Loading Data from SiteMaster v3

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Loading Data from SiteMaster v3

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You can run both versions (v3 and v4) of Sitemaster 200® on the same computer and at the same time. This way, you can give yourself all the time you need to adjust to the new program while remaining fully operational with your previous version. When you're ready to use version 4, load your data and make any modifications and/or additions you want.


Important: Before you load your data into SITEMASTER 200® version 4, make a copy of your working dataset from your old version for safety purposes.


Attention: You can only load data from SITEMASTER 200® v3. You can no longer load your data from versions 1 or 2. If you need to get your data loaded from those older versions, you can send it to Matrix Security and we can also make improvements to how the data gets transferred into v4. We can provide you a quote for the work.


To Load your SiteMaster v3 Data


Note: First figure out where your Version 3 data is located before using this utility.


1. In the User Program, go to the Utilities pull-down menu and select Import/Export Utilities.


2. Select the option, Load Data from a Previous Version.


3. In the Select Directory window, look up and select your SiteMaster 200 v3 Dataset (folder).


4. Click the Select button.


That's it!