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The program maintains two different types of primary cylinder information. First, what we refer to as the Cylinder/Core is not a physical cylinder but rather a group of keys or a single key that may be assigned to a door(s). Second, the program keeps track of the physical cylinders that have product part numbers, and the Cylinder/Core codes that you link to them on door records.



This topic includes:


Working with Cylinders

The Cylinder Usage Screen

Creating and Loading Cylinders Using Wizards

To Look Up the Usage of a Cylinder

To Open the Cylinder Screen


To Manually Add a New Cylinder

Field Descriptions of the Cylinder Screen

Working with Cylinders on the Room Information Screen

To Add Operating Keys to a Cylinder

To Add a Cylinder/Core to a Door

Downward Compatible Systems

To Delete a Cylinder/Core on a Door

Mass Assign a Key to Cylinders

To Replace or Rekey a Cylinder/Core on a Door

To Add a New Cylinder by Copying Another Cylinder

To Check the Pinning of a Cylinder

The Pinning Screen

Validating Cylinder Pinning

Modifying the Keys of an Existing Cylinder

Open the Pinning Screen from the Cylinder Screen

To Edit the Cylinder's Operating Keys

Incidental Keys  

Cross Keying

Designations of Operating Keys

Cylinders as Door Hardware Products

Print Pinning Chart



Working with Cylinders


What's the difference between a Cylinder/Core and a Cylinder Product? We refer to the Cylinder/Core record as being a Keygroup while a Cylinder Product is the Physical Cylinder. When the program creates cylinder/core records or when you create a cylinder/core manually by assigning the operating keys to it, the program takes the cuts (bittings) of the keys to formulate the pinning of the cylinder(s). This is what we mean by the Keygroup that becomes the Cylinder/Core record. On the other hand, a Cylinder Product is the actual cylinder hardware that receives the pins (pin pattern or cylinder/core). It has a part number, and can be new or used, and you add these to a door's hardware list just like a lock or door closer. The program establishes a relationship between these two things so that you can identify the quantities and part numbers of different cylinder products to their specific keygroup assignments.


Important: There are a number of different ways to quickly load keys and cylinders into the program depending on your situation:


1. Load Allegion Registered Key System - You order your key system from Schlage and import it. Key Numbers and Cylinders are loaded into the program. You may be able to import your archived systems.


2. Import Key Records from SpecWorks - Used with new construction projects. Your Key Schedule can be entered into the Hardware Schedule and imported. Key Numbers and Cylinders are loaded into the program. This must be requested and specified.


iStock_000015183192Large3. Create System Keys Wizard (The Combinator) - A good working knowledge of master keying is required. Key Numbers and Cylinders are loaded into the program. This method supports many other Manufacturers' Systems besides Schlage but not all. For example, the program may not be able to display specialty attributes pertaining to  proprietary type systems. The program also only combinates control keys for SFIC type cylinders.


iStock_000015183192Large3. Add Key Numbers and Cylinders Wizard - Best way to manually add your keys and cylinders to the program. By typing single or multiple key number records into a list, the program builds and loads your Key Numbers and Cylinders. First, you add your master keys to the program. Then in the wizard, you select a master (Parent Key) for the new key numbers and cylinders.


Important: You can use the Create Systems Keys Wizard that is part of the Key Systems Screen to load the bulk of your cylinder/core records into the program. Using the Create System Keys Wizard does require that you have an understanding of master keying. After these cylinder records are generated by the program they are stored in the Cylinders Screen and become linked to your doors when you assign them during keying and re-keying of rooms. There are different places in the program that allow you to create, modify, and assign cylinder/cores to doors. By assigning the Cylinder/Cores to your doors, you automatically assign the keys that operate those cylinders. In this topic we discuss cylinder assignments and modifications using the Cylinder and Room Information Screens. These screens allow you to make manual (selective) additions and modifications to your cylinder information.



Creating and Loading Cylinders Using Wizards:


The process of creating and loading cylinders, keying new doors, and rekeying existing doors are handled by special task wizards in the program. These wizards are not located on the Cylinders Screen but are part of the Building/Rooms and Key Systems Screens. You can manually add a new cylinder in the Cylinders Screen, but the primary purpose of this screen is to look up or edit existing cylinder/core information. To learn how the program uses Wizards to automatically create, assign, and rekey cylinders see; Keying and Rekeying Doors with Wizards, Key Systems > To Create System Keys, and The Add Door Wizard.


