The Administration Program

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The Administration Program

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SITEMASTER 200® uses a separate, but linked Administration Program that is accessed from the program's Log In Screen. The purpose of this program is to manage and maintain your datasets (data), and to set up, control, and mange your users' access to that data.



This topic includes:


Super Administrator, Administrators, and Users

Users Admin

To Open the Users Admin Screen

Access Control

To View User Settings

To Set Up Password Requirements

Field Descriptions and Functionality of the User Admin Screen

Field Descriptions of the Access Control Screen

To Add an Administrator User

To Add a Standard User

Working with Datasets

Assigning Users to Datasets

Utilities Menu

Backing Up and Restoring Your Data

Change to user Program

Adding Additional Datasets

Clear Locked Record

Assigning Users to Datasets

Purge Security Logs

Copy Data from Another Dataset

Enter Registration Number or Activation Key


Restart System

Security Logs

User Action Types

Help Menu

View the Security Logs


Purge Security Logs

SITEMASTER 200® Registration Number


Change Password



Working with the Administration Program


Important: As soon as you start up SiteMaster, you are required to enter the default user name and password, and then change the password. Passwords are required in SiteMaster. As the new user, you are initially the Super Administrator over the program, so you have full control of Sitemaster. Do not forget the Super Administrator's password.



Super Administrator, Administrators, and Users


Super Administrator - A full administrator of the program who cannot be deleted or have its rights changed. However, an Administrator can edit the User Name and Password of the Super Administrator. This user is not intended to log in on a regular basis, but was added as a safety precaution in case another Admin User's rights is accidentally compromised.


Administrators - A full administrator of the program who can have its rights changed and be deleted by the Super Administrator.


Users (non--administrators) - Can be made an Administrator of the User Program, but cannot access the Administration Program. Users can have their rights changed and be deleted by both the Super Administrator and by Administrators.



Access Control


In this screen, you set up the complexity requirements for Passwords. When users are assigned passwords and change their passwords, the established requirements must be followed.


To Set Up Password Requirements:


1. Log into SiteMaster, and tick the Administration Program option.

Note: If you are not an Administrator User, you will not have access to the Administration Program.


2. Click the Access Control button on the Main Button Bar.


3. Click Edit to add or change your settings, and then click Save.



Field Descriptions of the Access Control Screen:


Number of Allowed Failure Attempts: The number of times a user can enter an incorrect password into the Log In Screen. Exceeding the number locks the user's account.


Password Repeat Count: The number of times a user can repeat or re-use the same password.


Password Reset Days: The number of days that a user may use their password before they're required to change it.


Expired Password Locks Account: If the user exceeds the Password Reset Days then they are locked out of their account.


Minimum Password Length: The minimum character length for passwords. By selecting the different password character options, the minimum password length is automatically adjusted.


Use Upper Case in Password: Requires that at least one character in password is upper case.


Use Lower Case in Password: Requires that at least one character in password is lower case.


Use Numbers in Password: Requires that at least one character in password is a number.


Use Special Characters in Password: Requires that at least one character in password is a symbol. Examples: !, *, #, @, +



Working with Datasets


When you first install SiteMaster, the program creates a dataset named Demodata that contains sample data. After you enter your registration number, the program creates another dataset named Livedata. The dataset Livedata is intended to be your working dataset. In SiteMaster, you may rename the datasets. You can switch between the two datasets, and control user access to those datasets. For example, you set up your user(s) to only access Demodata, until they have learned how to use SiteMaster. Then, you provide access to Livedata.


Attention: When your users are working in SiteMaster, they need to make sure that they are working with the correct dataset. For example, a user is accidentally adding working data into the Demodata dataset. The name of the current dataset that is opened, is always displayed at the top of the SiteMaster Screen.


Important: Most SiteMaster end users only require one dataset. Exceptions, may be property managers, for example. Caution should be taken when deciding to utilize multiple datasets, because datasets cannot share data, and you cannot merge the data from different datasets. For example, you set up a separate dataset for each building. This won't work well, if your Key System crosses through those different buildings, and/or you need to issue keys to Personnel who require keys from multiple buildings. In this situation, you would have to duplicate the Key System and the Personnel in both datasets. When issuing and returning keys, you would have to go into each individual dataset to find the person's duplicate record. Utilizing multiple datasets makes more sense, if each dataset represents a distinct site or customer, where all of the data is unique to that site (dataset).


