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The Distributor Screen allows you to maintain a database of all the distributors who sell you products and/or services. You may also assign a primary Distributor to a Manufacturer that will automatically display that Distributor on all Products made by that Manufacturer.
This topic includes:
To Open the Distributor Screen
Field Descriptions of the Distributor Screen
To Look Up or Edit Manufacturers' Information
You can create distributor records for the various vendors who sell you goods. The program maintains information on each distributor which includes Account Number, Standing Purchase Order, and distributor Contact information. Additionally, you may assign a single or primary Distributor to a Manufacturer. Doing so displays that Distributor on each Product made by that Manufacturer. Included with this assignment is an optional field that allows you to enter a "Percent off Retail" percentage that indicates an overall price discount on all products sold by the Distributor for that Manufacturer. Use this feature if you want to assign a primary or preferred Distributor to all the products made by a Manufacturer. If you have multiple distributors that sell you products from the same Manufacturer, you will only be able to assign one of those distributors to that manufacturer.
To Open the Distributor Screen:
1. Click the Distibutors icon on the Main Button Bar.
2. The Distributor Screen opens with the Records List in the expanded view. All the fields in the Records List are empty in this mode.
3. The Name field is the default lookup field but you may click on the "Code" Field Column Name to look up records by the distributor's code.
Help with > Looking Up Records
4. Click on the Mode button on the top of the Distributor Screen to display record information about a selected Distributor. The record information is on the right side of the screen and the distributors to select from are on the Primary Record List on the left.
5. For technical specifications about the Distributor fields, see Technical Program Information.
1. Click on the Add button on the Distributor Screen.
2. Type in the distributor's information into the data entry fields and look up the Contacts to add to the Distributor. See field descriptions below.
3. There are two ways to add the Distributor contact personnel to the Contacts list. (See Contacts.)
Add Contacts by looking them up:
The Contacts list is a Secondary Record List that displays linked information that originates from the main Contacts Screen. If you know who your distributor's contacts are, then add them in advance to the Contacts Screen. This will then let you look them up and adds them to the Contacts list. See Adding Records to a Secondary Record List.
Add Contacts by modifying a new or an existing Distributor's record:
Finish adding a Distributor without adding any Contacts and Save the record. Click on the Open Folder button on the Contacts list which takes you to the Contacts Information Screen for that Distributor. Click the Add button and enter the new contact's information. You finish by clicking on the Save button which adds this new contact to the Contacts list.
4. If you want to assign a Manufacturer to the Distributor, use the Manufacturers list.
5. There are two ways to add a Manufacturer to the Manufacturers list. (See Manufacturers.)
Add a Manufacturer by looking it up:
The Manufacturer list is a Secondary Record List that displays linked information that originates from the main Manufacturer Screen. If you know who your distributor's manufacturers are, then add them in advance to the Manufacturer Screen. This will then let you look them up and adds them to the Manufacturer list. See Adding Records to a Secondary Record List.
Add a Manufacturer by modifying a new or an existing Distributor's record:
Finish adding a Distributor without adding any Manufacturers and Save the record. Click on the Open Folder button on the Manufacturers list which takes you to the Manufacturer Information Screen for that Distributor. Click the Add button and enter the new manufacturer's information. Finish by clicking on the Save button which then adds this new manufacturer to the Manufacturer list.
Important: If you assign a manufacturer to a distributor and that manufacturer has already been assigned to another distributor, the old assignment will be removed and replaced with the new distributor. You may only have one distributor per manufacturer.
6. Click on the Save button on the Distributor Screen to store the record or Cancel to abort.
Field Descriptions of the Distributor Screen
Code: This is a code abbreviation for the Distributor's Name. For example, the Code for the distributor Colorado Door and Hardware could be CD.
Name: The name of the Distributor.
Account Number: Your account number with this Distributor.
Standing Purchase Order: If you have set up a Standing or Blanket Purchase Order with this Distributor, enter that number.
Contacts: The Contacts list is a Secondary Record List that displays the contacts for this Distributor. The program has a Contacts Screen where it stores all contact information. If you add your contact names to the Contact Screen in advance, then you will only have to look them up to add them to your Distributors. These contact personnel are separate from the program's Personnel Screen because these contacts are people that are outside of your personnel database. The Contacts list displays the First Name, Last Name, Description, and Phone Number of each contact. See Contacts.
Manufacturers: The Manufacturers list is a Secondary Record List that displays the Manufacturers assigned to a Distributor. The program has a Manufacturer Screen where it stores all Manufacturer information. If you add your manufacturer names to the Manufacturers Screen in advance, then you will only have to look them up to assign them to your Distributors. The Manufacturers list displays the Code and Name for each manufacturer.
To Edit and Delete Records:
Once you have records added, you can edit or delete the records as well as the linked information associated with those records. Editing and deleting records affect any parent-child relationships of those records. To learn about editing and deleting records, see Editing Records or Deleting Records.
To Look Up Records:
The program's interface provides you with an extremely efficient way to look up and sort records and to find linked record information. To learn how to look up records, see Looking Up Records.
To Access Reports:
Click on the pull-down Reports Menu at the top of the Main Menu. To learn about the reports for this topic, see Reports.
To Look Up or Edit Manufacturer's Information:
1. Click on the Open Folder button on the Manufacturers list.
2. The Manufacturers Information Screen for the selected Distributor is displayed.
3. The program has jumped you to the Manufacturers Screen where you can look up or edit information about that Manufacturer for the assigned Distributor. See Manufacturers.