Every cylinder is stored in the Cylinder Screen whether it has been created by the program from Wizards or if you have created and added the cylinder manually. The Cylinder Screen keeps up with both cylinders that have and have not been assigned to rooms/doors. Once cylinders have been assigned (linked), the records of those cylinders can be accessed from those room and door records directly.



To Open the Cylinder Screen:


1. Click the Cylinders icon on the Main Button Bar.


2. The Cylinder Screen opens in the expanded view allowing you to Add or Look Up records. You may also access reports, exit from the Cylinder Screen, or change the mode of the screen. The buttons that appear with gray text are inactive and not available in this mode.


3. The Keyway lookup field is the default but you may click on any of the Field Column Names such as Cylinder/Core to look up records by that name.


4. Click on the Mode button to contract the Primary Record List to the left and display the record fields on the right.



To Manually Add a New Cylinder:


Important: You can manually add new cylinders on the Cylinders Screen or from the Cylinders List Information subscreen in Key Systems (Lockshop Enhancement). Either method allows you to link the new cylinder/core to a key system. You also have the option of not linking the cylinder/core to a key system using the Cylinders Screen. Regardless of what method you use to manually add your cylinders, the Cylinders Screen will display all of the cylinder/core records that have been created. See Key Systems.


Help with > Adding Records


1. Click on the Add button on the Cylinder Screen.


2. Look up and/or type in your cylinder information into the data entry fields. See field descriptions below.


3. To link the new cylinder to a key system, select the key system from the Key System record selection field. When you assign a Key System to the cylinder, the Manufacturer's System and TMK fields are not displayed by the program until the screen is refreshed. If you exit the screen and return, you will see that the information has been entered by the program.


Important: When adding a new cylinder, you are not required to assign a change key to the cylinder. This allows you to set up cylinders that are only worked by operating keys. In the program, the change key is identified as the primary key that opens a door to a room. This means that if you set up cylinders without change keys and assign these cylinders to doors, when you issue keys to personnel that are not change keys, you will need to issue these keys using the "By Key Number" method.



Field Descriptions of the Cylinder Screen:


Keyway: This is the keyway or section of the Cylinder. Type in a new keyway to add or select an existing one from this Record Selection Field. You may assign the Cylinder a different keyway than the keys that operate it. For example, the Schlage cylinder keyway "P" is operated by all the keyways of the Classic Obverse System. When you do this make sure that the keyway has been added to the Manufacturer's System and that the relationships of the other keyways that operate this one are set up as well.


Cylinder/Core: For the Cylinder/Core name we suggest that you follow standard key coding methods. When you create Key Systems and generate keys and Cylinder/Cores, the program numbers these using standard key coding guidelines. The main purpose of this coding system is to identify a key's or cylinder's place in a key system from its code name. When adding a new cylinder that's associated with one of your existing systems, it would be beneficial to number that Cylinder/Core with a name that marks its place in that system.


For example, the program creates the Cylinder/Core ABA03 with the same Change Key symbol of ABA03. You want to add another Change Key to this cylinder and its symbol is ABA01. When you create the new Cylinder/Core, we suggest that you maintain this symbol structure. The new Cylinder/Core could be numbered, such as ABA03/01 or ABA03,01 or ABA03.01. The ABA03 would still indicate the primary Change Key and the trailing numbers would indicate the other change key(s) that operates the cylinder. Somewhere in the future, if you needed to assign this cylinder to another door, you would easily be able to identify the cylinder. You may also assign any number to the Cylinder/Core that you wish as long as your numbering method fits into the Cylinder/Core field. Regardless of your method, it's important that when you assign cylinders to doors and need to look them up, you can locate them easily.


The program allows you to create duplicate Cylinder/Core names. This means that the Cylinder/Core field is not unique. The reason for this is because Manufacturers supply and locksmiths create different key systems with repeating symbolism . For example, the starting symbols A, AA, AB, etc., are widely repeated for many different key systems. For those of you who have key systems like this, when you assign your cylinders to doors, the program also sorts and/or displays your Cylinder/Core names by Keyway. This will help you to distinguish between matching names. Hopefully, you don't have repeating Cylinder/Core names within the same keyway. If you do, you will probably want to rename that set with a modified set of symbols in order to tell them apart.


Change Key: Assign the Change Key to the cylinder by looking it up. You don't have to assign a Change Key if the Cylinder/Core is only keyed to a Master Key(s) and/or operating key(s). If this is the case, skip the Change Key field and add the keys using the Operated By Keys list.


