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The program allows you to maintain separate Contact information for the Distributors and Manufacturers that you work with. This is different from your Building Contacts and Authorized Signers, who are stored as Personnel records.



This topic includes:


Working with Contacts


To Open the Contacts Screen


To Add a Contact


Field Descriptions of the Contacts Screen



Working with Contacts


You can create all of your contacts on the Contacts Screen and then assign them to Distributors and Manufacturers by looking them up on those screens. You may also directly add contacts when you're either on the Distributor or Manufacturers screens. Doing so adds the contact information to the Contacts Screen.



To Open the Contacts Screen:


1. Click the Contacts icon on the Main Button Bar.


2. The Contacts Screen opens with the Records List in the expanded view. All the fields in the Records List are empty in this mode.


3. The Last Name field is the default lookup field but you may click on the "Description" Field Column Name to look up records by the description.


Help with > Looking Up Records


4. Click on the Mode button on the top of the Contacts Screen to display record information about a selected Contact. The record information is on the right side of the screen and the contacts to select from are on the Primary Record List on the left.


5. For technical specifications about the Contacts fields, see Technical Program Information.



To Add a Contact:


1. Click on the Add button on the Contacts Screen.


2. Type in the contact's information into the data entry fields. See field descriptions below.


3. When you're done, click on the Save button.


To add contacts directly on the Distributors or Manufacturers Screens, see Distributors or Manufacturers.



Field Descriptions of the Contacts Screen:


First Name: The first name of the contact.


Last Name: The last name of the contact.


Description: A description of the contact such as "Inside Sales."


Phone: A phone number


Ext.: The phone number's extension if any.


email Address: The contact's email address.


Cell Phone: A cell phone number.


Pager: A pager number.


Fax: A fax number.


Address: The street address of the contact.


Address 2: Additional space for the contact's street address.


City: The city.


State/Province: The state or province.


Postal Code: The zip code.


Country: Name of country if outside of your own.



To Edit and Delete Records:


Once you have records added, you can edit or delete the records as well as the linked information associated with those records. Editing and Deleting records affect any parent-child relationships of those records. To learn about editing and deleting records; See Editing Records or Deleting Records.



To Look Up Records:


The program's interface provides you with an extremely efficient way to look up and sort records and to find linked record information. To learn how to look up records; See Looking Up Records.



To Access Reports:


Click on the pull-down Reports Menu at the top of the Main Menu. To learn about the reports for this topic; See Reports.



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