Data Maintenance

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Data Maintenance

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The program allows you to perform file maintenance on your data, create a backup copy of your dataset, unlock a record that has been left open by another user, and obtain automatic updates for users. We recommend that you contact your System Administrator or IT Group regarding the use of these features.



Perform File Maintenance - If you experience a problem with your computer system, and afterwards it appears that your records are out of order, the program will attempt to fix (reindex) the sequence of the records. Unless you are experiencing a problem with your system, or have been advised to perform maintenance by Matrix Security, we don't recommend that you use this feature on a regular basis.


1. Go into the Administration Program. Open the Datasets Screen and select the dataset, click the button Perform File Maintenance. The program will display a message that asks you if you want to proceed.


Attention: If you have concurrent users accessing the software, you must make sure that you are the only user who is currently logged in when using this feature. We also recommend that you first make a backup copy of the data before proceeding.


2. Click on the Yes button to Perform File Maintenance. A  Progress Bar is displayed.


This features is also used at times to fix known bugs when updating the program to a new version. If so, this is indicated with the published bug fix posted on our website.

Important: If you experience an error(s) when running maintenance you may have a problem with your data. Contact your IT Group immediately.



Backup\Restore Data


Important: Talk to your IT Group to find out the best way for you to back up your data. There may be several approaches to this, and methods vary depending upon internal policies. This feature, is designed to be used on stand-alone computers in order to provide a built-in backup solution.


This feature is described in the topic, The Administration Program.



Clear Locked Record - This is a feature that unlocks a record when another user has opened the same record that you want to access. For example, sometimes a user will leave a record open on their computer and then go somewhere and can't be reached. When another user tries to access the record, they receive a message from the program that the record is locked by another user. To unlock the record:


1. From the Administration Program, select Clear Locked Record from the Utilities pull-down menu. From the User Program, select Maintenance Utilities, and then Clear Locked Record. The program displays a message asking you if you want to unlock the record and displays the name of the user who is currently accessing (locking) the record.


2. Click on the Yes button to unlock the record.


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