To open the Datasets Screen:


1. Log into SiteMaster, and tick the Administration Program option. You must be an Administrator.


2. Click the Datasets button on the Main Button Bar.


3. Click the Find All button to display your list of datasets.



Adding Additional Datasets


SiteMaster comes with two datasets, Demodata and Livedata. If you require additional datasets you may purchase them directly from Matrix Security, but first read the important information above. You may also use Demodata as a second working dataset, but you would probably want to first delete the sample data. Once, you purchase additional datasets, that's when the Add button on the Datasets Screen becomes available.


To add another Dataset:


1. In the Administration Program, click the Datasets button on the Main Button Bar.


2. Click the Add button on the Datasets Screen.


2. On the Create Dataset Screen, type in the name of your new dataset and click Finish.



Assigning Users to Datasets


Important: There are two types of dataset rights that may be assigned to your users. And, you can assign both types to a User. These are, Users with Access and Users with Administration Access. When you assign a user with access to a dataset, that user can simply log into the dataset a perform non-administration operations. When you assign a user with administration access, that user can perform specific administration tasks that include, setting the access rights for other users, load user rights from another dataset, access the Utilities menu to change the dataset, and to perform the importing and exporting features. These assignments only pertain to the User Program and not to the Administration Program. Only users who are system Administrators can access the Administration Program.


To Add/Remove User Access to a Dataset:

Note: Users may also be assigned to datasets in the Users Admin Screen.


1. In the Administration Program, click the Datasets button on the Main Button Bar.


2. Look up and select the dataset. You can click Find All or use the look up field.


3. Click the Dataset Info tab on the screen.


4. Click the Binoculars button on either the Users with Administration Access or Users with Access list box.


5. On the Users Find Screen, look up and select the user to add. You may tick the check boxes to add multiple users at once.


6. Click the Accept button to add the user(s) to the list box.


7. To remove a user, select the user in either list box, and click the Clear Record (Red X) button on the list box.



Perform File Maintenance


If you experience a problem with your computer system, and afterwards it appears that your records are out of order, the program will attempt to fix (reindex) the sequence of the records. Unless you are experiencing a problem with your system, or have been advised to perform maintenance by Matrix Security, we don't recommend that you use this feature on a regular basis.


To Perform File Maintenance:


1. Make sure that all users but yourself are logged out of SiteMaster.


2. In the Administration Program, click the Datasets button on the Main Button Bar.


3. Look up and select the dataset. You can click Find All or use the look up field.


4. Click the Dataset Info tab on the screen.


5. Click the perform File Maintenance button.


6. If you encounter any errors during the maintenance routine, then the program may not have been able to reindex all tables. Get a restored backup of your data.



Backing Up and Restoring Your Data


Important: Your IT Group may have policies in place for backing up data, so contact them for information. SiteMaster utilizes a SQL Server database backend, and normally the data is on the server while the program is installed on the client PC. However, during SiteMaster installation there's a Local DB option for stand-alone computers. In this situation, you can use the built-in Backup/Restore feature to make backups from the stand-alone PC. Another, reason to use this feature is for performing a backup as a snapshot, prior to importing data into your working data. This provides you with a backup in case something goes wrong with the import.


Attention: Before you perform a "Restore," make sure you are the only user logged into SiteMaster. You can notify users to log out and/or force them to log out in the Users Admin Screen. See Users Admin Screen.


To Back Up Your Data:


1. In the Administration Program, click the Datasets button on the Main Button Bar.


2. Look up and select the dataset you want to back up.


3. Click the Backup/Restore tab.


4. Click the Backup Dataset button.


The dataset back up is displayed in the Backup List, and has been assigned a unique name plus the date/time.



To Restore/Delete a Data Backup:


Important: Make a back up of your existing data in case you don't like the results of the Restore.


Attention: You should be the only user logged in.


1. In the Administration Program, click the Datasets button on the Main Button Bar.


2. Look up and select the dataset.


3. Click the Backup/Restore tab.


4. Select the data backup in the Backup List.


5. Click the Restore from Backup button. Click Yes, to perform the restore when you receive the Restore Dataset message.


6. To Delete a data backup, select the backup from the Backup List, and click the Delete Backup button. Click Yes, to delete the backup when you receive the Delete Backup message.



Copy Data from Another Dataset


Attention: This feature simply copies the data from one dataset that you look up into the dataset that you have selected, and it will overwrite any existing data. This feature does not merge data.


To Copy Data from one Dataset to Another:


1. In the Administration Program, click the Datasets button on the Main Button Bar.


2. Look up and select the dataset that you want to copy the data into.


3. Click the Backup/Restore tab.


3. Click the Copy Data from Another Dataset button.


4. On the Copy Dataset Screen, select the dataset using the drop-down box named Copy from Dataset. This overwrites any data in your selected dataset.



