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Create the department names at your site and assign the personnel who are permitted to issue keys in each of your departments.



This topic includes:


Working with Departments

To Open the Departments Screen

To Add Departments

Field Descriptions of the Department Screen

Adding an Authorized Signer


Department Rooms Sub-Screen

Mass Assign Departments



Working with Departments


The program uses the department information for various purposes such as identifying the ownership of rooms, authorization to issue keys, tracking space and assets, setup of user access to information (multi-user), and producing reports. If you're a customer  with a large site that's comprised of multiple departments, then you should consider setting up the program with departmental users. This enables those users to directly access, maintain, and produce reports about their department's information.


To Open the Departments Screen:


1. Click the Departments icon on the Main Button Bar.


2. The Department Screen opens in the expanded view allowing you to Add or Look Up records. You may also access reports, exit from the Department Screen, or change the mode of the screen. The buttons that appear with gray text are inactive and not available in this mode.


3. The Name lookup field is the default, but you may click on any of the Field Column Names such as Account Number to look up records by that name.


4. Click on the Mode button to contract the Primary Record List to the left and display the record fields on the right.


5. For technical specifications about the Departments fields, see Technical Program Information.



To Add Departments:


Help with > Adding Records


Note: You can import Personnel with SiteMaster, and if the file contains the assigned Departments, then the program will automatically load your Departments to the Departments Screen.


1. Click on the Add button on the Departments Screen.


2. Type your information into the data entry fields. See field descriptions below.


3. Add the personnel to the Authorized Signers list who have signature authority for the department's key issuances. It's a good idea to have backup personnel as signers in case the primary signers are not available for whatever reason.


There are two ways to add personnel to the Authorized Signers list:


Help with > Adding a Record to a Secondary Record List.


Add Authorized Signers by looking them up:


The Authorized Signers list is a Secondary Record List that displays linked information that originates from the Personnel Screen. If you know who your authorized signers are, add them in advance to the Personnel Screen. This will then let you look them up, thereby adding them to the Authorized Signers list.


Add Authorized Signers by modifying a new or existing Department record:


Finish adding a Department without adding any Authorized Signers and Save the record. Click on the Open Folder button on the Authorized Signers list that takes you to the authorized signers screen for that department. Click the Add button and enter the new authorized signer's information. Finish by clicking on the Save button which then adds this new authorized signer to the Authorized Signers list.


4. When you're done, click on the Save button.



Field Descriptions of the Department Screen:


Name: The name or code abbreviation of a department.


Phone: The department's office number.


Ext.: A phone number extension if necessary.


Account Number: The department's internal billing number.


Primary Contact: This may be the office manager, a director, or the best person to contact with questions relating to this program.


To Add the Primary Contact:


1. Select a Department that you have added.


2. Click on the Binoculars button on the Primary Contact field. This displays a Personnel Find Screen.


3. Look up and select the personnel record for the primary contact and click the Accept button.. The name appears in the Primary Contact field.


4. Click the Save button on the Departments Screen.


The Authorized Signers (list): Record information about the individuals in a department who are authorized to approve the issuance of keys to personnel is kept in this list. The fields of the Authorized Signers screen are the same fields as Personnel. Adding an Authorized Signer adds the record to Personnel but displays it on the Authorized Signers screen. If your authorized signers have already been added to Personnel, you only have to look them up to add them to the Authorized Signers list.



Adding an Authorized Signer


For example, if your site uses a central point for key issuance and incorporates some type of a key issuance form, you can add the individuals who sign these forms as authorized signers. This allows the personnel at the point-of-issuance to verify the name and signature on the form. You may add as many authorized signers as you want. On the Personnel Screen you can add the electronic signatures for your authorized signers. If you do this, then during the process of issuing a key, the authorized signer and the signature can be looked up and verified instantly.


1. Select a department record.


2. Click on the Binoculars button on the Authorized Signers List. This displays a Personnel Find Screen.


3. Look up and select the personnel record for the authorized signer and click on the Accept button. The name appears in the Authorized Signers List.


4. Click on the Save button on the Departments Screen.



Department Rooms Sub-Screen


Click on the Department Rooms Tab button on the Departments screen to display the selected department's room assignments in the Rooms Assigned List. You can also use the Rooms Assigned List to mass assign a department to multiple rooms.


To mass assign a department to multiple rooms:


1. On the Departments Screen, select the department that you want to assign to rooms.


2. Click on the Department Rooms button.


3. On the Rooms Assigned List, click on the Binoculars button. This opens a Room Find Screen.


4. Look up a building or click on the Find All button to display the rooms.


5. Click in the check boxes for any room records that you want to assign the department.


6. The Select All button will select all room records.


7. Click on the Accept button.



To Edit and Delete Records:


Once you have records added, you can edit or delete the records as well as the linked information associated with those records. Editing and deleting records affect any Parent-child relationships of those records. To learn about editing and deleting records, see Editing Records or Deleting Records.



To Look Up Records:


The program's interface provides you with an extremely efficient way to look up and sort records and to find linked record information. To learn how to look up records, see Looking Up Records.



To Access Reports:


Click on the pull-down Reports Menu at the top of the Main Menu. To learn about the reports for this topic, see Reports.


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