Important: To assign keys to cylinders manually, you must first create (add) the keys to the program. This means that you look up existing keys to assign instead of typing in the key number. See Key Numbers.


Sidebar: If your new Cylinder uses a Sidebar, you can enter the name in this field.


Angles: If your new Cylinder uses keys with angle cuts, then enter the angle into this field. The program will display the angle cut for each chamber of the cylinder on the program's Pinning Screen and Pinning Charts.


Control Key(s): For SFIC (Small Format Interchangeable Core) cylinders, enter the bitting of your control key(s). The program allows you to master key cylinders with multiple control keys. If this is the case, separate your Control Key bitting numbers with commas and without spaces. You can edit the bitting in the Control Key(s) field to change the control key that operates the cylinder. This will change it for every location that this cylinder is assigned.




Empty Chamber: After you put the Cylinder Screen into Edit mode, you can click on any of the chamber check boxes (1-7) to empty that chamber of pins. This allows you to open that chamber to all bitting progressions for that position (Open Cross Keying). For example, many different change keys need to operate a cylinder such as an entrance door. By emptying all of the chambers assigned to the level one key progressions, all of these keys will automatically work the cylinder. In order to see the keys that operate, after you empty a chamber(s), click on the Pinning Screen button. All operating keys are displayed.




Important: The Operated By Keys List on the Cylinder Screen only displays operating keys that were originally assigned to the cylinder and/or those that you add using the Add Master Keys and/or Add Operated By buttons. The purpose for this, is If you empty a chamber and then decide that you want to restore that chamber, after you deselect the empty chamber the program re-combinates the chamber based on the keys that are listed in the Operated By Keys List.


Attention: Whenever you consider using this feature to open a chamber(s) to cross keying, first review the keys that will operate the cylinder. After you empty the chamber(s), go to the Pinning Screen and check all of the keys listed in the Operating Keys list. When a chamber is emptied, the program displays all keys that operate as OB (cross keys) and not as incidentals. Make sure that all the keys listed are ones that you want to operate.


Manufacturer's System: This is the Manufacturer's System from the Key Systems Screen that the cylinder/cores and keys are based upon. This entry is completed automatically when you use the Create System Keys Wizard to generate your cylinder/core records add when you manually add a new cylinder/core and assign it a Key System.


TMK: This is the Top Master Key of the Key System that the selected cylinder/core record is based upon. This is entered automatically when using the Create System Keys Wizard and when you manually add a new cylinder/core and assign it a Key System.


Key System: The name of the key system is entered automatically when the cylinder is created using the Create System Keys Wizard on the Key Systems Screen. When adding a cylinder/core record manually, if you don't select a key system for the new cylinder, it won't be linked to a system.


Operated by Keys: This list is a Secondary Record List that you use to look up and add keys to your cylinder. Add keys such as Master Keys and other operating keys other than the primary Change Key using this list. This list displays the Keyway, Key Number, Symbol, Bitting, and Description fields for the keys that are added.



To Add Operating Keys  to a Cylinder:


When you add Master Keys or other Operating keys (cross keying) to the Cylinder, the Operated by Keys list displays these keys. The Operated By Keys list is a Secondary Record List that displays linked information that originates from the main Key Numbers Screen. If your keys for the cylinder have already been added to the Key Numbers Screen, then you will be able to look them up which adds them to the Operated by Keys list.


There are two types of keys that you can add to a cylinder besides the Change Key that has already been defined. These two types are Master Keys and Operating Keys. Use the Add Master Key and Add Operated by buttons to add these keys to your cylinder. Doing so identifies the keys so that the program may label the keys properly on the Pinning Screen.


1. Click on either the Add Master Key or Add Operated By buttons.


2. The Key Number Find Screen is displayed.


3. Look up and select the key number(s) you want to add.


Important: If you're using the Add Master Key feature and can't find the master key that you want to add there are two possible reasons. The first, is that the master you're  looking for has not been assigned a level of two (2) or greater. Only key numbers that are assigned a level of two or greater will show up in this look up screen. The second, is that you have multiple keyways in your system, and the keyway relationships have not been set up (i.e., H operates CE). Show Me How


4. Use the Check Boxes on the left side of the list to select multiple masters or operating keys that you want to add all at once.


5. Click on the Accept button on the Key Number Find Screen.


6. The key(s) is added to the Operated by Keys list.


See also Empty Chamber for Open Cross Keying.



