Adding Records

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Adding Records

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In this topic we discuss how to enter records into the various information screens, lists, and fields in the program. The two most powerful ways to create or load data records into the program is to use the program's Task Wizards or various importing features. These features are discussed throughout other topics in the program. Here we discuss adding records manually to the program.


Important: The program was specifically designed to take advantage of data loading wizards and importing. Even though you can enter any record manually, in many cases the program creates additional records for you automatically and establishes the data relationships between those records. For example, you can manually add a key number, but you will also have to manually add a cylinder/core and assign it the key number(s) in order to key/re-key a door. By using wizards instead, many manual processes are handled for you automatically.


This topic includes:


Record Information Screens

To learn how to add records by importing and exporting data:

Record Selection Fields

Loading Data from Older Versions

Record Lookup Fields

Importing from Specworks

Secondary Record Lists

Sharing Data Between Programs

Binoculars Button

Open Folder Button

Load Allegion Registered Key System

Task Wizards

Importing Personnel

Image Files (Pictures)

Image Folders on your PC or Server



Record Information Screens


1. To manually add a new record, open any Record Information Screen from the Main Button Bar, or the pull-down Setup Menu and click on the Add button at the top of the screen.


Important: In most cases, this will not be the best method to add your records, because SiteMaster has built-in Wizards to quickly take care of adding multiple records at once and setting up their proper relationships. For example, a Wizard for adding multiple key number and cylinder/core records simultaneously. When adding data, first find out what data entry features are available for the type of data to be added. You can watch a training video about that subject, or go to that topic in this Help Manual to find out how.


2. If you are on an existing record and click on the Add button, the record entry fields are cleared and the program is ready to accept new record information.


3. Type your information into the data entry fields. Some fields require data while other fields are optional. Additionally, certain fields require unique data, meaning that the program will not allow two records of identical information such as two buildings with the same name. When you enter data that matches an existing record into a unique record field and then you try to save the record, the program will alert you with a message and tell you where the problem exists.


4. Click on the Save button.



Record Selection Fields (drop-down box)


When you're in the Add or Edit modes, fields on the screen with blue down arrows are called Record Selection fields. There are a few different ways to add data to these fields:


1. Click on the Add or Edit button on a record information screen.


2. Click on the Record Selection button (blue down arrow) next to the Record Selection Field.


3. Double-click the record you wish to add from the list of records. This will place that record into the field.


4. Instead of clicking on the Record Selection button, you may also type a question mark (?) directly into the field and press the Enter key on your keyboard.


5. If you know what you want to enter, you may start typing directly into the Record Selection Field. The program will immediately find any matching records by the characters that you are typing in.


6. If the record you want to add is not in the Record Selection field's control list, you may add it on-the-fly by typing the record into the field. When you leave the field the program displays a message asking if you want to add the record to the list. You press Yes to add it or No to abort.



Record Lookup Fields (drop-down box)


1. On a record information screen, click on the Add or Edit button.


2. At the Record Lookup field, click on the Binoculars button.


3. A Find Information screen will display.


4. Find and select the record that you want to add. The record is placed in the Record Lookup Field.


5. Click on the Save button on the record information screen.



Secondary Record Lists (list box)


There are a couple of ways to add records to a Secondary Record List.


Adding records using the Binoculars button:


1. On some of the record information screens there is one or more Secondary Record List(s).


2. Click on the Binoculars button. This will display a record Find screen.


3. Search and locate the record that you wish to add and press Accept. See Looking Up Records.


4. The record is added to the Record List.


5. Press the Save button to store the record.


6. You may repeat steps 2 through 5 to add additional records.


7. If you wish to abort adding the record, click on the Cancel button on the button bar at the top of the screen.



Adding records using the Open Folder button:


To a Secondary Record List (Adding multiple records to a list):


If a Secondary Record List only displays an Open Folder button, then you may only add the records to that list from the associated record's information screen.


1. Click on the Open Folder button on the Secondary Record List. This jumps you to a record information screen that is linked to that list.


2. See "Record Information Screens" above to add your new record(s).


3. Exit from the new record's information screen.


4. The new record is displayed in the Secondary Record List.


From a Record Field (Adding a new record on-the-fly):


When you click on an Open Folder button that is next to a record field, you jump to a record information screen about that record's information. Clicking the Add button on this type of screen will not add a second record because you are linked to a single record field. Instead, it will change the existing record to what you type in and then add this new record name to the associated Control List or Information Screen that stores those names as records.


1. Click on the Open Folder button next to the record field. This jumps you to a record information subscreen about that record.


2. Click the Add button on the record information screen.


3. Type the new information into the record field(s).


4. Click on the Save button. The new record is added to the system and the current record is changed to the new one. You may not see this change until the screen is refreshed by exiting the information screen and returning back to it.



Task Wizards


Sitemaster 200® utilizes Task Wizards that are located throughout the program to enable you to quickly load data or look up information. Each task wizard works somewhat differently. For an overview of Task Wizards see Data Entry. To learn about the main Task Wizards of the program, see the following:


Create Rooms - Automatically create multiple room numbers and assign keys, cylinders, door hardware, departments, and other information to those rooms.


Rekey Rooms - Rekey multiple rooms (cylinders) very quickly.


Issuing Keys - Issue multiple keys or key rings to an individual.


Create System Keys - Set up a Key System to generate and load keys and cylinder/core records automatically.


Add Key Numbers & Cylinders - Type in multiple keys to add your Keys and Cylinder/Cores to your Key System simultaneously.



Adding Image Files (Pictures)


Image files may be displayed in the program for Personnel (Photo and Signature screen), Rooms (CAD screen), Products (Product Photo screen), and Assets (Asset Photo screen). The way to add image files for all of these record types follows the same procedure:


1. Look up the record that you want to add an image file to and click on the button (i.e., Photo and Signature) that switches the record information screen to display the record's image information.


2. Click on the Edit button on the record information screen.


3. Click on the Browse button to locate the image you want to add.  


The drive locations where these image files will be stored is probably determined by your system administrator. We suggest that you store all the images of a specific type (i.e., Photo, Signature, Rooms, Products, and Assets) inside folders that are named to identify the image types.


4. Locate the image on your drive and click on the Open button on the Select Image screen.


5. The image is displayed:


6. Click on the Save button on the record information screen.


7. The next time you are locating an image, the program will automatically point to the previous path that was used.



Image Folders on your PC or Server


This program does not provide you with any tools or equipment to create or manage image records. There are also many ways to accomplish this and some sites may already have images stored by other departments and in other databases. It may be possible for you to get access to those existing images.


A fairly simple way to start an image database is to purchase a digital camera or cameras and take pictures of your personnel and assets. These cameras usually have software that allows you to download your pictures into the image folders that you have named. A simple way to enter signatures is to have personnel sign their names and you use a scanner to create signature pictures that you store in your Signatures Folder.


If your site has architectural drawings of floor plans as image files, you may be able to get copies of those image files and put them in the image folder that you named and created for Rooms. Your site may also allow you to access their existing folder of images, so you may directly point to those images. An option to floor plans is to take pictures of your rooms. This could be the inside or the outside of the rooms or even a picture of the door.


For Product images, you could take pictures of your actual products (hardware, signs, etc.).



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