Quick: Manufacturer's Systems and Key Systems for Full Version Users

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Quick: Manufacturer's Systems and Key Systems for Full Version Users

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You will have very little interaction with these features in SiteMaster, because everything is already set up for you. You will only need to select the Manufacturer's System when importing your Allegion Registered Key System(s), adding a miscellaneous Key Number or Cylinder/Core, or when setting up Keyway relationships for downward compatible restricted systems (If any). Any other features relating to Manufacturer's Systems in this Help Manual, not listed below, are features in the Lockshop Enhancement Upgrade product.



What you need to know:


1. For importing your Allegion Registered Key System.


2. Importing existing Schlage or Falcon Systems using the Key/Core Loader File.


You also select the Manufacturer's System and Key System for the following:


3. Adding Key Number records manually. You may only add these records to the preloaded systems. Note: You will also need to add the corresponding Cylinder/Core record if you want to key up a door. Add a Key Number


4. Adding Cylinder/Core records manually. You may only add these records to the preloaded systems. For example, you want to add a cross-keyed cylinder for a special purpose.


5. When looking up and assigning Keyways that operate other Keyways for a restricted downward compatible system. Set Up Keyway Relationships

Note: You do this after you've imported the downward compatible system from Allegion.