About the Training Videos

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About the Training Videos

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The Help Manual is comprehensive and detailed oriented, but you may prefer the optional SiteMaster Training Videos that we've prepared. However, to get in-depth knowledge and nuts-and-bolts information, the help Manual is the place to look.


In Help Central and the Data Entry Walkthrough topic there are a number of training video links that teach you how to set up and operate the program. These training videos are browser-based and linked to the Matrix Security Website. You can also download the videos from the website, so that you may run them locally. If you have trouble accessing the Training Videos in this Help Manual, you can watch them directly from our Website. Go to the Training page.


REQUIRED: If you download the videos, you are required to have a browser application installed such as Internet Explorer, Google Chrome, or Firefox. However, the browser is not required to be on-line to run the videos, so an Internet connection is not necessary. Additionally, you may need to have Adobe Shockwave Player installed as the videos are the SWF file type. This is required if you don't have a browser. You can get Adobe Shockwave Player here: http://get.adobe.com/shockwave/


SECURITY: Your site may have security protocols and policies in place that prevent Internet access and/or Firewalls in place to prevent downloading. Please contact your IT Group if you have problems with running videos or with downloading files. They may be able to obtain these files for you.



We recommend that you:


1. Review the Data Entry Walkthrough topic and watch the Training Videos for setting up the program. Note: For more in-depth training, there are additional videos that you can access directly from our Website.


2. In order to download a Training Video, go to our Training page and right-click on the video link. In the fly-out box select Save target as or Save link as, depending on which Browser you use. Note: You cannot download a video from within this Help Manual.


3. Use this Help Manual for detailed information.