Manufacturer's SystemsiStock_000015183192Large

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Manufacturer's SystemsiStock_000015183192Large

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On this screen, you set up different Manufacturers' key system specifications that will be assigned to the Key Systems that you create. These specifications determine how the program generates your systems' keys and how the pinning of cylinders is displayed on the program's Pinning Screen. All of Allegion's systems are already pre-loaded.



This topic includes:


Working with Manufacturer's Systems

To Open the Manufacturer's System Screen

To Add a Manufacturer's System

Field Descriptions of the Manufacturer's System Screen


The Create Pins Button and Pin Setup List

Modifying Pin Setup Information

To Modify Pin Information


The Keying Systems/Keyways Screen

To Add Keyways to a Manufacturer's System

Setting Up Keyways for Multiplex Systems


The Master Keys Screen




Working with Manufacturer's Systems


Any Key System that you want to create is based on a Manufacturer's System. Before you can create a key system and add keys and cylinders to the program, you must create the Manufacturers' System(s) that's linked to the key system. This allows the program to properly set up the system that will be created.


The program comes pre-loaded with all of Schlage's and Falcon's system types. This means that if you use any of these systems you won't need to set them up. You only need to add any non-Allegion systems that you use. Most standard one and two-step systems can be set up, but certain specialized systems are not fully supported. For example, you may be able to build the keys and cylinder/cores for some specialized systems, but specific attributes that are unique to that particular Manufacturer's System are not displayed. For systems that use control keys the program only combinates cylinder/cores for SFIC (Small Format Interchangeable Core). If you have a Large Format system where the control key is not uniquely combinated, do not set up your system for control keys. For example, the large format control key has the same bitting as the master key.


Important: If you are using both five and six pin keys, for example, that are based on the same Manufacturer's System, you will need to create two different systems, one 5-pin and one 6-pin. The program also provides you with methods that will help you to produce your systems when there are conditional problems. Here are a few examples:


Problem: The MACS may change depending on the keyway that's used. For example, the normal MACS value may be 6 but because of the keyway or cutter being used it's 5.




1. On the Manufacturer's System Screen, click on the Edit button.


2. Change the MACS from 6 to 5.


3. Click on the Save button.


4. On the Key Systems Screen, select the same Key System that you used before.


5. Click on the Create System Keys button and set up the system with the keyway that requires the MACS of 5.


6. Create your new keys. The program will remove cut violations based on the new specification.


7. Don't forget to go back to the Manufacturer's System and change the MACS back to 6.



Problem: The MACS vary for a system depending upon the adjacent cuts that are used. For example, the system is not true to 5 or 6, and 6 must be avoided depending upon the adjacent cut combinations (i.e., 606, 717, 828, 939, 060, 171, 282, 393).




1. Set up the Manufacturer's System for the MACS of 6 and generate the key system.


2. From the Key Systems Screen, get to the Key Numbers List and click on the Open Folder button to display the Key Numbers List Information sub-screen. The primary record list of this screen displays all of the key numbers that you created under this system.


3. Using the Mode button, display the primary record list in the expanded mode.


4. Click on the Bittings field column name to change the primary lookup field to Bittings.


5. Type in a question mark (?) followed by the first bad adjacent cut combination (i.e., ?606). The program will look up any keys in your system with this cut combination.


6. Delete these keys from the list. The Cylinders/Core records will also be deleted.


7. Follow the same procedure for the other adjacent cut combinations that must be avoided.



Problem: We are using pinning kits that don't precisely match the pin lengths that the program displays on the Pin Setup List or on the Pinning Screens.




1. On the Pin Setup List, click on the Open Folder button. This displays the Pin Setup Information subscreen.


2. Select the pin number that you want to change and click on the Edit button.


3. Change the length of the pin to match your pinning kit. Do this for any other pin numbers.


4. Click on the Save button.


You may also change the color of your pins to match a pinning kit. See To Modify Pin Information.



To Open the Manufacturer's System Screen:


1. Click the Manufacturer's Systems icon on the main Button Bar.


2. The Manufacturer's System Screen opens in the expanded view allowing you to Add or Look Up records. You may also access reports, exit from the Manufacturer's System Screen, or change the mode of the screen. The buttons that appear with gray text are inactive and not available in this mode.


3. The Description lookup field is the default, but you may click on any of the Field Column Names such as Manufacturer to look up records by that name.


4. Click on the Mode button to contract the Primary Record List to the left and display the record fields on the right.


5. For technical specifications about the Manufacturers fields, see Technical Program Information.



To Add a Manufacturer's System:


Help with > Adding Records


1. Click on the Add button on the Manufacturer's System Screen.


2. Type your information into the data entry fields. See field descriptions below.



Field Descriptions of the Manufacturer's System Screen:


Manufacturer: This is the brand of the key system such as Schlage.


