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Before You Begin


Enter Registration Number, Register SiteMaster, and Activate SiteMaster - If you have not already done so, enter your registration number into SiteMaster, register your software on-line with Matrix Security, Inc., and then activate your SITEMASTER 200® v4 program. This must be done in order to use the program and to receive support, updates, and upgrades. If you can't register SiteMaster on-line, you can call (800) 622-4893.


Attention: To enter your registration number if you are currently in the Demonstration version, from the Utilities pull-down menu in the Administration program, select Enter Registration Number or Activation Key. You may also quit SiteMaster, and you will be prompted to enter your registration number when you run the program the next time.


Activation Key - The Activation Key that you receive from Matrix Security is temporary, and you only need to use it once for the original install. If you install SiteMaster on multiple computers you will no longer need to activate SiteMaster on those other computers. However, if you need to get a new activation key, please contact Matrix Security. To enter your Activation Key, from the Utilities pull-down menu in the Administration program, select Enter Registration Number or Activation Key. To obtain your Activation Key, you can either call Matrix Security at (800) 622-4893 or go to our Website,


Two Versions of SiteMaster - This Help Manual covers both versions of SiteMaster 200 v4. This includes SiteMaster v4 Full Version and SiteMaster v4 Full Version with Lockshop Enhancement. The Lockshop Enhancement Version adds the Key Systems and the Manufacturer's Systems Screens to the Program. When navigating this Help Manual, you may see a Topic or Heading displaying the Upgrade image. This refers to the Lockshop Enhancement Version. If you own the SiteMaster v4 Full Version, you may upgrade to the Lockshop Enhancement Version directly from Matrix Security. To find out more about the two different versions, go to Two Versions of SiteMaster v4.


External Links - There are Internet links in this Help Manual for accessing both the Matrix Security and Allegion Websites. We also provide other links, so you may run Training Videos from within this Help Manual. We also realize that some sites restrict Internet access and employ their own security policies regarding user rights for running and installing software applications. For example, we provide a way to download the Training Videos, so you may run them locally without Internet access. However, to run the videos this way a media player may be required, or you may need to have a Browser installed that's used off-line. If you are a user with such restrictions, please contact your IT Group for assistance. Here are the requirements for SITEMASTER 200® v4, that you can share with your IT Group: Requirements


Passwords and Administrators - Passwords are required in version 4, and program users are added to SiteMaster and set up in the Administration Program that you may access when you log into SiteMaster. The default administrator password is: User Name = ADMIN and Password = ADMIN, but you may have already changed the password. This preloaded ADMIN user is a "Super Administrator," and this user cannot be deleted or have its permissions modified. We recommend, that you edit the name of the ADMIN user, because all SiteMaster programs come with this user's name. We encourage you to add another user as an Administrator, and not to use the Super Administrator as an operational user. Do not forget the Super Administrator's log in, especially if you don't have another administrator user added to SiteMaster.The password that you type in to change your password MUST MATCH the complexity settings of your Windows password settings. If you don’t know what those are ask your IT Group. Later, it’s important that you set up the password complexity settings used in SiteMaster (Administration Program > Access Control screen) to match those used in Windows.


Get Notified - Go to the Matrix Security Website (, and on any page click the Subscribe link to be added to our notification email list. Matrix Security will notify you of updates, upgrades, add-ons, and provide other important information.


Get Going with SiteMaster - To quickly learn how to operate the program and to get going, review the Data Entry Walkthrough topic. This topic also has some links to related Training Videos for System Setup. We also encourage you to visit our website to view all of our Training Videos. Go to: To learn more about the optional Training Videos and what's required to play them, go to About the Training Videos.


Your Registration Number and Product Information - You can locate your program's Registration Number from the pull-down Help Menu in the Administration Program. Select the item, "SITEMASTER 200® Registration Number." This window provides you with additional information about your SiteMaster product. For example, number of user licenses, and any add-ons that you've purchased.


Loading in Your v3 Data - If you own SITEMASTER 200® version 3 and need to convert your data to version 4, click here to find out how.


Demodata - The Demodata (dataset) is a fully functional and unlimited dataset in terms of records. However, you may only run SiteMaster in demonstration mode for a limited length of time, before it rebuilds the data back to the original demodata. Once you activate SiteMaster, the Demodata no longer has any limitations. If you're running the full version of the program and you want to experiment in order to get used to the software, you can switch to the "Demodata" dataset. Go to the pull-down "Utilities" menu at the top of the screen in the User Program, select dataset Utilities. From the window, select Demodata. Click on the Select button. Use the same procedure to switch back to the SM20040 dataset.


Back Up Your Data - Once you start to enter your working data, we highly recommend that you back it up on a regular basis. Please contact your IT Group to discuss the implementation of SITEMASTER 200®, so that your program and your data is maintained and backed up properly. Backing Up Data


Technical Program Information - Important information about requirement, capacities, and images. Technical Program Information



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