Downward Compatible Systems


My SiteMaster Version does not have a Key Systems Screen:


For users who have downward compatible systems or upgraded systems such as Schlage Primus or Schlage Everest 29, you can set up the keyway relationships in the Keyways Screen to indicate that the keyway(s) from one system operates the keyway(s) of another system. When displaying the Pinning Screens or Pinning Charts of your downward compatible system, the program will list the operating keys from the upgraded system. To set this up, see Setup for downward or backwards compatible (scalable) systems.


My SiteMaster Version has the Key Systems Screen:


For users who have downward compatible systems or upgraded systems such as Schlage Primus or Schlage Everest 29, you can set up the keyway relationships in Manufacturer's Systems to indicate that the keyway(s) from one system operates the keyway(s) of another system. When displaying the Pinning Screens or Pinning Charts of your downward compatible system, the program will list the operating keys from the upgraded system. To set this up, see Setup for downward or backwards compatible (scalable) systems.



Mass Assign a Key to Cylinders:


You can mass assign a key to multiple cylinders from the Key Also Operates list that is on the Key Usage sub screen in Key Numbers. When using this feature, if the cylinder/core record is assigned to multiple doors, you will add the selected key to all of the door cylinders. You can't use this feature to assign an operating key selectively to specific door cylinders. For example, three doors are keyed to AA01. When you add a new operating key to the AA01 cylinder, it will automatically be assigned to all three door cylinders. The feature also works for cylinders that do not have door assignments.


Let's say as an example, after you generated keys and cylinder/core records using the Create System Keys Wizard, you wanted to re-name and add a selective master to a number of existing cylinder/core records. After re-naming the cylinder/cores (i.e., AA01 to AA01(ENG), AC27 to AC27(ENG), etc.), you then can use this mass assign feature to add the ENG selective master to those records.


To quickly re-name your cylinder/core records, go to the Cylinders Screen and put the expanded list into Edit mode. Go down the Cylinder/Cores column and re-name your records. With the (ENG) example above, add the (ENG) extension to the first record, and then use the Copy and Paste command items under the Edit pull-down menu to quickly add the (ENG) extension to the remaining records.


1. Go to the Key Numbers Screen and look up and select the operating key.


2. Click on the Key Usage button.


3. Click the Binoculars button on the Key Also Operates List on the Key Usage sub screen..


4. Click on the Binoculars button on the Key Also Operates List.


5. On the Cylinder Find Screen, look up the Cylinder/Cores.


6. In the Select column for the Cylinder/Cores, you can multi-select any records that you want to assign the operating key. If you want to assign the operating key to all of the cylinder/core records, click on the Select All button on the screen.


7. Click on the Accept button.


Important: If you need to have two similar cylinder/cores such as AA01 and AA01(ENG), you will need to manually add one or the other to the Cylinders Screen. See To Add a New Cylinder by Copying another Cylinder below.



To Add a New Cylinder by Copying another Cylinder:


Important: This is the quickest and easiest way to manually create a new Cylinder/Core that directly links the new cylinder to the Key System of the one you're making the copy from. This is also an easy way to cross key a cylinder.


You can use the Copy This Cylinder button on the Cylinder Screen to duplicate a Cylinder's information and then modify that information in order to create another new Cylinder. For example, you have an existing Cylinder ABA01 on a hallway door to a room. Inside the room is a closet that should be on the ABA01 key (change key) but also operated by the ABA02 key that works across the hall.


An example of how to quickly create a cross keyed cylinder:


1. On the Cylinder Screen, look up and select the ABA01 Cylinder/Core. You can do this with any of the cylinder/core names that you use.


2. Click on the Mode button to display the Cylinder information on the right side of the screen.


3. Click on the Edit button and then the Copy This Cylinder button. Click on the Yes button when the Program asks you if you want to copy this record.


4. The Program duplicates the ABA01 cylinder's information.


5. Using our example, we need to modify the cylinder by adding the ABA02 key as an operating key and by changing the name of the Cylinder/Core to indicate that the two cylinders are different from one another.


6. Click on the Operated By button to display the Key Number Find Screen and then look up and select the ABA02 key.


7. Clicking on the Accept button on the Key Number Find Screen would add the ABA02 key to the Operated by Keys list.


8. You would then highlight the ABA01 entry in the Cylinder/Core field and change the name to one that better identifies this new cylinder. This could simply be XAB01 or ABA01/02. You can use whatever designation you wish.