Bow to Tip (check box): Check this box if the orientation of your bittings is read from the bow to the tip of the key. This will also set up the way that the Pinning Screen is displayed.


Description: This describes the system type of a Manufacturer such as Classic System (.015").


Number of Chambers: This tells the program how many cylinder chambers are pinned for the selected manufacturer's system.


Step: For this manufacturer's system, select whether this is a one-step or a two-step system.


Increment: This is the increment in thousandths of an inch between the lengths of your pins. For a Schlage Classic System (.015"), the increment is .015."


Shallow: The shallowest cut or depth that is used on your keys for this key system.


Deep: The deepest cut or depth that is used on your keys for this key system. Some systems use a "10" cut. If you type in a "10," the program will change this to a "0" after you create the pins.


MACS: This stands for the Maximum Adjacent Cut Specification that a key of this system type may have between any two of its adjacent key cuts. Keys that exceed the MACS or have MACS violations will have trouble operating locks or will not work at all.


Use Control Key (check box): Select this option if your system uses a control key to remove IC cores.


Small Format IC (check box): Select this box if this is a Small Format Interchangeable Core system. You also select the type of SFIC system that you're using: A2, A3, or A4.


Use Sidebar (check box): You may enter the sidebar code, if any, that you are using with the keys and cylinders for the system. The program displays the code on the screens and record lists for Key Numbers, Cylinders, and Key Systems.


Use Angles (check box): Enter the cut angles of your system's keys if you use this type. The program will display the angle cuts with the bottom pins on the Pinning Screens and Pinning Charts as well as on the Key Numbers, Cylinders, and Key Systems screens.


Depth of First Cut: This is the Manufacturer's specification for the depth in thousandths of the shallowest cut on the key. For example, for the Schlage Classic System (.015"), the depth of the first cut is ".335." This measurement is taken from the bottom of the key blade to the bottom of the shallowest key cut.


Length of First Pin: This is the total length of the shortest pin being used. For example, the Schlage "0" pin has a length of ".1650."


Top Pin Type: Select the Radio Button of the length type that applies for the selected Manufacturer's System. You have three choices:


Small, Medium, Large: Brands such as Schlage may use three sizes of top pins. The three lengths of the top pins that are used are determined by the combination of bottom and master pins that are stacked in each chamber. When this type of Top Pin is selected, the program automatically assigns the correct top pin to each chamber.


Incremental: Some brands use incremental top pins in which each top pin is a unique and different size from every other top pin. You would select Incremental if this type pertains to the system you are setting up.


One Size: Some brands use only Top Pins of a single length. Select this type if the Manufacturer's brand that you are setting up uses only one size of Top Pin.


On Pinning Screen: The Pinning Screen displays the stacking of pins in a cylinder for the Cylinder/Core record that is currently active in the program. Select one of the following Radio Buttons:


Show Pin Number: Selecting this displays pin lengths by pin numbers.


Show Pin Length: Selecting this displays pin lengths in thousandths of an inch.


Default New Key Numbers as Serialized (check box): By selecting this option, whenever new keys are generated by the Create System Keys Wizard, for this Manufacturer's System, the keys will be automatically selected for serialization by the program.



To Edit and Delete Records:


Once you have records added, you can edit or delete the records as well as the linked information associated with those records. Editing and deleting records affect any parent-child relationships of those records. To learn about editing and deleting records, see Editing Records or Deleting Records.



To Look Up Records:


The program's interface provides you with an extremely efficient way to look up and sort records and to find linked record information. To learn how to look up records, see Looking Up Records.



To Access Reports:


Click on the pull-down Reports Menu at the top of the Main Menu. To learn about the reports for this topic, see Reports.



The Create Pins Button and Pin Setup List


Based on the information that you entered for the Manufacturer's System, the program automatically creates and displays pin number and pin length information in the Pin Setup list. The information is displayed by the program after you click on the Create Pins button. At this time you may verify the pin information in the list for its accuracy. If you discover a problem, you can press the Clear Pins button, correct the Manufacturer's System information, and then click on the Create Pins button again. The Pin Setup list displays the Pin Number, Depth of Cut, Bottom Pin Length, and Master Pin Length.



Modifying Pin Setup Information


You can modify certain pin information that the program sets up as default. For example, you can change the colors of the pins in order to match the pin colors used with a Pinning Kit. You can also change the lengths of your pins if using pin lengths that don't match up with what the program assigns. For example, you're using a Pinning Kit with pin lengths that are slightly different than what the Manufacturer specifies. If you then select the option to "Show Pin Length" on the Pinning Screen, then the actual lengths of the pins that you use will be displayed for pinning up cylinders.



