Looking Up Records

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Looking Up Records

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There are different ways to look up records in the program using special fields, record lists, and screens. Another feature of the program is the way that information is linked together.  This allows you to easily navigate within the program to find any related information about any record. To learn how to find or look up record information by navigating, see Navigating.



This topic includes:


Working with a Record Information Screen

Primary Record List

Primary Lookup Field

Find All Button

Question Mark(?)

Sorting Records on Primary and Secondary Record Lists

Looking Up Records with Secondary Record Lists

Using Record Lookup Fields

Using Record Selection Fields


Find Information Screens



Working with a Record Information Screen


Open any record information screen for the topic for which you want to look up records. When you open a record information screen the Primary Record List is displayed and is blank, waiting for you to enter your record search criteria.



Primary Record List


There are a few ways to look up records on a Primary Record List:


A. Using the Primary Lookup Field:


The Primary Lookup Field finds and returns records based on the information that you type into the field. You may type in a single character, a partial string of characters, or a complete record name. Whatever you type into the field, the program will search and find records based on that criteria.


1. Type your search criteria into the Lookup Field and press the Enter key on your keyboard.


2. The program displays any matching records.


3. If you know the exact name of the record, type it in and press Enter on your keyboard.


4. The program finds the single record.


5. To change the lookup Name of the Lookup Field, click on any Field Column Name on the Primary Record List.


6. This allows you to change your search criteria to find records by that name.



B. Using the Find All Button:


1. Click on the Find All button on any record information screen.


2. The program returns all records.



C. Using the Question Mark (?) wild-card character:


1. Enter a question mark (?) into the Lookup Field and press Enter on your keyboard.


2. The program returns all records.


3. You can also place the Question Mark in front of search text to return all records that contain that text in any position. For example, typing in " ?8 " would return the phone number records: " 555-399-0082, 555-646-8469, and 555-954-4878. "



Sorting Records on Primary and Secondary Record Lists (list box)


1. On any Primary or Secondary Record List, click on a Field Column Name.


2. The program re-sorts the record list by that name.


3. If you click on the same Column Field Name a second time, the record list is now sorted by descending order. Each time you click, the list toggles between ascending and descending orders.


Note: You may also adjust the width of a column by passing your mouse pointer between any two Field Column Names where the column separator line exists. Your mouse pointer changes to a cross with left and right arrows indicating that you're in the mode to expand one of the columns. Click and hold down your left mouse button and move your mouse to the left or right to change the column's width.



Looking Up Records with Secondary Record Lists (list box)


1. Some Secondary Record Lists are linked to information subscreens about the records that they display.


2. Click on the Open Folder button on any Secondary Record List.


3. This will open the record information screen about those records.


4. You may also double-click in any of the records inside the List to jump to that specific record.



Using Record Lookup Fields


1. Click on the Open Folder icon on a Record Lookup Field.


2. This will display the record information screen for the current record.



Using Record Selection Fields (drop-down box)


During the adding or editing of a record on a record information screen, you may look up and select records in the control list of a Record Selection Field.


1. Click on the Add or Edit button on a record information screen.


2. Click on the Selection List Button (blue down arrow) to display the records in the field's control list.


3. Double-click on any record in the list to select it.


4. You may also type a question mark (?) into the Record Selection Field to display the records in the field's control list.


5. Select a record in the list to replace the existing one or to add it to the field.



Find Information Screens


You encounter Find Information Screens when you are editing and adding record information and when you are creating records using Task Wizards.


1. Click on the Add or Edit button on a record information screen.


2. The record information screen must contain either a Record Lookup Field or a Secondary Record List with a Binoculars button.


3. Click on the Binoculars button to display a Find Information Screen.


4. In the Primary Lookup field, you may enter a single character, a partial string of characters, or a complete record name, and press the Enter key on your keyboard. The program will find and return records based on your search criteria. You may also click on the Find All button or enter a question mark (?) into the Lookup Field and press the Enter key. This will find all of the records.


5. To change the lookup Name of the Primary Lookup Field, click on any Field Column Name.


6. This allows you to change your search criteria to find records by that name.


7. Select the record you want and press the Accept button on the Find Information Screen.


8. This will add the record to a Secondary Record List and will add or replace the record in a Record Lookup Field.


9. While running a Task Wizard you follow the same procedure above (Steps 4-7) to look up and select a record from a Find Information Screen.



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