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Screen information is normally in Read Only mode so that you do not accidentally delete or change record information. The program's structure sets up complex Parent-Child relationships between records so consideration and sometimes planning should take place before certain records are deleted.
This topic includes:
To Clear Secondary Information about a Record
Important: There is a big difference between clearing a record from an information screen and deleting a record. Whenever you use the Delete button, the entire record is deleted throughout the database and may include any child records associated with that record. When you use the Clear Record button (Red X) that appears on a record list or next to a record field, you are only clearing that record information from the current record.
From a Secondary Record List (list box):
1. Use your mouse to select any one of the records in the list.
2. Click on the Clear Record (Red X) button. The program displays the following message:
"Are you sure you want to clear the selected link?
3. Click on Yes to clear the record. The record is removed from the list.
From a Record Selection (drop-down box) or Record Lookup Field:
1. Click on the Edit button on an information screen. The Clear Record button is activated next to the field.
2. If this is a Record Selection Field, use the Record Selection button (Blue Down Arrow) to select the desired record.
3. Click on the Clear Record button. The program displays the following message.
4. Clink on Yes to clear the record. The record is deleted from the field.
1. The Delete button is used to delete an entire record that's on any record information screen in the program's database. To change information within a record see Editing Records.
2. To delete record information, simply click on the Delete button that is at the top of any record information screen.
> WARNING < : Caution should be taken when deleting records that are associated with other records. For example, deleting a parent record such as a Building will delete the Rooms (children records) of that building. Another example would be if you have a certain Manufacturer of hardware on your doors and you delete that Manufacturer. All of that hardware would be deleted from all of the doors. This is also a powerful tool that will save you time and effort because the Delete feature has many practical applications. For example, you create a new Key System. The program automatically creates all of the cylinders and key numbers. You realize you made a mistake when setting up the system. By deleting the Key System, the Cylinders and Keys are deleted, so you don't have to delete these records one at a time. Conversely, if any personnel had been issued keys from that Key System, these key issuance records, including deposits and fees, would be deleted from the database because those keys no longer exist. In this case, it would be a good idea to have personnel return their keys before you delete a Key System.
3. When you click on the Delete button, the program displays the following alert message:
"Are you sure you want to delete this record?"
4. Click on Yes to delete the record and associated children records or No to abort the operation.
To Clear Secondary Information about a Record:
It is easy to remove secondary information about a record. This is simple information instead of a linked record as discussed above. For example, you are on a Personnel record and want to delete (clear) the Home Phone number. In this situation you first put the screen in Edit mode and then delete or clear the information in the desired field. See Editing Records.