Changing the Dataset


Important: This feature is not in the Administration Program, but in the User Program.

Note: You must be


To Switch Between Datasets:


1. In the User Program, click on the Utilities pull-down menu and select, Dataset Utilities.


2. The Available Dataset list displays your datasets.


3. Select a dataset in the list and click the Select button.



Security Logs


The Security Logs Screen maintains a running list of certain actions performed by your users.


User Type Actions Displayed in the Security Logs:


1. Changed password

2. Password changed by another user (Admin Program > Users > change password)

3. Account forced to log out (Admin Program > Users > Force User to Log out)

4. Force log out acknowledged by account. (Account actually gets logged out)

5. Invalid password attempted.

6. Account locked out. (Admin Program > Users > Lock User)

7. Account locked out by expired password. (You have to have that option set on Access Control when an Expired Password Locks Account)

8. Account locked out by failed log in attempts.

9. Locked out account attempted to log in.

10. Account that was logged in attempted to log in again.

11. Account logged in.

12. Account logged out.

13. Account was made an administrator. (Admin Program > Users > Make Administrator)

14. Account was notified to log out. (Admin Program > Users > Notify User to Log out)

15. Account must reset password flag was cleared. (Admin Program > Users > Clear Reset Password)

16. Account must reset password flag was set. (Admin Program > Users > Must Reset Password)

17. Account was removed as an administrator. (Admin Program > Users > Remove Administrator)

18. Account was unlocked. (Admin Program > Users > Unlock User)


To view the Security Logs for Users:


1. In the Administration Program, click the Security Logs button on the Main Button Bar.


2. The Security Logs' user actions are displayed in the list.



To purge the records in the Security Logs Screen:


1. In the Administration Program, select the Utilities pull-down menu.


2. Click on Maintenance Utilities, and then Purge Security Logs.



Working with the Users Admin Screen


In this screen, you add and initially set up all SiteMaster users. From here, you can notify users to log out or force them to log out. Additionally, you can control user access to specific datasets, make them administrators of datasets, and set the default dataset that opens when they run SiteMaster. You may also assign different rights for how Administrator Users access the Administration Program. SiteMaster comes with the Super Administrator (ADMIN) user plus two additional users that you can add. You can purchase additional user licenses directly from Matrix Security. You may also install SiteMaster on multiple PCs, and share the dataset(s) concurrently with those users.


Two Programs/Two Users Screens


Important: There are two different User Screens, so one in the Administration Program (Users Admin) and one in the User Program (Users Screen). Full Administrators  may access both programs, but Administrators for Datasets (Non-Administrators) can only access the User Program. Administrators, add and setup all users, can set up their access rights, and control their access to datasets, while Administrators for Datasets may only assign user rights in the User Program. Administrators for Datasets cannot add or delete users, so just modify their rights and perform certain other functions in the User Program.



To Open the Users Admin Screen:


1. Log into the Administration Program. You must be an Administrator.


2. Click the Users Admin button on the Main Button Bar.


3. Click Find All to display all Users.


On this screen, you can immediately see what users are logged in and logged out, as well as the date/time that they last checked in (logged in).


To View User Settings:


1. Click the Users Admin button on the Main Button Bar.


2. Click Find All to display all Users. You may also use the Look Up field to the left of Find All.


3. Select a user in the list and click the Mode tab. You may also just double-click the user in the list.



Field Descriptions and Functionality of the Users Admin Screen (Users Screen):


User Name: The name entered for user. Maximum of 20 characters.


Last Checkin Date/Time: Last date and time user logged in.


Administrator (check box): Read only, so auto-checked when set to Administrator.


Make Administrator (button): Sets the user as an Administrator of the System for both Administration and User Programs.

User has full control of SiteMaster and they can edit their own rights, but these rights can be modified. See example, below.


Remove as Administrator (button): Removes the user as an Administrator for both the Administration and User Programs.


Logged In (check box): Read only to indicate that the user is either logged in or out.


Notify user to Log out (button): Sends a message to the user to log out.

For example, use when performing system maintenance, importing files, and backing up/restoring data. You can edit the Log Out message.


Force the User to Log out (button): Forces the user out.


Locked Out (check box): Immediately, locks the user out.


Unlock User (button): Unlocks the user.


Password: The users password. The complexity of the password is based on the settings in the Access Control Screen. Maximum of 13 characters.


Reset Password Next Login (read only): Displays that the user must reset their password the next time they log in.


Must Reset Password (button): Click button to tick the Reset Password Next Login and activate the feature.