9. Click on the Save button on the Cylinder Screen to create the new cross-keyed Cylinder/Core.


The program also lets you empty or fill the chambers of the cylinder. See Empty Chamber.



An example of how to quickly create cylinders that are operated by a Selective Master.


1. On the Cylinder Screen, look up and select the Cylinder/Core.


2. Click on the Mode button to display the Cylinder information on the right side of the screen.


3. Click on the Edit button and then the Copy This Cylinder button. Click on the Yes button when the Program asks you if you want to copy this record.


4. The Program duplicates the cylinder's information.


5. For example, re-name the Cylinder/Core from ABA01 to ABA01(ENG). This would be the traditional way to name a cylinder that is operated by an ENG selective master.


Option 1 - If you're just creating a single cylinder/core that will be operated by a selective master, add the selective master by using the Add Master Key button. After adding the selective master, click on the Save button.


Option 2 - If you're creating multiple cylinder/core records to be operated by a selective master, you don't have to use the Add Master Key button to manually add the selective master to each cylinder/core. Instead, create all of your different (ENG) cylinder/cores using the Copy This Cylinder feature, and don't use the Add Master Keys button. After you've added your new (ENG) cylinder/core records, do the following:


1. Go to the Key Numbers Screen and look up and select the selective master.


2. Click on the Key Usage button.


3. Click on the Edit button. This turns on the Binoculars button on the Key Also Operates List on the Key Usage sub screen..


4. Click on the Binoculars button on the Key Also Operates List.


5. In the Cylinder/Core look up field on the Cylinder Find Screen, type in ?ENG for example. This returns all cylinder/cores that have the ENG designation.


6. In the Select column for the Cylinder/Cores, you can multi-select any records that you want to assign the selective master. If you want to assign the selective master to all of the cylinder/core records, click on the Select All button on the screen.


7. Click on the Accept button.



To Edit and Delete Records:


Once you have records added, you can edit or delete the records as well as the linked information associated with those records. Editing and deleting records affect any parent-child relationships of those records. To learn about editing and deleting records; See Editing Records or Deleting Records.



To Look Up Records:


The program's interface provides you with an extremely efficient way to look up and sort records and to find linked record information. To learn how to look up records; See Looking Up Records.



To Access Reports:


Click on the pull-down Reports Menu at the top of the Main Menu. To learn about the reports for this topic: See Reports.



The two buttons at the bottom of a Cylinders Screen, Pinning Screen and Pinning Chart, launch wizards to display the pinning information about the cylinder.



The Pinning Screen


Every Cylinder/Core record that is created in the program, either automatically by the program or manually when you add a cylinder, produces a cylinder Pinning Screen. The Pinning Screens are available to you whether or not the cylinders are assigned to doors. The Pinning Screen is a virtual representation of a cutaway-cylinder complete with pins and springs. The purposes of this screen are to validate your pinning information and to be used as a tool for pinning up cylinders directly from the screen.


Idea: Whether you're an in-house locksmith working with departments or an outside service provider with commercial accounts, if your customers use Sitemaster 200® for issuing keys to personnel, you will be able to use the Pinning Screen at their location to check cylinder records and to pin up cylinders on-site. The Locksmith Setup Screen in the program controls whether or not the Pinning Screen is displayed and can be restricted by user.



Validating Cylinder Pinning


When you access the Pinning Screen either in the shop or at the customer's location, you can instantly validate the pinning of a cylinder. For example, if you open the Pinning Screen for a cylinder that a customer is having trouble with and you validate that all of the keys operate (shear) this virtual cylinder, chances are that the cylinder in the field has been mis-pinned. Another example is if you check the keys in the Pinning Screen and see an error with the pinning. For example, you have a two-step system and one of the master pins is a number one. Use the Pinning Screen to check the keys for new cylinders that you create with the program. This will reduce the amount of mispinned cylinders that go out.


The Pinning Screen can be opened from two different locations in the program. The locations are from any Cylinder Information Screen or from the Door Simulation record on any Room Information Screen.



To Open the Pinning Screen from the Cylinder Screen:


1. Click on the Pinning Screen button at the bottom of a Cylinder Information Screen.


2. This displays the Pinning Screen for the selected Cylinder/Core record. The Pinning Screen produces virtual cylinders for all of the different types of manufacturers' systems that you create in the program.


