Exporting/Importing a Complete Dataset

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Exporting/Importing a Complete Dataset

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This feature allows you to export all of your data from an existing dataset (database), that creates an export file that may be imported into another SiteMaster 200 v4 system. You can also import the export file back into your own SiteMaster 200 v4 system.




You're a Service Provider who has SiteMaster 200 v4 and you are proving the initial data for a customer who also owns SiteMaster 200 v4. You add the necessary data to your SiteMaster program that's intended for the customer. Once completed, you export all the data using the Export Complete Dataset feature. You send your customer the export file, who then imports the prepared data in their SiteMaster 200 v4 program. If the initial data preparation is all you needed to provide to your customer, then you can delete the dataset and then add back a new empty dataset. If you purchase additional datasets from Matrix Security, so that you can continue to manage the data for your multiple customers, then you can retain the customer datasets without deleting them.
SiteMaster 200 v4 can be set up and installed different ways, so locally for a single PC, or the data can be managed by SQL Server and added to a remote server. SQL Server contains your datasets in its framework, so you can't move the datasets out unless you have the SQL Server management tools to do so. With this feature, for example, you can export all of your data, reinstall the entire SiteMaster 200 v4 system for different setup, and then import your data back in.


Working with he Exporting/Importing a Complete Dataset feature


To export the data:

1. Log into the Users Program.

2. Open or change to the dataset that you want to export data.

3. Go to the Utilities pull-down menu and select Import/Export Utilities.

4. Select, Export Complete Dataset.

5. In the Save As screen, select the location that you want to create the export file to and click Save.


To import the data:

1. Log into the Users Program.

2. Open or change to the dataset that you want to import the data into.

Note: If you already have data in the dataset, then the import will add the new data to it.

3. Go to the Utilities pull-down menu and select Import/Export Utilities.

4. Select, Import Complete Dataset.

5. In the Import Data File screen, locate and select the export file to import the data.