User Dataset List (list box): This grants the user log in access to any datasets that you add.

You also need to do this for Administrators.


Administrator for Datasets (list box): This sets the user as an Administrator for any datasets that you add. Only pertains to the User Program.

You also need to do this for Administrators. Non-Administrator users become administrators of the dataset(s) that are assigned, but cannot delete or add users. In the User Program, they can assign user rights, perform



Default Dataset: Controls the dataset that the user accesses after logging in. If the user is assigned to more than one dataset in the users Dataset List, then the user can switch to any of those datasets in the User Program. When using the Change Data Set feature to switch from one dataset to another, the Default Dataset field gets updated to the last dataset that the user was in.


Security Settings (list box): Displays any restrictions of rights that have been set for an Administrator User in the Administration Program.


Begin Setting User Rights (button): Used to navigate around the Administration Program for setting the rights of an Administrator User.



To Add an Administrator User (Example):


We'll start by adding an Administrator user, and then demonstrate how that user's rights may be restricted to only perform limited administrative tasks.


1. Log into the Administration Program. You must be an Administrator.


2. Click the Users Admin button on the Main Button Bar.


3. Click the Add button.


4. Type in a user name. User names are upper case only.


5. Click the Make Administrator button. At this point, the user is a full Administrator.


6. With the Reset Password Next Login option checked, the user is required to change their password after they log in. When selecting passwords to assign, the passwords entered must follow your predefined settings that were set up in the Access Control Screen.


7. Administrator users may not need to operate the SiteMaster program (User Program). If this is so, you do not need to assign a dataset to the user using the User Dataset List. You do need to assign a dataset(s) to all users who will operate SiteMaster.


8. To add a dataset to a user, click the Binoculars button on the Dataset List.


9. You can click Find All on the Dataset Find Screen to look up and select the dataset to assign.


10. Click the Accept button to add the dataset to the Administrator user.


11. If the Administrator user needs to assign rights to other users for a dataset(s) in the User Program, then use the Administrator for Datasets list box to add the dataset(s). Note: This assignment can also be made for Standard Users, who are required to assign rights to other users in the User Program.


12. To add a dataset to the Administrator for Datsets list, click the Binoculars button on the list.


13. Look up and select a dataset on the Dataset Find Screen.


14. Click the Accept button to add the dataset to the Administrator user.


15. Use the Default Dataset drop-down box to assign the Administrator user the dataset that will open when the user logs into the User Program.


16. Click Save to store the settings.


17. At this point, the Administrator user still has full control of the Administration Program. You have the option to limit these rights if necessary. In the following example, we'll keep the user an Administrator, but deny the user access to the Users Admin Screen and to the Datasets Screen. We will also assign the user view only rights to both the Access Control Screen and to the Security Logs. There may be no practical reason for you to set up a user this way, but it demonstrates the flexibility of the feature.


18. To limit the Administrator to these rights, start by clicking on the Begin Setting User Rights button on the Users Screen (Users Admin).


19. This changes the background color of the Users Screen to indicate that you are in the mode to edit user rights.


20. Right-click on the screen's background to open a fly-out box, and select the Invisible option. The screen changes color to reflect the new setting.


19. Click the Access Control button on the Main Button Bar to open the Access Control Screen.


19. Again, right-click on the screen's background to open the fly-out box, and select the Invisible option.

Note: The screen's background is not the list box or any other objects that make up the screen, but the actual background where you see the color change.


20. Click the Datasets button on the Main Button Bar, but when you right-click, select the view-only option.


21. Normally, you would take these same steps for Security Logs, but you can't edit that screen anyway, so we're done.


22. Exit the open screens, but don't close the Users Screen.


23. Click the End Setting Users Rights button to store the settings. Remember to do this, so you don't leave the program in this mode.


24. After setting up the user, you can log in as that user to test your settings.


You can think of this example, as a user who may normally operate SiteMaster (User Program), but who also has extended privileges to view security logs and the required settings for passwords in the Administration Program. If you also assign this user as an Administrator of a Dataset, then this user will be able to assign rights to other users in the User Program that pertains to that dataset(s).



To Add a Standard User (Example):


You add all users using the Administration Program, but non-administrator (standard) users do not get access to the Administration program. However, you can make a standard user an Administrator of a dataset(s). This allows the user to perform administrative tasks for that dataset(s) in the User Program.


1. Log into the Administration Program. You must be an Administrator.


2. Click the Users Admin button on the Main Button Bar.


3. Click the Add button.


4. Type in a user name. User names are upper case only.


5. With the Reset Password Next Login option checked, the user is required to change their password after they log in. When selecting passwords to assign, the passwords entered must follow your predefined settings that were set up in the Access Control Screen.


