Quick: Administration Program

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Quick: Administration Program

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The purpose of this program is to manage and maintain your datasets (data), and to set up, control, and mange your users' access to that data.



There are four Administration Program Screens, plus Utilities:


1. Log into the Administration Program. You must be set up as an Administrator user.

2. The four screens are Access Control, Datasets, Security Logs, and Users Admin.



1. Access Control


1. Click the Edit button and make your selections for password complexity.

2. The Minimum Password Length option will adjust itself depending on your selections.

3. Click Save to store the record.

4. For more help see Access Control.



2. Datasets


1. Click the Edit button and and look up and select a Dataset.

2. Click the Dataset Info tab button.

3. You can click the Binoculars button on either the Users with Administration Access or the Users with Access list boxes, to add a user(s) to the selected Dataset. This assigns the user(s) either administrator or non-administrator rights to the user(s), when that user accesses the dataset in the User Program.

4. Click the Backup/Restore tab button. This is the Program's Data Backup and Restore System.

Note: This feature was primarily designed to be used when installing SiteMaster on a stand-alone PC. Your IT Group should decide how data back ups are performed when on a network.

5. To make a back up, look up and select the Dataset, and then click the Backup Dataset button. The backup is displayed in the Backup List.

6. To restore a backup, select it in the Backup List and click the Restore from Backup button. This action will overwrite your data with the data in the restore.

7. To delete backups, select the backup in the Backup List and click the Delete Backup button.

8. You can also use the Copy Data from Another Dataset feature. This copies the data from an existing dataset, and overwrites the data, if any, in the selected dataset.

9. Select the dataset from the drop-down selection box and click Finish.

10. For more help see Datasets.



3. Security Logs


1. Click the Find All button to display the logs. These are security logs for different actions taken by your Program's users.

2. You can purge the logs from the Utilities Menu.

3. For more information see Security Logs.



4. Users Admin


1. Look up and select a User, or add a new one.

2. Click the Mode tab button to display the information.

3. Click the Add button to add a new user.

Note: SiteMaster comes with the Super Administrator user, plus two additional users. If you require additional users, they are available from Matrix Security.

4. When adding a new user, make your selections and click Save to store the record.

5. An Administrator User has full rights to the system, but certain rights can be modified. Only the Super Administrator can delete an Administrator user. And, an Administrator user can change the User Name, Password, and Dataset settings of the Super Administrator. This means that both types of Administrators have equal rights, but only the Super Administrator can delete an Administrator and modify an Administrator's rights.

6. To learn more about users, setting them up, and assigning rights, see Users Admin.


Important: You add and set up Users in the Administration Program, but for assigning rights for operational users in the User Program, you do this in the User Program. See Users.



5. Utilities


From the Utilities pull-down menu, select the following:


1. Purge Security Logs - This clears out the existing Security Logs in the Security Logs Screen.

2. Restart System - Attention: This feature restarts the system to the default data. All existing data will be overwritten. Only the Super Administrator can restart the system.

3. For more information see Utilities Admin.


We recommend that you read all of the information in the Administration Program topic.