed from the list.


13. Press the Finish button to store the record.


14. In the Keys on Ring list, the key that you removed has now been assigned a Date Off Ring and is no longer checked for being on the ring. The Key Number and its serial number, if any, is now available to be issued to personnel or reassigned to another ring.



Creating Additional Rings Using the Copy this Ring Feature


Important: This feature will work somewhat differently whether you have Auto-Create Keys selected or deselected on the Locksmith Setup Screen. With Auto-Create Keys selected, if you copy an existing key ring, the program automatically creates any additional keys when none are available to be assigned to the new ring. With Auto-Create Keys deselected, during the Copy this Ring process, the program will tell you that keys are not available and will ask you if you want to create them. If you say No, then the key will not be added to the ring. If you say Yes, then the program will create the key and add it to the ring. See System Setup Screens.


The Copy this Ring button on the Key Rings Screen can be used to instantly duplicate a ring. The program will automatically assign the next serial number to the duplicate ring as well as assign new serial numbers, if any, to the keys on the ring. You also have the opportunity to edit the new ring if you want to quickly create a ring that is similar to the original. This feature can save you time from building a new ring from scratch.


Important: When you use the Copy this Ring feature, the program automatically adds another key to the Total Keys Created field (Key Numbers Screen) for every key on the ring. This means that you don't use the Create button on the Key Numbers Screen to create these additional keys. If you need the key cutting information from the Create Keys Screen to manufacture the keys, you can go there to get this information but don't record any quantities created.


1. Click on the Copy this Ring button on the Key Rings Screen.


2. This starts the Copy Key Ring Wizard.


3. The current Date and Time are entered by the program as well as the name of the user who is logged on. You can edit this information.


4. Click on the Finish button to copy the ring and then click on the Save button on the Key Rings Screen to store the record.



The Key Audit Trail System for Key Rings


When you add a new Key Ring the program assigns it a starting serial number. The program will automatically produce the next serial number when a Key Ring is copied. A serial number is required for key rings because the name of the ring does not have to be unique. The name plus the serial number then become a key ring's record identification. This allows the program to keep track of the rings and the keys that are assigned to them.



Breakdown Key Ring Button: When a Key Ring has been returned or when you have one on a hook that's not being used, you can break down the ring that removes the keys from the ring, making them available to be issued as individual keys or re-assigned to other rings. The total key quantity fields on the Key Numbers Screen is updated for each key that comes off the ring. In addition, the date and time that the key ring was broken down is entered into the Date Broken Down field. To use this feature:


1. Click on the Breakdown Key Ring button. The button is not active for rings that are lost, destroyed, or issued to personnel.


2. On the Breakdown Key Ring Screen, click on the Finish button to break down the ring. You may also type in a different Date/Time Disassembled and/or Entered By. The Entered By name is recorded to the audit log.


3. Click on the Finish button.


4. For each key on the ring, a new entry is recorded in the Total Keys Available and Total Keys On Ring record logs on the Key Numbers Screen. The Total Keys Available (+1) and Total Keys On Ring (-1) quantities are also adjusted for each key.


5. The Keys on Ring list on the Key Rings Screen now displays the "Date off Ring" for each key, and the "On Rings" check boxes are now deselected.



Lost Key Ring Button: This button is used to record a Key Ring as lost that has not been issued to an individual. For example, if the key ring was removed from where it was stored and was lost or misplaced. You can't use this feature if the key ring is currently issued. When a ring is recorded as lost, the total key quantities on the Key Numbers Screen are updated for the lost keys on the ring. To use this feature:


1. Click on the Lost Key Ring button.


2. On the Lost Key Ring Screen, click on the Finish button to record the ring as lost. You may also type in a different Date/Time Lost and/or Entered By. The Entered By name is recorded to the audit log.


3. Click on the Finish button.


4. For each key on the lost ring, a new entry is recorded in the Total Keys Lost record log on the Key Numbers Screen, indicating that the key has been lost. The Total Keys Lost quantity is also adjusted for each key on the ring.