3. When the Pinning Screen is first displayed, it is in the Cylinder Pinning mode. This mode is the easiest view of the Pinning Screen and enables you to pin up your cylinders because of the separation between the bottom, master, and top pins. In the example above, the fourth chamber of the cylinder is highlighted. You can highlight any chamber by clicking in it with your mouse. When pinning up cylinders, this allows you to mark your place for the next chamber to pin in case you need to take a break or for whatever reason. The orientation of the cylinder's face (plug) changes depending on how the Manufacturer's System for this cylinder is set up as either bow to tip or tip to bow. On the right side of the screen are information lists that display additional information about the cylinder.


4. In the above example, there is a Control Key listed that operates the removal of the cylinder's core. Because this virtual cylinder is also defined by the specified control key, the program creates an additional control shear line for the cylinder. In this example, the lower shear line is for the keys that operate the cylinder and the upper shear line is for the control key.


5. If there are multiple Control Keys that remove the core of this cylinder, then you would click on the down arrow of the Control Keys field to display them.


6. Selecting any Control Key in the Control Keys field inserts that control key into the virtual cylinder.



Incidental Keys


Keys that show up that are marked with either an "IK" (Incidental Key) or "IM" (Incidental Master) designation are Incidental keys that will also work the cylinder when "Show Interchange" is selected on the Locksmith Setup Screen. These are keys that you did not assign to the cylinder but show up anyway because they operate the cylinder mathematically. If you assign keys to operate a cylinder that cause other keys to interchange, the program will display those keys in the Pinning Screen and on the Pinning Charts. Incidental keys can also be displayed on Cylinder reports. This allows you to decide whether or not to include those keys.



Designations of Operating Keys


CK -

Change Key -

Level 1

OB -

Operated By -

Level 1

MK -

Master Key -

Levels 2 through 6

IK -

Incidental Key -

Level 1

IM -

Incidental Master -

Levels 2 through 6


10. You can click on any key in the Operating Keys list to create a virtual representation of inserting that key into the cylinder.



Print Pinning Chart


1. The Print Pin Chart button at the bottom of the Cylinder Information Screen is used to display or print out a conventional Pinning Chart of the selected Cylinder/Core record.


2. Click on the Pin Chart button at the bottom of a Cylinder Information Screen to view or print the pinning chart of the cylinder.


3. The Pinning Chart allows you an additional way to pin up cylinders from the screen. You may also print out your cylinder pinning charts in order to maintain a hard copy of your cylinder pinning information.


4. The Pinning Chart displays the Manufacturer, System, Keyway, Building/Rooms, Date and Time created, and the pinning information for the cylinder record.


Note: There are also two Pinning Chart Reports. The First, is under Reports > Key Systems Listings > Key System Pinning Charts. This lets you select the Key System and display Pinning Charts for all cylinders that are unassigned, assigned, or both. The second, is under Reports > Building/Rooms Report > Pinning Chart. This one lets you select the Building and/or Department and displays all of the pinning charts for cylinders that are assigned to doors. See Reports > Key Systems and Building/Rooms.



The Cylinder Usage Screen


This screen contains the two lists, Cylinder Usage and Cylinders History. For any selected cylinder record you can see the list of doors where the cylinder is currently installed (Cylinder Usage), as well as any previous door assignments (Cylinders History) after rekeying was performed.


To Look Up the Usage of a Cylinder:


1. Select a cylinder record from the Primary Record List on the Cylinder Screen.


2. Click on the Cylinder Usage button.


3. The Cylinder's Keyway and Cylinder/Core names are displayed in the Keyway and Cylinder/Core fields.


4. The Cylinder Usage list uses the field column names labeled Building, Room Number, Door Number, and Date Rekeyed to display information of where the cylinder is currently installed and when it was rekeyed. Clicking on any of the field column names will sort the Cylinder Usage list by that name.


5. The Cylinders History list displays the entire history of all of the room locations where the cylinder has been installed. The field column names include Building, Room, Door, and Date Rekeyed. Clicking on any of the column names sorts the list by that name.



Working with Cylinders on Room Information Screens


You can add or change cylinder information for any door on the Room Information Screen. Once you've added, or the program has automatically added a door to a room (see Create Rooms Wizard), you use the cylinder's Linked Text button on the Door Simulation subscreen to work with cylinder information.


1. On the Building/Room Information Screen, click on the Building Room List button. This displays the Rooms list that is a Secondary Record List.