To Modify Pin Information:


1. On the Pin Setup list, click on the Open Folder button. This displays the Pin Setup information screen.


2. The Primary Record List on the left displays the different Pin Numbers and their specifications. Each Pin Number refers to the corresponding Bottom Pin, Master Pin, and Top Pin. The fields on the right side of the screen display the Pin information for the selected Pin Number on the left.


3. To change the Pin Number information, select a pin number record in the left list.


4. Click on the Edit button on the Pin Setup Screen. The most common information that you may wish to change would be the Pin Length and Pin Color. This would allow you to match the lengths and colors to an existing Pinning Kit. This information is then displayed when you view the Pinning Screen of a Cylinder. If you want to see the pins on this screen displayed by their actual lengths (i.e., ".165"), then select the "Show Pin Length" option on the Manufacturers System Screen.


5. If a pin length is not displayed for a Master Pin or Top Pin, it's because that pin length does not exist for those pins. For example, there is not a master pin length that is "0."


6. To change a Pin Color, click on the color square of the pin and then click on the appropriate color square on the color selection screen.


7. When you are done changing pin lengths and/or colors, click on the Save button.



The Keying Systems/Keyways Screen


This subscreen of Manufacturer's Systems displays a list of all the Key Systems that have been created under a Manufacturer's System as well as the Keyways that have been assigned. You use the Keyways list that's part of the Keying Systems/Keyways subscreen to assign keyways to a Manufacturer's System. When you create Key Systems on the Key Systems Screen, you assign a Manufacturer's System to each Key System. The Keying Systems list on the Keying Systems/Keyways subscreen displays all of the Key Systems that have been created from the selected Manufacturer's System.



To Add Keyways to a Manufacturer's System


Important: Adding Keyways to Manufacturer's Systems automatically adds them to the Keyways Screen!


1. On the Manufacturer's System Screen, click on the Keying Systems/Keyways button at the top of the screen.


2. Click on the Open Folder button on the Keyways list. This displays the Keyways for Manufacturer's System screen.


3. Click on the Add button.


4. Type in a new Keyway for this Manufacturer's System and click on the Save button.


Idea: You may also add keyways that are only assigned to cylinders. For example, the Schlage "P" cylinder keyway is operated by all the keyways of the Classic Obverse System.


5. The new keyway is displayed in the list on the left.


6. Continue to add all of the keyways that you will be working with for this Manufacturer's System.


Note: The keyways that you add will appear throughout the program on selection lists when you perform tasks like rekeying rooms and issuing keys by key number.



Setting Up Keyways for Multiplex Systems


7. After you've added the different keyways for a Manufacturer's System, if you have multiplex or multi-sectional systems, you can set up those keyway relationships at this time.


8. Select a keyway from the list on the left that operates other keyways in the system. For example, for a Schlage Obverse Family System, you select keyway "H."


9. Click on the Binoculars button on the Keyways Operated by this Keyway list. This displays the Keyways Find Screen.


10. Look up a keyway(s) or click on the Find All button. Click in any of the check boxes for keyway records that are operated by the selected keyway record. For example, select keyways C, CE, E, and EF to be operated by H. Click on the Accept button. The Keyway(s) is added to the Keyways Operated by this Keyway list. For a downward compatible system, simply pick the child keyway(s) that belongs to the other key system.


Important: When assigning the "hierarchy" for the Operated by this Keyway list, only go one level down. For example, if we know that keyway L operates keyway H and keyway H operates keyways C, CE,  E, and EF, for example, you only need to assign keyway H to the Operated by this Keyway list for keyway L. Do not additionally assign keyways C and CE to the list for keyway L.




Do this: L operates H (one level down - Good)

           H operates C, CE, E, EF (one level down - Good)


Don't do this: L operates H, and C, CE, E, EF (two levels down - Bad)

                    H operates C, CE, E, EF


Setup for Downward or Backwards Compatible (scalable) Systems - For example, Schlage Primus and Schlage Everest 29 type Systems.


You can set up your keyway relationships in the Operated by this Keyway list to cross over to the linked keyways in other Manufacturer's Systems. Review the instructions just above for Setting Up Keyways for Multiplex Systems. Once this is done, check the Show Interchange between Key Systems checkbox on the Locksmith Setup Screen.



The Master Keys Screen


This subscreen of Manufacturer's Systems displays a list of all the Master Keys at all levels that have been created under a Manufacturer's System. The field information includes Keyway, Key Number, Symbol, Level, Bitting, Key System, and Description. This is a Secondary Record List so you can sort the list by any of the Field Column Names such as Bitting.


Idea: The Master Keys List lets you see all of the master keys that you have produced for the selected Manufacturer's System. By sorting and reviewing this list, you can extract any portions of the system that have not been progressed as well as any key symbol codes that are still available for assignment.




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