Technical Program Information

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Technical Program Information

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This topic includes:


System Requirements


System Capacities


Customizing Screens for Colors and Fonts


About File Types for Images


About Image Size for Picture Boxes


A Word about File Security


Error Messages



 System Requirements


Operating System: 32- or 64-bit for Windows Vista, 7, 8, and 8.1


Memory: Recommend 1 GB or better


Processor: Recommend, 2.0 GHz or better


Hard Disk: 6 GB


Drive: A DVD drive, as appropriate, is required for installation from disc. You may also download the Setup installer file from our Website,


Monitor: 1024 x 768 minimum resolution.


Recommended: Mouse (or similar pointing device).


Other Components: .NET 3.5 SP1 Framework. Internet Explorer 5.0 or greater.



System Capacities



Maximum number of records per table file

1 Billion

Maximum size of a table file

2 gigabytes

Maximum number of open windows

Limited by available memory

Maximum number of open files

Operating system limit

Maximum number of concurrent users

Hundreds or limited by Network.



About the Installed version of SQL Server


A version of Microsoft SQL Server (SQL Server Express) may be installed with SiteMaster. For a stand-alone PC installation, this allows the PC to act as the server. If used with an existing remote SQL Server, then that instance of SQL Server manages and handles the database. Your instance of SQL Server needs to be set up in Mixed Mode for the Database Configuration. If not, you may spin off another instance of SQL Server set up for Mixed Mode.



Customizing Screens for Colors and Fonts


You can customize the background colors of record information screens, primary and secondary record lists, fields, and text. The text that appears on screens may also be changed to a different font and style. You may also add a background image to the record information screens as well as add an image to the Main background (workspace). The program simplifies this task by letting you right-click with your mouse on any record information screen. A drop-down list of screen objects is displayed. Selecting and object displays the Color Window, which allows you to pick a standard color or define a  custom color that changes the color for that screen object.


To change an object of a Record Information Screen:


1. On any Record Information Screen, right-click anywhere on the screen.


2. From the drop-down list, select from the following screen object items to change the font or color:


Select Font - This allows you to change the Font and style for most screen objects, field names, and the text in Secondary Record Lists.


Important: The program's default font is: Verdana - Regular - 9


Select Screen Background Color - Select this item to change the background color of a Record Information Screen.


Select Screen Foreground Color - This changes the color of the text on the screen.


Select Screen Background Image - Instead of a color you can use and select an image that is displayed as the background of your record information screens.

This opens the Select Form Image Window. Find and select an image file to use as your background image. To remove a background image, click on the None button on the Select Form Image Window.


Select Objects Background Color - This changes the color of the Primary Record List.


Select Objects Foreground Color - This changes the text color in the Primary Record List as well as the color of the text that appears in the record fields and buttons on the screen.


Select Objects Disabled Background Color - This changes the background color of Secondary Record Lists and fields on the screen.


Select Objects Disabled Foreground Color - This changes the color of the text in a Secondary Record List.


Select Main Background Color - You can change the color of the program's main background or workspace area.


Select Main Picture - Instead of a color you can use and select an image that is displayed in the main background area or workspace. This opens the Select Form Image Window. Find and select an image file to use as your background image. To remove a background image, click on the None button on the Select Form Image Window.


3. When you're done, in order to see the changes you've made, you may have to Exit from the screen that you are on and return back to it. This refreshes the screen.



About File Types for Images


The program supports the following file types for images (pictures) that you add:


.ani (Animated)

.bmp (Bitmap)

.cur (Cursor)

.dib (Device Independent Bitmap)

.emf (Enhanced Metafile)

.exif (Exchangeable Image File)

.gif (Graphics Interchange Format)

.ico (Icon)

.jpg, .jpeg, .jpe, .jfif (JPEG)

.png (Portable Networks Graphics)

.tif, .tiff (Tag Image File Format)

.wmf (Windows Metafile)



About Image Size for Picture Boxes


The size of the picture box changes with the monitor’s resolution setting. The lower the resolution the bigger the box. For example, if screen resolution is 72 dpi, you can measure the box in inches and multiply by 72.



User Licenses


SiteMaster already comes with two user seats for concurrent client operation. Or, you may use the two user licenses as two users operating SiteMaster on the same PC. Additional user licenses may be purchased from Matrix Security directly. Our previous Multi-User Upgrade has been discontinued, because SiteMaster can now run with concurrent users as is.



A Word About File Security


Having your data files available to a network makes them exposed to tampering much as moving your key system books from a locked desk drawer to a table in the middle of a room. It's okay to do as long as you control access to the room. Make sure you understand who all will have access to the data files over the network. Limit it as strictly as you would access to the room. If you are going to allow access to various departments, make sure that the departments strictly control access to the network access passwords as well as the SITEMASTER 200® passwords. Work with your MIS department to ensure network security as well as SITEMASTER 200® security.



Error Messages


General Information


All software programs have "bugs" whether you experience them or not. As new versions are released the potential for a new bug(s) increases. We do our best to chase them out through testing, but sometimes they can't be uncovered. What's most important, is that if you experience a bug (error message) or if your program is not behaving properly, you should contact Matrix Security immediately. You may also contact your IT Group who can contact Matrix Security.


Fixing Problems


Bugs - Report a bug to Matrix Security as soon as possible. In most cases, we can determine if the bug is really a program error. We may ask you questions and advise you on how to proceed. When you encounter a bug. it's very important that you try to remember what you were doing just before the bug occurred and try to write down what the error message(s) displayed. In order for us to fix a bug we need to be able to replicate it, so your documentation is very important.



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