2. Any rooms that you have created for the current building record are displayed in the Rooms list.


3. Click on the Open Folder button on the Rooms list to go to the rooms for the selected building record.


4. This displays the Room Information Screen where you can add or edit room records.


5. If a door has been added to the room, then it will be displayed in the Doors list box.


See The Add Door Wizard



To Add a Cylinder/Core to a Door:


1. When a door has already been assigned a Cylinder/Core, the Symbol of the Cylinder/Core (i.e., CE*ABA06) will be displayed in the Cylinder/Core column of the Doors list box. When you add a cylinder to this door, a second cylinder is added to the door. The second cylinder can be keyed the same or differently than the first cylinder.


2. If the door has not been assigned a Cylinder/Core and the door does not have a Cylinder Product as part of the door's hardware, then the Cylinder/Core field will be blank or empty.


3. When the door has a Cylinder Product assigned to it, but has not been assigned a Cylinder/Core, the program displays the Cylinder Product's part number in the Cylinder Product column.


4. Click the Edit button on the Rooms Screen to turn on the three related buttons, Add Cylinder, Rekey Cylinder, and Delete Cylinder. You use this buttons to perform the button actions to one of the Door records that you select in the Doors list box.


5. Select the Door record in the Doors list, and click on the Add New Cylinder button.


6. The Add Cylinder to Door Wizard is displayed. Click the Binoculars button on the Cylinder/Core field. This opens the Cylinder Find Screen where you look up and select the Cylinder/Core record that you want to assign. The Cylinder/Core record is entered into the Cylinder/Core field.


7. Click on the Binoculars button on the Product field. This adds a Cylinder Product to the Door that is linked to the Cylinder/Core that you're adding. For example, if your door has a mortise lock on it and you're adding a Cylinder/Core record (i.e., CE*ABA12) that is from a Schlage Classic Obverse System, you could select the Cylinder Product, 30-021-CE, as the mortise cylinder for your Cylinder/Core. When you click on the Binoculars button, it opens the Product Find Screen for you to select the proper Cylinder Product to add to the record. Important: For your hardware cylinder products, make sure that they are already assigned a Product Type, and that this Product Type is checked as a Cylinder Product.


8. Click on the Finish button on the Add Cylinder to Door Wizard.


9. The Cylinder/Core and the Cylinder Product are added to the Door's record.


10. Click Save to store the record.



To Delete a Cylinder/Core on a Door:


1. Select the Door record in the Doors list, and click the Delete Cylinder button.


2. The Cylinder/Core is deleted from the Door.


3. Click Save to store the record.



To Replace or Rekey a Cylinder/Core on a Door:


1. Select the Door record in the Doors list, and click the Rekey Cylinder button.


3. The Cylinder Find Screen is displayed. Look up and find the cylinder you want for replacement and highlight it by clicking on it.


4. Click on the Accept button on the Cylinder Find Screen.


5. The cylinder is changed on the door.


5. Click Save to store the record.


Important: When you rekey a cylinder this way, you don't have the opportunity to change the cylinder product. If you are changing the type and/or brand of cylinder product, use the Rekey Rooms Wizard instead.



To Check the Pinning of a Cylinder or to Use the Screen to Pin Up a Cylinder:


1. Select the Door record in the Doors list, and click the Pinning Screen button. Note: The button is turned of in Edit mode.


2. The Pinning Screen is displayed for the cylinder.


3. To learn how to use the Pinning Screen, see The Pinning Screen in this topic.



Modifying the Keys of an Existing Cylinder


When you use the program to create Cylinder/Cores and Key Numbers from Key Systems, the program generates these numbers using the standard key coding method. After that point, the program does not attempt to augment these numbers in any way when you modify existing cylinders by adding or deleting keys. You will need to decide on how to rename your Cylinder/Core records.


An alternative method to the ones discussed below for rekeying doors is to use the Rekey Rooms Wizard. With this method you will need to first create (Add) your modified cylinders in advance and then use the wizard to assign them to doors. This wizard replaces (rekeys) Cylinder/Cores on doors and will assign Cylinder/Cores to doors with Cylinder Products. See Rekey Rooms Wizard.


Important: Here are a couple of important rules when you manually rekey or change cylinder information: 1. When you modify or rekey a cylinder on an existing door, you do so by replacing the door's cylinder with another one that already exists. 2. When you modify any cylinder on the Cylinder Screen, you effectively change the information for that cylinder on every door where it is assigned (i.e., Keyed Alike)!



