Using the Help Manual

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Using the Help Manual

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The Help Central menu provides convenient links to all of the different Topics in the Manual. The link to Help Central is always at the top of the Contents (tab) window. You can also use the Help Topics in the Contents window to directly access all of the topics, open the Index, or Search for information.


The Help Central Menu also provides you with important links to the Matrix Security Website. Matrix Security is the developer of SiteMaster and provides technical information, documents, software updates, and access to online technical support inquiries. Another important link is to the Allegion Customer Service Website for all inquiries and information regarding all products.



There are four different ways to open the Help Manual:


1. Click on the Training & Support button that's always available under the Main Button Bar.


2. Click on the help manual question mark button on the Main Button Bar.


3. From the pull-down Help Menu select, SITEMASTER 200® Help.


4. On your keyboard press the F1 key.



Using the Help Manual:


After you open the Help Manual, once you click your mouse or select an object anywhere in the software program, the Help Manual is minimized to the bottom of your screen (Taskbar). At any time you can reopen the Help Manual by either clicking on its button or pressing the F1 key on your keyboard.



Contents Tab and Help Central Links


1. The Contents window (Tab) is like a book and is divided up into Chapters and then Topics within each Chapter. The set of tabs in the left window pane also include an Index (Tab) and a Search (Tab) for quickly locating specific information in the Manual. You may also add topics to the Favorites (Tab) for topics that you frequently visit or wish to review.


2. The Chapters in the Contents window are the book-like icons, and when you double-click on them they open up and display the Topics inside. You can also access all of the help topics from the Help Central Main Menu by clicking your mouse on any of the text links on the page.


3. When you open a topic, at the top of the topic's page are text links to all of the subjects inside the topic. Within the body of the topic are also additional links to other related topics and subjects.


4. For training purposes, the Help Manual is formatted so that you can read each topic from its beginning to end. As you become more familiar with the program, use the text links at the beginning of each topic to look up specific subject information.



Index Tab


Click on the Index Tab to display the complete Index of the Help Manual. When you select an item in the Index, you jump to that item within the topic. This is the quickest way to find specific information.



Search Tab


Click on the Search Tab to begin a search on a keyword(s). This is a powerful search engine that locates your word or words anywhere that they appear in the Help Manual. The search engine allows you to narrow your search so that, for example, you may find your word in a specific Topic. When you press the Display button you jump to the beginning of that Topic where the keyword(s) is highlighted within its body. You may have to scroll through the topic to find the highlighted keyword.



Navigation Icons


The Navigation Icons at the top left of the Help Manual allows you to hide the Help Topic's window pane, navigate forward and backward, go back Home to the Help Central page, print the selected topic, and access an Options menu for performing special tasks.



Resizing the Help Manual


You can use your mouse to drag and re-size the Help Manual's screen. The next time you open the manual, it will be that size. For example, you're in the Program and want to learn about one of the data-loading Wizards. You can adjust the size of the Help Manual, so you can watch the training video while studying the Wizard's screen in the Program.



Printing the Help Manual


Click on the Print icon button to print the topic that's currently selected. You can print out each topic separately but not the entire manual at once. Both text and pictures will be resized to fit on the pages. Note: If you print the Help Manual you will lose valuable links between topic information that can only be included with an interactive document.



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