Quick: Personnel & Key Issuance

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Quick: Personnel & Key Issuance

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Manually Add Personnel


1. On the Main Button Bar, click on the Personnel button.

2. Click the Add button.

3. Type in the information.

4. Click the Save button.



Import Personnel


1. On the Utilities menu, select Import/Export Utilities and then Import Personnel from Text File.

2. Click the Browse button on the File to Import field.

3. Look up and select your comma-separated text file.

4. Use the data buttons on the bottom of the screen to align and/or skip data types.

5. Use the right and left arrow buttons to preview and step through records.

6. Click the Finish button to begin import.

7. For more help see Importing Personnel.



Issuing Keys


1. On the Main Button Bar, click on the Personnel button.

2. Look up and select the person to issue keys.

3. Click on the Key Issuances tab button.

4. Click on the Issue Keys button.

5. Select either the By Building Room or By Key Number method to issue keys.

6. Look up the rooms or keys.

7. Select a room/key record to issue and click the right to left button between the lists.

8. Validate, look up, and/or change any of the key issuance information fields.

9. Do the same for issuing additional keys.

10. Preview/Print a key issuance receipt.

11. Click the Finish button.

12. For more help see Issuing Keys.

13. Watch the Training Video Personnel & Key Issuance.



Issuing Key Rings


To Add a Key Ring


1. On the Main Button Bar, click on Key Rings.

2. Click the Add button to add a ring.

3. Type in the ring information.

4. Click on the Add/Remove Keys button.

5. Look up and add keys to the ring.

6. Click the Finish button.

7. Click the Save button.

8. For more help see Key Rings.


To Issue a Key Ring


1. On the Main Button Bar, click on the Personnel button.

2. Look up and select the person to issue a key ring.

3. Click on the Key Issuances tab button.

4. Click on the Issue Key Ring button.

5. Look up the key ring.

6. Click the right to left arrow button to issue the ring.

7. Validate, look up, and/or change any of the key ring issuance information fields.

8. Preview/Print a key issuance receipt.

9. Click the Finish button.

10. For more help see Issuing Key Rings.

11. Watch the Training Video Personnel & Key Issuance.



Understanding the Key Audit Trail System


Go to The Key Audit Trail System for Key Numbers.