To rekey or modify an existing Cylinder/Core on only one door when that Cylinder/Core has multiple door assignments (keyed alike):


There are two ways to modify an existing Cylinder/Core on a door without it affecting the other doors that are currently assigned or keyed alike to the Cylinder/Core:


The most efficient way is to use the Copy This Cylinder button on the Cylinder Screen. This allows you to quickly create (add) a modified cylinder/core that you can use to rekey a door. See To Add a New Cylinder by Copying Another Cylinder.


The second way is to add the new cylinder, if it does not already exist, and then rekey the one door with that cylinder.


Example: You have the cylinder CE*ABA04 assigned to several doors and you want to add an additional operating key to the cylinder on just one of those doors. The operating key that you want to add is CE*ABA02. You have not set up this new cylinder yet and you need to add it first.


1. On the Cylinder Screen click on the Add button.


Help with > To Add a Cylinder in this topic.


2. You will want to name the new Cylinder/Core with an appropriate symbol name such as ABA04/02 or whatever allows you to easily identify it.


3. Add your key assignments and Save the record.


4. On the Rooms screen, select the Door record in the Doors list box for the cylinder/core. Click the Edit button on the Rooms screen, and click the Rekey Cylinder button on the Doors list box. This displays the Cylinder Find Screen.


5. Look up and select the new cylinder CE*ABA04/02 and click on the Accept button on the Cylinder Find Screen.


6. The door has now been rekeyed to the new cylinder.


7. Click on the Save button on the Room Screen to store the record.



To modify an existing Cylinder/Core that changes the Cylinder/Core record on all door assignments:


Important: When you modify cylinders in the following ways, you will change the keying information on every door that the Cylinder/Core is assigned. Place close attention to the Cylinder Usage subscreen on the Cylinder Information Screen to see all the doors that will be affected by your modifications.


1. You can access a cylinder record from either the Cylinder Screen or from the Door's record on the Rooms Screen. Here we discuss the procedure using the Door's record on the Rooms Screen.


2. Select the Door record in the Doors list and click the Cylinder Screen button on the Doors list box. This jumps you to the Cylinder/Core record.


3. Click on the Edit button on the Cylinder Screen.


4. You need to decide if you're going to change the Cylinder/Core name at this time. Rename the Cylinder/Core if the changes you make no longer represents the Cylinder/Core's Symbol name. For example, if the Cylinder/Core was named CE*ABA04 and you add the key CE*ABA02 to the cylinder you will need to decide if the Cylinder/Core should be renamed. The program will allow you to keep the same name or change it to whatever you want.


5. Make your changes and Save the record. You have edited the Cylinder/Core on all doors where it's assigned.



To Mass Assign a Key to multiple Cylinders that adds the key to all of the Cylinder's door assignments:


See Mass Assign a Key to Cylinders



To Edit the Cylinder's Operating Keys:


This will affect the cylinder's information on any and all door assignments. The Operated by Keys subscreen is a Secondary Record List that displays all the keys that were set up to operate this cylinder. You may delete keys by using the Clear Record button (red x)  to remove a selected key or add keys using the buttons Add Master Key and Add Operated By. These buttons let you look up existing keys to add.


To Clear or Remove Keys:


1. To remove a key from the cylinder, find it in the Operated By Keys list and click on it.


2. Click on the Red X icon button on the Operated By Keys list.


3. The program asks you if you want to remove the record.


4. Click on Yes to remove the key or No to abort the operation.



To Add Keys:


1. To add a key to the cylinder, click on either the Add Master Key or Add Operated By button on the Operated by Keys list.


2. This displays the Key Number Find Screen. Look up the key you want to add, and click on it.


3. Click on the Accept button on the Key Number Find Screen.


4. The new key is added to the cylinder.


5. When you're done adding and/or deleting keys to the cylinder and have clicked to Save the record, all of the doors listed in the Cylinder Usage list will be modified accordingly.


6. Click on the Save button on the Cylinder Information Screen.



Cylinders as Door Hardware Products


Besides the Cylinder/Cores that are pin patterns (i.e., Key Group, Keyset)  to determine the operating keys, the program also handles physical cylinders that are assigned to doors. This type of cylinder plays an important role and is linked to the Cylinder/Core record by the program. Linking the Cylinder/Core record to a Cylinder Product in this program is just like pinning up a cylinder in the shop and installing it on a door. The Cylinder/Cores in the program are just the pins you put into a cylinder. The Cylinder Product in the program is the hardware cylinder that you put these pins into and install to a door.


See Product Types and Products for a detailed explanation.


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