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The Keyway, also known as the Section that helps to define a key blank or cylinder, is the distinct grooving that a Manufacturer assigns to its keys. Keyways are assigned to different Manufacturer's Systems that are directly linked to the design of a Key System. Key Numbers and Cylinder/Cores that are created from these key systems contain the keyway assignments as part of their identification. The program handles key systems containing a single keyway as well as those utilizing multisectional keyways.



This topic includes:


Working with Keyways


To Open the Keyways Screen


The Keyways Operated by this Keyway List


To Set Up Keyway Relationships


The Keyway Key Numbers and the Keyway Cylinders Subscreens


The KWY Generic Keyway



Working with Keyways


Keyways are directly tied to a Manufacturer's System such as the "CE" keyway is linked to the Schlage Obverse Family System. When you set up a Manufacturer's System, you assign the keyways that you work with to that system. You should not add every keyway that the Manufacturer makes but rather add only those that you are currently working with. Additionally, you can create a keyway on the Manufacturer's System Screen that automatically adds it to the Keyways Screen. Therefore, when it comes to adding your keyways, you do this on the Manufacturer's Systems Screen. See Manufacturer's Systems.


Important: The Keyways Screen is the location where all of your keyways are stored for all of your systems. It is on this screen that you can look up any of your keyways and edit keyway records. When you edit a keyway, the program changes that keyway designation on every key and cylinder that had the original keyway. The only place where you delete keyways is on the Manufacturer's System screen for that keyway(s). Deleting a keyway will delete all of the key numbers and cylinder/cores that were assigned that keyway.


Note: Sections for Cylinders - The keyway designation for a cylinder is usually referred to as the cylinder's Section. In order to maintain a consistent data relationship, the program uses the term keyway for both keys and cylinders.



To Open the Keyways Screen:


1. Click the Keyways icon on the Main Button Bar.


2. The Keyways Screen opens in the expanded view, allowing you to Add or Look Up records. You may also access reports, exit from the Manufacturers Screen, or change the mode of the screen. The buttons that appear with gray text are inactive and not available in this mode.


3. The Manufacturer lookup field is the default, but you may click on the other Field Column Name, Keyway, to look up records by that name.


4. Click on the Mode button to contract the Primary Record List to the left and display the record fields on the right.


5. For technical specifications about the Manufacturers fields, see Technical Program Information.



The fields Manufacturer's System and Keyway are displayed on the screen as well as a Secondary Record List (list box) called the Keyways Operated by this Keyway list. The Open Folder button to the side of the Manufacturer's System field will jump you to the Manufacturer's System for the selected keyway.



The Keyways Operated by this Keyway List


This list displays all of the keyways that are operated by the selected keyway record. The program allows you to create a simple but effective way to set up the hierarchy or relationships of multisectional keyways. For example, you can tell the program that Keyway "H" (selected keyway) operates keyways "C, CE, E, and EF" (displayed in list). You can also set up these relationships in the Keyways subscreen on the Manufacturer's Systems Screen (SiteMaster upgrade only). This information is then displayed on this list. This list displays the Keyway and the linked Manufacturer's System of that keyway.


If you double-click on any keyway record in this list, you jump to the Keyways Operated by this Keyway Information subscreen for that specific keyway. This displays the information about that keyway. A useful feature on this subscreen is that you can see any additional keyway relationships or layers that may exist. For example, you're on the Keyway Screen and you select the Schlage keyway "L." In the Keyways Operated by this Keyway list, the keyways "H" and "J" are displayed. You double-click on the "H" keyway record that jumps you to the Keyways Operated by this Keyway Information subscreen. On that subscreen, in the Keyways Operated by this Keyway list, the keyways "C", "CE", "E", and "EF" are displayed. If you drilled-down any further, by selecting the "C" keyway from the list, you would see that this keyway does not operate any other keyways. This feature that you use in Manufacturer's Systems allows you to design complex keyway relationships that can be expanded as required.


To Set Up Keyway Relationships on the Keyways Screen:


For example, you import a registered Schlage Everest D Family 6 Pin System as your initial system. Later, you receive your new Schlage Everest 29 T Family 6 Pin "downward-compatible system." This means that Keyways in the Schlage Everest 29 T system were intentionally designed to operate Keyways in you older Schlage Everest D Family system. So, a Master Key from the Schlage Everest 29 T System is supposed to work cylinders belonging to the Schlage Everest D System (downward-compatible). This allows you to expand your existing key system by adding the new system that has master keys that will also operate your older system. SiteMaster will automatically display these new master keys operating the older system's cylinders, once you have set up the keyway relationships of these two systems. In this example, we have a new master key with the Keyway T999, for example, and this Keyway operates the C999 Keyway in the older system. To set this up:


1. Click the Keyway icon on the Main Button Bar.


2. Look up the Keyway T999 and select it.


3. Click the Mode button to display the Keyways Operated by this Keyway list box.


4. Click the Binoculars button on the list box.


5. On the Keyway Find Screen, look up and select (tick the Select check box) the C999 Keyway.


6. Click the Accept button. The C999 Keyway has been added to the Keyways Operated by this Keyway list box.


7. Click the pull-down Setup Menu at the top of the SiteMaster Screen and select System Setup Screens.


8. Select the Locksmith Setup Screen.


9. Click the Edit button, and tick the Show Interchange Between Key Systems check box.


10. Click Save.


If you were to issue a person the Master Key on the T999 Keyway, for example, the program can now show this person's access to the doors for the C999 cylinders.

To Add a Keyway and to set up keyway relationships, see Manufacturer's Systems.iStock_000015183192Large



The Keyway Key Number and the Keyway Cylinder Subscreens


These two subscreens on the Keyways Screen are used to change the keyways that are assigned to key numbers and to cylinders. For example, if you imported your key numbers from a previous version of Sitemaster and you did not have keyways assigned to your keys, this feature allows you to mass assign keyways to them. This is also true for your cylinder records that were imported.


When your keys/cylinders are imported without a keyway designation, the program assigns the generic "KWY" keyway to all of the records. In cases where the keys that were imported without keyways actually have multiple keyway designations, you can use this feature to assign different keyways to your "KWY" keys.


Important: When you use this feature to change the keyways of your key numbers, you should also change the keyway designations of any corresponding cylinder records.


Before You Begin:


Keyways are directly linked to a Manufacturer's System. Before you reassign your key numbers and cylinders, make sure you have a Manufacturer's System with keyways already set up. For example, all of your keys and cylinders were assigned to the "Generic" Manufacturer's System and the Generic "KWY" Keyway. The reality is that some of your keys and cylinders belong to the Schlage Obverse Family 6 Pin, Manufacturer's System, and others belong to a Yale Manufacturer's System. Before, you can assign the keys and cylinders to the Yale System, for example, you will need to add that Manufacturer's System to the program and add the keyway(s) to it.


As you use this feature to reassign your key numbers and cylinders by keyway, the program automatically places the key numbers and cylinders under the corresponding Manufacturer's System(s).



To Change Keyway Designations for Key Numbers:


1. From the pull-down Setup Menu select Keyways.


2. On the Keyways screen, look up and select the Keyway/Manufacturer's System that you want to reassign to some or all of your key numbers.


3. Click on the Keyway Key Number button.


4. Click on the Binoculars button on the Key Numbers List. This open the Key Numbers Find Screen.


5. Look up all (Find All) or the series of key numbers to be reassigned the keyway.


6. For any key numbers to be reassigned, click the check box in the Select column for those key numbers.


7. Click the Accept button on the Key Number Find Screen.


8. Click the Save button on the Keyways Screen. The key numbers have been changed.



To Change Keyway Designations for Cylinders:


1. From the pull-down Setup Menu select Keyways.


2. On the Keyways screen, look up and select the Keyway/Manufacturer's System that you want to reassign to some or all of your cylinders.


3. Click on the Keyway Cylinder button.


4. Click on the Binoculars button on the Cylinder List. This open the Cylinder Find Screen.


5. Look up all (Find All) or the series of cylinders to be reassigned the keyway.


6. For any cylinders to be reassigned, click the check box in the Select column for those cylinders.


7. Click the Accept button on the Cylinder Find Screen.


8. Click the Save button on the Keyways Screen. The cylinders have been changed.



The KWY Generic Keyway


The program comes pre-loaded with the KWY keyway. The purpose of this generic keyway is to allow the program to handle key numbers that are loaded and imported into SITEMASTER 200® without keyway designations. For example, loading the records from an older version of the program where keyways were not required. This version of the program requires keyways, so a generic must be assigned if none exists.


The generic KWY assignment can be changed for key numbers and cylinders. This is true whether you need the KWY keyway changed to a single different keyway or converted to multiple different keyways.


To change the KWY keyway to a different keyway > Go to the Keyways Screen and Edit the KWY keyway to what you want.

To convert the KWY keyway to multiple keyways > See The Keyway Key Number and the Keyway Cylinder Subscreens.



To Edit Records:


Once you have records added, you can edit the records as well as the linked information associated with those records. Editing records affect any parent-child relationships of those records. To learn about editing records, see Editing Records.



To Look Up Records:


The program's interface provides you with an extremely efficient way to look up and sort records and to find linked record information. To learn how to look up records, see Looking Up Records.



To Access Reports:


Click on the pull-down Reports Menu at the top of the Main Menu. To learn about the reports for this topic, see Reports.


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