Quick: Manufacturer's Systems

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Quick: Manufacturer's Systems

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Add Manufacturer's Systems


Note: All Schlage and Falcon System Types have been preloaded, so you don't need to add them.


1. From the Setup Menu, select Manufacturer's Systems.

2. Click the Add button.

3. Type in the specifications for the system.

4. Click the Save button.

5. Click on the Create Pins button to generate the pin lengths.

6. Click on the Key Systems/Keyways button to add any Keyways.

7. On the Keyways list box, click the Open Folder button.

8. Click on the Add button.

9. Type in the Keyway and click Save.

10. Repeat 8 & 9 for additional Keyways.

11. For a Multiplex system, and for additional information see: Manufacturer's Systems