Found Key Ring Button: This is the toggle button to the Lost Key Ring button. If a Key Ring is found or recovered that was lost but never issued to someone, you use this button to record this transaction. Once found, the ring can be used again for issuance or to be broken down. To use this feature:


1. Click on the Found Key Ring button. The button is only active for rings that have been lost.


2. On the Found Key Ring Screen, click on the Finish button to find the ring. You may also type in a different Date/Time Found and/or Entered By. The Entered By name is recorded to the audit log.


3. Click on the Finish button.


4. For each key on the found ring, a new entry is recorded in the Total Keys Lost record log on the Key Numbers Screen, indicating that the key has been restored. The Total Keys Lost quantity is also adjusted for each key on the ring.



Destroy Key Ring Button: This allows you to record a key ring as destroyed but not issued. If someone brings in a ring, for example, that was run over by a truck, you would first return the ring on the person's issuance record and then mark the ring as destroyed. The program records each key on the ring as destroyed on the Key Numbers Screen. If you work with serialized keys, you cannot create a new key ring with the same serial numbers as a destroyed key ring.



Examples of How to Work with Damaged Keys on Rings


Important: If you want to maintain an audit trail for damaged (destroyed) keys that use serial numbers, the replacement keys will need to have different serial numbers than the damaged keys. This is because you can't have two keys with the same name and serial number recorded in two different locations such as one issued and one destroyed.



The entire key ring is damaged:


If the key ring was issued to someone who will be getting the replacement ring, return the damaged ring from the person's issuance record. Use the Destroy Key Ring button to record the ring as destroyed. Issue another ring to the person. If another ring of this type is not available for issuance, you can copy the destroyed ring using the Copy this Ring button and then issue the new ring to the person. The Copy this Ring feature also creates the next serial numbers for any keys on the ring that are serialized.



A key on the ring no longer works:


Return the Key Ring from the person's issuance record. Use the Add/Remove Key button to remove the damaged key from the ring. Use the Add/Remove Key button again to add the replacement key to the ring. Issue the Key Ring back to the person. If this was a serialized key, look up the specific serial number on the Key Numbers Screen that was removed from the ring and record it as damaged using the Destroyed button. For a nonserialized key, go to the Key Numbers Screen for that Key Number and record one as damaged using the Destroyed button.



Restore Key Ring Button: This is the toggle button for the Destroy Key Ring button. If for any reason, such as misinformation, you discover that the Key Ring you recorded as destroyed is really not damaged, you can restore the ring with this button.


1. Click on the Restore Key Ring button. The button is only active on rings that have been destroyed.


2. On the Restore Key Ring Screen, click on the Finish button to restore the ring. You may also type in a different Date/Time Restored and/or Entered By. The Entered By name is recorded to the audit log.


3. Click on the Finish button.


4. For each key on the restored ring, a new entry is recorded in the Total Keys Destroyed record log on the Key Numbers Screen, indicating that the key has been restored. The Total Keys Destroyed quantity is also adjusted for each key on the ring.



Key Ring Issuances


The Key Ring Issuances Screen is used to look up the issuance history for any ring. The Key Ring Issuance History List on this screen includes the Issued, Keyholder ID, First Name, MI, Last Name, Date/Time Issue, Date/Time Returned, Date/Time Lost, and The Date/Time Destroyed information fields. This is a Secondary Record List so you can click on any of the Field Column Names, such as Last Name, to sort the list by that name.


1. To open this screen, click on the Key Rings button on the Main Menu or select Key Rings from the pull-down Setup Menu.


2. On the Key Rings Screen, click on the Key Ring Issuances button at the top of the screen.


3. To view a specific issuance record on the Key Ring Issuance History List, double-click on that record with your mouse. You may also click on the Open Folder button on the list to view all of the issuance records.


4. The Key Ring Issuance History Screen is displayed. This screen displays all of the detailed information about each of the ring's issuance records.



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