Editing Records

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Editing Records

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Screen information is normally in Read Only mode so that you do not accidentally delete or change record information. The Edit button is a very powerful and useful tool. When you place a screen in the Edit mode and change any information (i.e., Building Name, Room Number) and save it, that information is changed globally throughout the program. For example, changing the Building Name in Building/Room Information will change the name of that building on all associated key issuance records in Personnel.



This topic includes:


The Primary Record List

To Edit Records on the Primary Record List


Data Entry Fields and Text Boxes


Record Selection Fields


Record Lookup Fields


Secondary Record Lists



The Primary Record List


A very efficient way to change single or multiple record information is by editing that information on any Primary Record List. For example, if room numbers change in a building you can quickly go down the list of your room numbers and re-number them. Another example is if your personnel uses Social Security numbers as their ID number and you wish to utilize a different numbering format. Instead of editing their records one at a time, you simply go down the list of their ID numbers and change them.



To Edit Records on the Primary Record List


1. Open any Record Information Screen and look up the record or records you wish to change.


2. If you are already on a record information screen for the records you wish to change, make sure that the Primary Record List is in the expanded mode. Click on the Mode button if necessary.


3. Click on the Edit button on the Record Information Screen.


Important: You can't edit any records that are in Bold on a Primary Record List. For example, if you're on the Room Information Screen of a building, you can edit the room numbers as well as Square Footage and Comments. You can't edit the Building, Department, or Function because these are primary records that pertain to their own record information screens. To edit those record names, you must do so on those information screens.


4. Click inside any field in the Primary Record List that you wish to change. You may partially highlight the field information just to change a portion of it or you may fully highlight the entire field to change all the information.


5. Type in the new information.


6. If you want to edit multiple records in any of the columns, first click inside the first field you want to change and partially or fully highlight the field and type in the new information. Then proceed down the column using the Down Arrow on your keyboard. This will automatically highlight the next record field. You may also use the Up Arrow.


7. Click on the Save button on the Record Information Screen to store your changes.


Idea: You may also use the Copy (Ctrl+C) command, under the Edit pull-down menu, to copy the information in a field and then use the Paste (Ctrl+V) command to paste the information into another field(s). This is a very efficient way to enter matching information into multiple fields. When pasting information into fields, you don't have to first delete the existing information. You can paste right over the existing information.



Data Entry Fields and Text Boxes


1. Click on the Edit button on any of the record information screens. The Edit button will change to the Save button.


2. Select (highlight) the record that you wish to edit and either change the name or delete the information in the field.


3. Click on the Save button to store your changes.



Record Selection Fields (drop-down box)




1. On the record information screen, click on the Edit button.


2. At the Record Selection field, click on the blue down arrow that displays the current records as a list.


3. Double-click on one of the records to change the information.


4. Click on the Save button on the record information screen.




1. On the record information screen, click on the Edit button.


2. In the Record Selection Field, type in the name you want to add.




1. To Clear the displayed record in a Record Selection Field, click on the Red X button.


2. The program displays the message, "Are you sure you want to clear the selected link. This action cannot be undone by the Cancel button?"


3. Click Yes to clear the record or No to abort.


4. This clears this record's link to the associated record but does not delete its own record.



Record Lookup Fields




1. At the Record Lookup field, click on the Binoculars button.


2. Find and select the record that you wish to add or replace and click on the Accept button on the Find screen.


3. The record is changed in the field.





1. At the Record Lookup Field, click on the Red X button.


2. The program displays the message, "Are you sure you want to clear the selected link. This action cannot be undone by the Cancel button?"


3. Click Yes to clear the record or No to abort.


4. This clears this record's link to the associated record but does not delete its own record.



Secondary Record Lists (list box)


There are three ways to edit records on Secondary Record Lists:


A. Editing specific information about a record that appears in a Secondary Record List.


1. Click on the Open Folder button.


2. Select the record that you want to edit.


3. Click on the Edit button.


4. Change any information about that record.


5. Click on the Save button.


B. To add another record to a Secondary Record List.


1. Click on the Binoculars button that displays a record Find screen.


2. Find and select the record that you wish to add and click on the Accept button on the Find screen.


3. The record is then added to the list.


4. Click on the Save button on the record's information screen.


C. To Clear a record from a Secondary Record List.


1. Select the record in the list and click on the Clear Record (Red X) button.


2. The program displays the message, "Are you sure you want to clear the selected link. This action cannot be undone by the Cancel button?"


3. Click Yes to clear the record or No to abort.



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