Setting Up the User Program

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Setting Up the User Program

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The User Program is another name for the SiteMaster program, so where you perform your daily operations. Setting up the program involves choosing options you want to include in your system. You select or deselect items that become the default options. The System Setup Screen includes administrative options while the Locksmith Setup Screen includes options that should be set up by the locksmith. There is also a Receipt Setup Screen that allows you to customize the text for key issuance receipts.



This topic includes:


Working with System Setup Screens


The System Setup Screen

Descriptions of the System Setup Options


The Receipt Text Setup Screen


The Locksmith Setup Screen

Descriptions of the Locksmith Setup Options


Utilities Menu


Help Menu



Working with System Setup Screens


Take your time when setting up options to consider the effect of selecting a particular option. We recommend that you read the information, consider your system, and then decide which options meet your needs. The program's setup options give you the flexibility and control of your system. If you find that an option isn't meeting your needs or your system changes, you can change the setup options at any time. The new features will be included or excluded from that time on.



The System Setup Screen


To set up system options, do the following:


1. From the pull-down Setup Menu select the System Setup Screens item and then the System Setup option. This displays the System Setup Screen.


2. Click on the Edit button to enable the settings.


3. Change any of the settings.


4. Click on the Save button.



Descriptions of the System Setup Options:


Facility Information: You can enter your site's name, address, and phone number in these optional fields. If you enter this information and use the receipt writer provided by this program, your site information will be printed on key issuance receipts.


Charge for Keys: Selecting this feature allows you to charge a fee when issuing a key. If multiple keys are issued (non-serialized keys) to the same record, the program totals the charges.


Charge for Deposits: Selecting this feature allows you to collect deposits when issuing keys. If multiple keys are issued (non-serialized keys) to the same record, the program totals the deposits. When keys are returned, the program will automatically handle the return of the deposit amount or you may edit that amount.


Charge for Key Rings: Selecting this feature allows you to charge a fee when issuing a key ring.


Charge Deposits for Key Rings: Selecting this feature allows you to collect a deposit when issuing a key ring. When a key ring is returned, the program will automatically handle the return of the deposit amount or you may edit that amount.



The Receipt Text Setup Screen


The program allows you to customize the text that appears on key issuance and key return receipts for keys and key rings. We refer to this as the "Agreement of Responsibility."


To create or change receipt text:


1. From the pull-down Setup Menu select the System Setup Screens item and then the Receipt Text option. This displays the Receipt Text Setup Screen.


2. Click on the Edit button to enable the text boxes.


3. Type in the Agreement of Responsibility for each type of receipt text. The Return Text agreement is the same for both keys and key rings.


4. The Keys Held and Rings Held text boxes are for adding text to receipts for all of the keys/rings that a person is currently issued.


5. Click on the Save button.



The Locksmith Setup Screen


The options on this screen should be set up by the Locksmith. De-selecting some of the options will prevent the viewing of sensitive key system information. Other options control the ways that keys are created. We suggest that when you are deciding which options to use that you think about how your keys are created in the program and who will have access to this information.


To set up Locksmith Setup options, do the following:


1. From the pull-down Setup Menu select the System Setup Screens item and then the Locksmith Setup option. This displays the Locksmith Setup Screen.


2. Click on the Edit button to enable the settings.


3. Change any of the settings.


4. Click on the Save button.



Descriptions of the Locksmith Setup Options:


Show Bittings: The bittings or cuts of your keys can be prevented from being displayed throughout the program by de-selecting this option. However, you can also set up any user of the program to be restricted from seeing bittings. One of the main advantages for temporarily de-selecting this option is when you print reports for key numbers that are distributed to customers. See Users.


Show Interchange (Unintentional Cross Keys): Keys that interchange with other cylinders are automatically displayed by the program on the cylinder's Pinning Screen and on Pinning Charts as incidental keys (IK and IM). You can turn off interchange information so that this information does not show up. By displaying interchange information, you have the opportunity to identify and/or rekey rooms that have this problem. Interchange with this feature is displayed within the same key system.


