Quick: Key Systems iStock_000015183192Large

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Adding Key Systems


1. Go to the Key Systems screen and either select one of the preloaded Schlage or Falcon system types, or click the Add button to add a new one.

2. If you're adding a new key system, on the Manufacturer's System field look up (Binoculars button) the system that the new key system is based upon.

3. Type in the Client (Key System Name), TMK (Top Master Key Bitting), TMK Symbol (i.e., GGM, A), and Control Key(s) (Bitting(s)) only if the system is SFIC. Separate multiple Control Key bittings with commas.

4. If you've selected one of the preloaded system types, click on the Edit button and change the fields in Step 3 to match your system's information.

5. Click the Save button to store the basic information.


Note: If you're importing an Allegion factory system, then using the import wizard will add the information. You will only need to name the Key System on the import screen, or select one you've already added.



Load Key Number & Cylinder/Core Records

Builds Key Numbers, Cylinder/Cores (Keygroups), Pinning Charts, and Pinning Screens simultaneously.


Three built-in Wizards:


1. Utilities Menu > Import/Export Utilities > Load Allegion Registered Key System

> Imports your system produced from the Key Records Department.

> Updates to your system can be imported later.

2. Key Systems screen > Create System Keys button (The Combinator)

> This is a key system generator.

> Requires a good working knowledge of master keying.

> Produces Key Numbers (default) and Symbols based on the Door Hardware Institute's guidelines.

> Many of the standard one and two step systems can be built.

3. Key Systems screen > Add Key Numbers and Cylinders Wizard

> Quickly loads key system by typing in key number information.

> Does not matter if your key number information is incomplete such as missing bittings.

> The key number is the only required field

> You can also load single-keyed cylinders to your system.

4. For more help see Key Systems.