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On the Personnel Screen, you add, edit, look up, and keep track of the personnel that is affiliated with your site. In this topic we discuss key issuances but do not demonstrate the key issuing process.


To learn how to issue keys to personnel, see Issuing Keys.



This topic includes:


Working with Personnel

Importing Personnel from Another Database

To Open the Personnel Screen

To Add Personnel

Field Descriptions of the Personnel Screen



To Add Positions


The Key Issuances Screen


Photo and Signature Verification

To View Photo and Signature Information



Working with Personnel


Important: If you have an existing personnel database at your site, go to Importing Personnel.


The program can maintain information about all the personnel at your site. This means that personnel do not have to be issued keys to be included. Both home and work information may be recorded for each person as well as a photograph and electronic signature for identification purposes.



To Open the Personnel Screen:


1. Click the Personnel icon on the Main Button Bar or select Personnel from the pull-down Setup Menu.


2. The Personnel Screen opens with the Records List in the expanded view. All the fields in the Records List are empty in this mode.


3. The Last Name lookup field is the default, but you may click on any of the Field Column Names to change the Lookup Field to find records by that name.


4. Click on the Personnel button on the top of the Personnel Screen to display record information about a selected individual. The record information is on the right side of the screen and the individuals to select from are on the Primary Record List on the left.


5. For technical specifications about the Personnel fields, see Technical Program Information.



To Add Personnel:


Help with > Adding Records


When you add personnel, you may assign them a Department and a Position. These records are stored in the Department and Position Screens. You may add these new records on the fly or look them up (blue arrow) in the fields provided if you previously added them to your database. If you add Department names on the fly using the Department field, you will want to go to those Department records in the Department Screen to complete the department information. See Departments or see Positions below in this topic.


1. Click on the Add button on the Personnel Screen.


2. Type your information into the data entry fields. See field descriptions below.


3. For the Department and Position fields, click on the blue down arrow on each field to make a selection.


4. When you're done, click on the Save button.



Field Descriptions of the Personnel Screen:


Note: The street address information fields do not appear on the Primary Record List for Personnel. These fields are displayed for a personnel record when the Primary Record List is contracted using the Mode button.


ID Number:  A required field, the ID Number is the unique identifier for a person. This may be any identifier such as employee number, social security number, or ISO number up to 16 characters.


First Name: The person's first name.


MI (Middle Initial): The persons middle initial.


Last Name: The person's last name.


Work Phone: The person's work number.


Home Phone: This person's home phone number.


Cell Phone: If the person has a cell phone, enter the number here.


Pager: The person's pager number.


email address: This may be the home or work email address for the individual.


Department: One of the departments belonging to the Department Screen that you assign to the individual.


Position: The position of the individual as selected from the Position Screen control list. See below.


Address: The person's address.


Address 2: For additional address information if necessary.


City: The person's city.


State/Province: The person's state or province.


Postal Code: The person's Postal Code or zip code.


Country: The person's country may be entered.


Comments: Anything you wish to type in about the person.


Date Entered: The program automatically enters the date the record was added.



To Edit and Delete Records:


Once you have records added, you can edit or delete the records as well as the linked information associated with those records. Editing and deleting records affect any parent-child relationships of those records. To learn about editing and deleting records, see Editing Records or Deleting Records.


Important: We recommend that you do not delete personnel who have been issued keys. To find out how to handle these types of records see Deleting Personnel with Key Issuances.


To Look Up Records:


The program's interface provides you with an extremely efficient way to look up and sort records and to find linked record information. To learn how to look up records, see Looking Up Records.



To Access Reports:


Click on the pull-down Reports Menu at the top of the Main Menu. To learn about the reports for this topic, see Reports.





Position names are stored in the Position Screen and displayed on Personnel records. Examples of position names are Staff, Contractor, Faculty, Student, Intern, or whatever you use at your facility. If you add your position names before you add your personnel, you will be able to assign them to personnel a little more quickly and perhaps more accurately than by adding them on the fly.



To Add Positions:


1. From the pull-down Setup Menu, click on Control Lists and select Positions.


2. You may enter a Position Code. Some sites use Position Codes as an additional identifier for a position name. This field is not required, and this is the only screen where this information is displayed.


3. Enter a Position.


4. Click on the Save button on the Position Screen to store the record or Cancel to abort the add.


5. For technical specifications about the Position fields, see Technical Program Information.



The Key Issuances Screen


The Key Issuances button changes the screen's mode and displays the key and key ring issuances for the selected personnel record. Selecting any other record in the Primary Record List will display the issuances for that person to the right. At any time you may press the Mode button to switch between the contracted and expanded modes.


1. Click on the Key Issuances button at the top of the Personnel Screen to display the Key Issuances Screen. The Key Issuances and Key Rings lists on this screen will display issuance records in three different views.


For the Key Issuances list, click on the Show Keys Held (default view) radio button to display only the keys that are currently issued to the person. Press the Show Returned Keys radio button to only display the keys that the person has returned. Press the Show All radio button to display all keys held and returned.


For the Key Rings list, click on the Show Rings Held (default view) radio button to display only the rings that are currently issued to the person. Press the Show Returned Rings radio button to only display the rings that the person has returned. Press the Show All radio button to display all rings held and returned.


2. By dragging the slide bar at the bottom of either list, you can view additional issuance fields.


3. The Keys Held field below the Key Issuances list displays the total quantity of keys issued.


4. The Total Deposit summary field below the Key Issuance list displays the total amount of current deposits paid for keys.


5. The Total Overdue Keys summary field displays the number of keys that are past due.


6. The Total Rings summary field below the Key Rings list displays the total quantity of rings issued.


7. The Total Overdue Key Rings summary field displays the number of rings that are past due.


To learn how to issue keys and key rings to personnel, see Issuing Keys.



Photo and Signature Verification


This feature allows you to verify the identification of individuals by Photograph and by Electronic Signature. For example, photo identification may be used when personnel are entering the premises. If you have security personnel stationed at a checkpoint, those personnel may be given logins that could provide them with view-only access to the Personnel Screen. This would allow them to verify the identities of employees entering your facility.


Photo and Signature verification may also be used during the key issuance process. For example, those that are permitted to approve the issuance of keys to individuals may have their signatures verified against the forms that they sign. Photo identification may be verified when personnel come in to pick up their keys.



To View Photo and Signature Information:


1. Clicking on the Photo and Signature tab button on the Personnel Screen changes the mode and opens this subscreen. Images that you have stored for personnel records will be displayed for the selected record.


3. The Picture field shows the location or path of the photo image that is displayed.


4. The Signature field shows the location or path of the signature that is displayed.


To learn how to add images to records, see Adding Images.


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