Show Interchange Between Key Systems: Keys that interchange with other cylinders across multiple Key Systems are automatically displayed by the program on the cylinder's Pinning Screen and on Pinning Charts as operating keys (MK and OB). For example, you can use this feature to display the working Master Keys and/or Operating Keys for downward-compatible or backwards compatible systems. One example: Schlage Everest 29 S 6 Pin keys operating Schlage Everest C Family 6 Pin cylinder/cores. However, for this feature to display this information, you must tell the Program what keyways in one Manufacturer's System operates those in another Manufacturer's System. Important: When setting up keyway relationships it's important not to create circular logic, so this must be done properly. Click here to find out how.


Note: For the Schlage Everest 29 S 6 Pin System the keyway relationships to Schlage Everest C Family 6 Pin have already been preloaded, so you do not need to set them up because these are Open Keyways. You will need to set them up for Restricted Systems.



Two Methods for Key Number Serialization:


1. The Default Method of Serialization: This method is used when the Unique Serial Numbers Throughout System item is not checked. When creating key quantities, the serial numbers for each key number will repeat sequentially. For example, AA1 (serial numbers 1, 2, and 3) and AA2 (serial numbers 1, 2, and 3).


2. Unique Serial Numbers Throughout System: This method assigns a unique serial number to each and every key that is created. For example, AA1 (serial numbers 1, 2, and 3) and AA2 (serial numbers 4, 5, and 6).


The program will automatically generate serialized keys for a key system, regardless of method, if the "Default New Key Numbers as Serialized" feature is selected on the Manufacturer's System Screen. If not checked, use the Serialized check box that appears on the  on the Key Number Information screen to selectively serialize individual keys. Note: You can't change the serialization status of a key number if the key is issued to Personnel. First, return the key, change the status, and reissue the key.


When importing keys from Schlage or Falcon Key Records, using the Create System Keys Wizard in Key Systems, or the Add Key Numbers & Cylinders Wizard under Utilities, you have the option to check/uncheck the serialized key option.


The program auto-generates serial numbers by looking up the highest existing number and adding the next one. Therefore, in this program serial numbers are intended to be just numbers. You may get unexpected results if you edit the program's serial numbers to your own method.


If you decide to use unique serial numbers throughout your system, you will also be able to quickly locate keys and keyholders by those unique serial numbers.

See Locate Keynumber by Unique Serial Number

See Locate Person by Unique Serial Number


Auto-Create Keys: When you select this option the program automatically creates any additional keys that are needed during the issuance of keys or key rings to personnel. For serialized keys the next serial numbers are automatically created. For example, this means that you only have to make and stamp the new keys without the need to record them as created in the program. The person who's logged into the program will be recorded as the one who created the keys.



Utilities Menu


Change to Administration Program - If you are an administrator of the Administration Program, you can use this feature to switch from the User Program to the Administration Program without having to log out or log back in.


Data Set Utilities (Change Data Set) - Use this feature to switch from one dataset to another. For example, from Demodata to SM20040.


1. From the Utilities Menu, select Data Set Utilities.


2. On the Change Dataset Screen, select the dataset and click the Select button.



Clear Locked Record - This is a feature that unlocks a record when another user has opened the same record that you want to access. For example, sometimes a user will leave a record open on their computer and then go somewhere and can't be reached. When another user tries to access the record, they receive a message from the program that the record is locked by another user. To unlock the record:


1. From the Utilities Menu, select Maintenance Utilities, and then Clear Locked Record. The program displays a message asking you if you want to unlock the record and displays the name of the user who is currently accessing (locking) the record.


2. Click on the Yes button to unlock the record.



Help Menu


Data Entry Help - Opens the built-in Help Manual.


1. From the Help Menu, select SITEMASTER 200® Help.



Change Password - This allows the user to change their own password.


1. From the Help Menu, select Change Password.


2. Type in your original password, followed by your new password and confirm.



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