6. To add a dataset to the Standard user, click the Binoculars button on the Dataset List.


7. You can click Find All on the Dataset Find Screen to look up and select the dataset to assign.


8. Click the Accept button to add the dataset. The Standard User can now log into that dataset in the User Program.


9. If the Standard User needs to assign rights to other users for the dataset(s) in the User Program, then use the Administrator for Datasets list box to add the dataset(s).


10. To add a dataset to the Standard User for the Administrator for Datasets list, click the Binoculars button on the list.


11. Look up and select a dataset on the Dataset Find Screen.


12. Click the Accept button to add the dataset to the Standard User.


13. Use the Default Dataset drop-down box to assign the Standard User the dataset that will open when the user logs into the User Program.


At this point, we have a Standard User, who does not have access to the Administration Program, but who can assign rights to other users in the User Program. This user, also has unlimited rights in the User Program. If you need to limit those rights to the Standard User, you do this in the Users Screen in the User Program.


For more information on how to set up the rights for users in the User Program, click Begin Setting User Rights. This topic is about setting user rights over in the User Program. However, there are more options to set up in the User Program, so why this feature is covered in more detail over there.



Utilities Menu


There are a number of features available under the Utilities pull-down menu for performing system maintenance tasks.


Change to User Program - Selecting this option, allows to switch to the User Program without having to log out of the Administration Program and back into the User Program. Note: This same feature is in the User Program to switch back to the Administration Program.


Clear Locked Record - This is a feature that unlocks a record when another user has opened the same record that you want to access. For example, sometimes a user will leave a record open on their computer and then go somewhere and can't be reached. When another user tries to access the record, they receive a message from the program that the record is locked by another user. To unlock the record:


1. From the Administration Program, select Clear Locked Record from the Utilities pull-down menu. From the User Program, select Maintenance Utilities, and then Clear Locked Record. The program displays a message asking you if you want to unlock the record and displays the name of the user who is currently accessing (locking) the record.


2. Click on the Yes button to unlock the record.




Purge Security Logs - This simply removes the security log records from the Security Logs Screen.


To purge the records in the Security Logs Screen:


1. In the Administration Program, select the Utilities pull-down menu.


2. Click on Purge Security Logs.


3. Enter a date range, and then purge the logs.



Enter Registration Number or Activation Key - For activating and/or upgrading SiteMaster. The screen that gets displayed changes depending on how far along you are with activation. For example, the screen will prompt you for your Registration Number if you still need to enter it. Once you enter your Registration Number, the screen changes to activate SiteMaster with your activation key, or to upgrade the program with an upgrade code.


To Activate or Upgrade SiteMaster:


1. In the Administration Program, select the Utilities pull-down menu.


2. Click on Enter Registration Number or Activation Key.


3. Type in your Activation Key or Upgrade Code.


4. Click Finish.


For convenience, we have added the two buttons, Copy Registration Info to Clipboard and Load Activation Key from Clipboard. These buttons may be used to copy this information to the Clipboard, so that you don't have to write it down.



Restart System - Warning: This feature will erase all of your data and start your system all over again from scratch. This feature initiates the SQL Server command to drop the databases. You will be required to reenter your registration number and obtain a new Activation Key from Matrix Security. This feature is normally used if there's been a problem with the software installation or if you have been advised by Matrix Security to perform this action.


To Restart System:


1. In the Administration Program, select the Utilities pull-down menu.


2. Click, Restart System.



Help Menu


SITEMASTER 200® Help - Takes you to the Help Central page in the Help Manual.


1. In the Administration Program, select SITEMASTER 200® Help.


2. Click on Data Entry Help.



Data Entry Help - Click this link to go to the Data Entry Walk-Through topic in the Help Manual.


1. In the Administration Program, select the Help pull-down menu.


2. Click on Data Entry Help.



SITEMASTER 200® Registration Number - This is what you actually own, and what allows you to get your activation key after you register SiteMaster. Besides the Registration Number, the screen displays other important information and features that you may have added to Sitemaster. For example, how many user licenses, datasets, and any add-on features.


To Access the Registration Number Information:


1. In the Administration Program, select the Help pull-down menu.


2. Click on SITEMASTER 200® Registration Number.



Change Password - This allows the current user to quickly change their own password.


To Change Your Password in the Administration Program:


1. In the Administration Program, select the Help pull-down menu.


2. Click on Change Password.


3. Type in the information and click Finish.



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